Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 277 Fighting

Chapter 277 Fighting
Lu Qi was also a fan of kickboxing, and he reminded loudly: "Leave the corner, leave..." The reminder didn't seem to have any effect, Xu Chunliang had already been cornered by Li Tingjun.

When Li Tingjun was about to attack with combined punches, Xu Chunliang got short and slid out of the gap.

Li Tingjun's set of combined punches failed as soon as he punched out. Not only was he stunned, but the other onlookers were also stunned. How did this guy escape?

Xu Chunliang jumped and waved to Li Tingjun, meaning you come here.

Li Tingjun said in his heart that this kid is too irritating, is he going to use this method to consume my energy?

He has so much experience, he slowly approached Xu Chunliang, and when he came to a suitable distance, he hooked him with a fist.

Li Tingjun wanted to sweep Xu Chunliang off his back alone.

Xu Chunliang had seen through Li Tingjun's intentions before he activated it, leaped into the air, avoided Li Tingjun's sweep, and continued to retreat towards the rope circle.

Sheng Chaohui issued a warning to Xu Chunliang. His behavior was passive-aggressive, and points would be deducted in the official competition. Although he was afraid of Xu Chunliang in his heart, he still had to show some professionalism.

At this time, it was time for the first round, and the two went back to rest. Lu Qi came behind Xu Chunliang to massage his shoulders, and reminded Xu Chunliang to attack, otherwise, he would definitely lose in the end.

Xu Chunliang secretly laughed in his heart. He had seen Li Tingjun's tactics clearly. Li Tingjun's actual combat ability was better than Sheng Chaohui's, but it was still far behind him.

Li Tingjun sat on the opposite side and stared at Xu Chunliang covetously. In the first game, he didn't hit Xu Chunliang effectively. He began to realize that the opponent's footwork was too strong.

Li Tingjun deliberately provocatively said: "Xiao Wang, what do you call Bajiquan? The soft Taiji is not as good as it!" He also started a psychological war.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I'll let you taste it right away."

After a 1-minute break, the two fought again. When Xu Chunliang entered the field, it was like a different person. He rushed forward and hit Li Tingjun's body with his shoulder.It seems to use the shoulders as the point of force, but in fact it combines the twisting force of the waist and hips, and leans towards him with all the strength of the whole body.

Li Tingjun wanted to give him a hug, but although he hugged Xu Chunliang's body, Xu Chunliang's body twisted suddenly, and Li Tingjun felt as if he was hugging a big python.

Xu Chunliang didn't use the standard Bajiquan at all, sticking to the mountain and using the giant python to stand up, at his level, any moves can be integrated without any trace of patchwork.

Opening the door and shooting, the six forces are combined into one, the strength of the six openings plus the power of the python boxing, fully exerting the strength of the body.

Li Tingjun realized that he couldn't hold Xu Chunliang at all, let alone throw him to the ground. His arms were shaken away by the opponent's body. Xu Chunliang pushed his shoulder into the middle door and hit Li Tingjun's chest with his shoulder.

As if a sledgehammer had hit Li Tingjun's chest, Li Tingjun was knocked back three steps in a row by the force, trying to get rid of the force, but Xu Chunliang rushed up at an astonishing speed and punched him in the face. Go, Li Tingjun is a battle-tested veteran after all, tilting his head, dodging has become his instinctive reaction.

He hid quickly, but Xu Chunliang's changes were even faster. Li Tingjun saw Xu Chunliang's arm twist unbelievably, as if the bones were pulled out instantly, and it came back at an unexpected angle like a big snake.

Xu Chunliang's right fist hit Li Tingjun's left cheek, making his sweat splash everywhere, and the flesh on his face trembled violently with the punch.

Li Tingjun retreated to the rope ring, Xu Chunliang did not continue to pursue.

Seeing that he had missed the opportunity to defeat the enemy, Lu Qi anxiously shouted from the side: "Attack! By attacking!"

Xu Chunliang just looked at Li Tingjun with a smile, gave him enough breathing room, and then waved at him provocatively. Li Tingjun was enraged. If he was defeated by young people in two rounds in front of so many students, what would happen to him in the future? To win people's trust?

Li Tingjun plucked up the courage to charge towards Xu Chunliang again, and started his attack with a combination of punches.

Xu Chunliang found that even for a Sanda champion like Li Tingjun, his performance in the arena is mainly Western boxing, and almost no Chinese martial arts routines are used. Martial arts is more like gymnastics, which has deviated from the original essence of defeating the enemy and killing people.

Facing Li Tingjun's attack, Xu Chunliang easily dodged with only eight steps of the spirit snake.

The students in the arena saw that Li Tingjun had defeated Xu Chunliang, and thought he had the upper hand, cheering and cheering were endless.

Only Li Tingjun, who was in the arena, complained secretly. Although the scene was beautiful at the moment, he tried his best and still failed to hit Xu Chunliang. This guy's footwork is too flexible, making people dizzy and uncontrollable.

Seeing that the second round was coming to an end, Li Tingjun used another Pao Fist. Pao Fist belongs to fire.

Xu Chunliang also greeted him with a punch, and the two fists collided, making a violent impact sound. Xu Chunliang remained motionless, but Li Tingjun was shocked by him and took a step back before gaining a foothold.

