Chapter 232

The courier boy’s face turned pale with fright. Although he didn’t have much knowledge, he knew that he was driving a luxury car. The rear door panels have to be replaced.

The courier boy said with tears in his voice, "I... I didn't do it on purpose... I was in a hurry to deliver the goods... I didn't pay attention..."

Xiao Wu said: "You can't break the rules if you are rushing to deliver the goods!" He was going to call the police. There is no dispute about this matter, and the courier brother must be fully responsible.

Xu Chunliang is inconvenient to talk. After all, this incident was caused by someone sending them off. Now there are courier boys all over the street, violations of regulations are emerging one after another. I know that their life is not easy, but they can't ignore their safety.

Elder Qiao and Xu Changshan also got out of the car, looked at the damage of the car, Xu Changshan blamed himself: "It's all my fault, if it wasn't for sending us this trip, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

Qiao Lao laughed and said, "Mr. Xu, what are you talking about, and what does it have to do with you? Xiao Wu, forget it."

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, but since Mr. Qiao had spoken, he didn't dare to refute.

Mr. Qiao explained a few words to the courier boy, telling him to be careful when riding a bicycle in the future. Fortunately, he is fine this time. If he hurts his body, he will not be able to make any money.

Seeing it, Xu Changshan secretly praised Qiao for his kindness, and he would definitely have handled it in the same way.

Xu Chunliang believes that this is not only a matter of kindness, but also of the situation. Of course, with Qiao's status and status, he can't be bothered with a small person at the bottom of society.

Mr. Qiao asked Xiaowu to send the two of them to Huichun Hall. Xu Changshan felt a little sorry and wanted to invite Mr. Qiao to sit down. Mr. Qiao said that he still had an appointment in the evening. After saying goodbye to Xu Chunliang, he drove away.

Xu Changshan stood at the door and watched the car go away. Xu Chunliang touched the old man's arm and said, "Don't look, he is a rich man."

Xu Changshan said: "This old man Qiao has a kind heart."

Xu Chunliang laughed: "You two can chat, one has a kind heart and the other has a kind heart."

Xu Changshan sighed and said: "Old man." Suddenly remembered his half bag of Chinese medicine: "My Chinese medicine!"

Xu Chunliang also forgot because of the episode just now.

Just when Zhao Feiyang was smug, a protest suddenly happened without warning.At ten o'clock in the morning on Monday, it was the busiest time of the hospital. Dozens of banners hung down from the outpatient building under renovation.

It says:

Strongly demand that corruption be severely punished!

Resolutely resist Huanian Group's bad behavior of annexing state-owned assets!
Resolutely safeguard the interests of the masses!

Give me Changxing a bright future!


The protest came so suddenly. Although he knew that the reform of the public hospital would cause dissatisfaction among some employees in the hospital, he did not expect the protest to be so strong.

Nearly [-] employees quickly gathered on the square in front of the outpatient building. They wore hospital overalls and lined up neatly. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the restructuring in a silent manner without slogans or noise.

The medical staff have their worries. After the restructuring of Changxing, will they still be able to keep their jobs in public hospitals?
Although Zhao Feiyang has made promises time and time again, he has not won the trust of everyone. After the restructuring, the retention of elite talents is also a practical problem that must be faced. Since there is no staff, why do the elites of these hospitals still Staying in Changxing, they can go to other private hospitals to seek higher salaries.

This is the largest collective protest since Changjian Academy was built.

When the incident happened, Zhao Feiyang was in a meeting at the Health Bureau. When he heard the news, his first reaction was that someone was behind the scenes and deliberately chose such an opportunity to create an influence. The signing of the Group in [-] prevented the completion of the reform of public hospitals.

Before he returned to Changxing, someone had already sent him the photos of the scene. Zhao Feiyang suddenly felt dizzy when he saw the neatly lined up medical staff in front of the outpatient building. The whip lashed at his heart.

If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse!

Zhao Feiyang doesn't think he has committed any corruption. The purpose of publicizing his property is to prove it to all employees. How many leaders of public hospitals dare to do like him?

Zhao Feiyang understood that he violated the interests of these people, most of these people were thinking about themselves, they didn't think about Changxing, these short-sighted guys!
Zhao Feiyang first called Gao Xinhua and asked Gao Xinhua to contact the network supervision department to control public opinion.He remembered very clearly that the last time he ate at Minnan Seafood City, Gao Xinhua happened to have a banquet in the next room for Lu Ming, the person in charge of the internet monitoring department.

Gao Xinhua said that he would try his best, implying that I can help you do it, but I can't guarantee the result. In fact, he still got to know Lu Ming through Xu Chunliang. It would be more appropriate to entrust Xu Chunliang to do it, but Gao Xinhua decided not to Xu Chunliang got involved.