Sheng Chaohui, who was the referee, saw very clearly that Li Tingjun was not Xu Chunliang's opponent at all. If Xu Chunliang wanted to beat him, he could win him in one round, but Xu Chunliang was like a cat teasing a mouse. Only then did he show his fangs.

Li Tingjun is not an idiot. After the second round, he realized that his chances of winning today are slim. He took off his mouthguard and smiled at Xu Chunliang: "You are awesome, Xiao Wang, you don't seem to be fighting Bajiquan, it's not as good as ours." As of today's point, how about a draw?"

Xu Chunliang shook his head: "It's not too late, Director Li is not afraid, is he?"

Li Tingjun laughed loudly: "Then let's continue to practice." After looking at Sheng Chaohui, this old thing is not real, and he agreed to let me help teach him a lesson. He offended Sheng Chaohui at that time, and he found such a master to smash his position.

Sheng Chaohui also noticed Li Tingjun's resentful eyes, and said in his heart, don't blame me, I am also a mud bodhisattva, and I can't protect myself when crossing the river. Whoever caused the trouble will bear it himself. The 3 minutes of the third round are the most difficult for you. Xu Chunliang's Temper, it would be strange if he could let you go.

The third round started, and Xu Chunliang stepped onto the ring without wearing a mouthguard, turning a deaf ear to Lu Qi's reminder.

Li Tingjun's strategy for this round was to replace defense with offense. As long as he survived this round, at least his face would be saved.

When the bell rang, Li Tingjun attacked Xu Chunliang's chest with a right lunge and a left punch. Xu Chunliang folded his chest and retracted his abdomen, and shrank to avoid the opponent's left fist. While dodging, he used his left arm to block Li Tingjun's left wrist.

At the same time, a right punch hit Li Tingjun's head like lightning, and Li Tingjun was staggered. He wanted to squat down to avoid Xu Chunliang's punch, but the speed of the opponent's punch was too fast. Came out, but couldn't dodge the punch at all.

Xu Chunliang didn't give him the slightest chance to breathe, he quickly took a step forward with his right foot, caught Li Tingjun's left leg with his right leg, and hit Li Tingjun's jaw with his right elbow.

Li Tingjun was shot with gold stars in front of his eyes. If he hadn't been wearing a mouthguard, he might have bitten off half of his tongue. He staggered back a few steps, dizzy. Xu Chunliang's move was from the ground of Bajiquan The Sky Cannon evolved.

An expert looking at the doorway, Sheng Chaohui saw the origin of this punch, and thought to himself that this guy really understands Bajiquan.

With a roar, Li Tingjun took a step to the left, and punched Xu Chunliang's heart with his left jab. Xu Chunliang's left arm came out of the river like a giant python, and hit Li Tingjun's right wrist accurately. This punch also successfully dispelled his attack.If he wasn't wearing gloves, this move should be grasping, directly holding the opponent's right wrist, and restraining the opponent's attack.

He took a step forward with his right foot, twisted his body to the left, and hit Li Tingjun's left elbow with his right elbow.

Li Tingjun's left elbow went numb, and his entire left arm lost consciousness instantly. Xu Chunliang moved his left foot close to Li Tingjun, and hit Li Tingjun's abdomen with his right fist. Unable to let go of the force of the fist, I felt that my internal organs were convulsed by the punch.

This punch evolved from the hands of Yingfeng Chaoyang of Bajiquan.

In desperation, Li Tingjun retreated with his left foot. Xu Chunliang no longer gave him a chance to breathe, and hit him on the head with his right fist. The defensive action of blocking outwards, but still failed to block Xu Chunliang's heavy punch.

Li Tingjun continued to retreat with his right foot, gained a firm foothold during the retreat, made a left lunge, and counterattacked Xu Chunliang's head with his right fist. He was able to organize a counterattack even when he was at a disadvantage, which shows that he has rich experience.

Xu Chunliang supported Li Tingjun's right elbow with both fists, and easily deflected his counterattack. He stepped forward with his right foot, and the sole of his foot hit the ring hard. He fell short, bent his left arm, and hit Li Tingjun's heart with the tip of his elbow. , this is the overlord in Bajiquan.

Li Tingjun had been hit on the head one after another just now, he was already dizzy, and his heart was hit hard again, how could he stand still, his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ring.

It was too late for Sheng Chaohui to stop. Xu Chunliang didn't give him a chance to breathe this time. He took a step forward, threw his right foot out like a scorpion's tail, hooked his foot on Li Tingjun's jaw, and kicked Li Tingjun's head back exaggeratedly. With a bang, he fell onto the ring.

Sheng Chaohui hurried forward to stop Xu Chunliang, and Lu Qi also called for a stop from the audience. If no one stopped, I was really worried that Li Tingjun would be beaten to death by Xu Chunliang on the spot.

Xu Chunliang winked at Sheng Chaohui, Sheng Chaohui looked pained, he didn't want to do it but he had to do it, he stuffed a pill into Li Tingjun's mouth with an extremely concealed gesture, then unscrewed a bottle of water and poured it into him.

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(End of this chapter)

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