Although Zhao Feiyang knew that Gao Xinhua would not be perfunctory, he still felt uneasy in his heart. During this period of time, he and Gao Xinhua seemed to be on good terms, and he even had a strange idea, whether Gao Xinhua was involved in the medical staff's disturbance this time in?
After hanging up the phone, he contacted the secretary Chen Xing'an again. At this time, it is best for Chen Xing'an to come forward to stabilize the situation. What made him depressed was that Chen Xing'an didn't answer his calls at all, which had never happened in the past Phenomenon.

Chen Xing'an was sitting in the office, looking at the phone on the table, and he didn't snort disdainfully until the ringing ended.

Whether it was the era of Gu Houyi or Zhao Feiyang, he always abided by his duties and minimized his own sense of existence. It was not because he had no desire for power, but because of the rules of the health system, and the distribution of power in this system was like this.

No matter which hospital, the secretary is a symbolic existence. Although it is a symbol, although I don’t fight for power and profit, you can’t pretend that I don’t exist, and no hospital can be separated from the leadership of the party.

Chen Xing'an stood up and stretched his arms. He felt very happy today. The sun outside was just right. From his angle, he could see bright red banners hanging from the upstairs of the outpatient clinic. Some people wanted to use black and white. Chen Xing'an didn't think so. Yes, they are protesting against foreign capital, not Changxing itself.

Chen Xing'an understood that without the support of the city, Zhao Feiyang would not have dared to make such drastic reforms, but this step is going too far.

Although the supply of medical resources is in short supply, and the calls for social capital to participate in the reform of public hospitals are getting louder and louder, but throughout the country, almost all reformed hospitals have no successful precedents.

For example, in the nearby Zhongwu City, a few years ago, the reform of public hospitals made great efforts, but it did not end in failure in the end. The problems caused by this led to the dismissal of a series of officials.

The lesson from the past is right in front of us, if Zhao Feiyang dares to do this, isn't he afraid of turning the boat over?
Chen Xing'an thought of the word greedy for profit. Although Zhao Feiyang announced his property, Chen Xing'an still insisted that it was just a show. Maybe he does not have much property now, but it does not mean that he will not have it in the future.

After the merger of Changxing and Huanian Group, the established Dongzhou Huanian Medical Management Co., Ltd. is headed by Zhao Feiyang. His salary can be imagined, and it only takes one year to equal all his previous salary income.

Chen Xing'an repeatedly thought about a question, it's not that you, Zhao Feiyang, are worth so much money, it's because you stand on Changxing's shoulders, if it wasn't for Changxing, Huanian Group would have given you such a high salary?

Chen Xing'an has raised a question many times, what will everyone think after private capital enters the hospital.

In today’s society, the perception of private hospitals is still in the impression of low-end hospitals. Capital is profit-seeking. In order to obtain higher revenue, private hospitals will charge exorbitant prices for diagnosis and treatment. How to provide medical care for the health of citizens? Guarantee service?But his appeal did not attract the attention of relevant leaders.

The mobile phone on the table rang again, Chen Xing'an turned around and went back, this time it was not Zhao Feiyang calling, but Vice President Gao Xinhua.

Chen Xing'an thought for a while and connected the phone.

Gao Xinhua asked Chen Xing'an to go with him to the scene to persuade those medical staff who participated in the protest to go back to work quickly. This incident has already caused extremely bad social impact on Changxing, and now it is uploaded everywhere on major social media.

Gao Xinhua sought the opinions of the network supervision department. The impact of this matter may affect the whole country, and the city attaches great importance to this matter.

Chen Xing'an said that he was tending flowers and plants in the office and didn't know the situation outside. He was acting stupid, but he agreed to go to the scene with Gao Xinhua.

Chen Xing'an came downstairs to the administration building and met Gao Xinhua who was already waiting for him there. Gao Xinhua sighed and said, "More than 300 medical staff in white coats were standing in front of the outpatient building to make trouble. This time, Changxing is famous all over the country." gone."

Chen Xing'an said calmly: "It saved a lot of publicity fees."

Gao Xinhua said: "If the reputation is ruined, everyone will be unlucky."

Gao Xinhua has a sense of collective honor, which is related to his experience in the army, but he found that the more senior intellectuals gather, the weaker the sense of collective honor is, and they value personal interests more.

Chen Xing'an sighed, "Is Changxing still famous?"

When the two arrived in front of the outpatient building, all the protesting medical staff had disbanded. It lasted less than 15 minutes. It was not because they were afraid of trouble, but because everyone had a job. dissatisfaction, they will not vent this dissatisfaction on the patient.

What happens to the patients if there is a general strike?Medical staff should put saving lives and healing the wounded first at all times, which is also a tacit agreement they have reached in advance
The banners hanging on the upper floor of the outpatient clinic have also been removed, leaving only a group of ordinary people watching the excitement.

Chen Xing'an said meaningfully: "Isn't it all right?"

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(End of this chapter)

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