Chapter 299
After spending a lot of money, but with no effect, they decided to leave the hospital.

Huang Jiucheng experienced such a long period of torture, and his spirit collapsed several times. During this period, he committed suicide once and was found and rescued. There was only an old mother and daughter at home. The mother had to go out to earn money for his medical treatment. Huang Zichun took a leave of absence from school and stayed by his side for a moment.

He was afraid that if he left him, he would commit suicide again. Huang Jiucheng had once had a good time, but now he has come to such a fate. It should be said that he has brought the blame on himself. The reason why he chose to commit suicide was not to drag down his mother and daughter. From this point of view, he still It's kind of a conscience.

Laughing endlessly is the evidence of the heart. The five elements of the heart belong to fire, and fire is the son of fire, that is, earth is the son of fire. Therefore, the evidence of the Heart Sutra should choose Shenmen acupoint.

Shenmen: God, opposite to ghosts, also has Qi; door, entrance and exit.This point belongs to the Heart Meridian of Hand Taiyin, and Shenmen means that the qi and blood substances in the heart meridian in the body are transferred to the heart meridian on the surface of the body.

Shenmen point is connected with the internal meridians of the Heart Meridian because of the pores in the ground. .

Shenmen acupoint belongs to soil, and the movement of qi and blood substances changes to heat dissipation and evaporation after gathering in this acupoint, which has the immovable nature of soil, so this acupoint belongs to soil.

Xu Chunliang took out the needle sac he carried with him, selected the Shenmen acupoint on the ulnar side of the transverse wrist crease, the radial depression of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, and injected the needle.

Use purging method to treat Huang Jiucheng's heart disease.

According to "Lingshu Benshu", the "Nanjing" puts forward the mother-child supplement method, that is, the yin meridian well Yingshu Jinghe Wushu takes the wood fire warrior gold water as the attribute; the yang meridian takes the gold water wood fire warrior as the attribute, and uses The sequence of mutual generation of the five elements is consistent with the affiliation of the five internal organs and the five elements. The mother is the mother, and the child is the child, arranged as a method of nourishing and reducing the mother and reducing the child.

"Nanjing 73 Difficulties" puts forward the requirements of supplementing and reducing: the wells are the wood, and the Xing are the fire.The fire is the son of the wood, and the one who stabs the well is used to purge it.Therefore, it is said in the scriptures that tonics cannot be used as purgatives, and those that are purged cannot be used as tonics, this is also called.

Xu Chunliang took out two needles and pierced Huang Jiucheng's left and right Shenmen acupoints one after another, using the purging method to purify the earth-type qi and blood substances, so as to improve the heart disease.

Although Huang Zichun is young, he has experienced much more hardships than children of the same age. Knowing that Xu Chunliang is doing acupuncture for his father, his previous vigilance and hostility towards Xu Chunliang gradually faded away.

It's just that she doesn't trust doctors. Since her father was released from prison, she has accompanied him to see a doctor everywhere, and went to many hospitals. Grandma has spent all her little savings, but her father's illness has not improved but is getting worse. When Fei's medication was stopped, she still remembered the indifferent and heartless faces of the medical staff. She didn't have a good impression of the hospital or the doctors in her heart.

Hua Zhuyue watched Xu Chunliang give the needle, and thought that Huang Jiucheng's illness was cured. Thinking back to the Seven Star in Dongzhou, DJ was bitten and poisoned by the black widow, it was Xu Chunliang who rescued her. A dying person can Rescue, let alone a patient.

In fact, for Xu Chunliang, detoxification is easier than curing diseases. Poisoning and detoxification are his old profession, and treating diseases is just a side job. However, times have changed. It seems that in today's era, people treat diseases more often.

"Haha...ho..." Huang Jiucheng's laughter stopped abruptly.

He opened his mouth wide, and the muscles of his face were finally able to rest for a moment. He felt a dull pain in the jaw joint. After he stopped suddenly, it was as if someone had pierced his ear canal with two sharp vertebrae. All these were the consequences of the change in the position of the joints. The pain subsides rapidly over time.

Xu Chunliang said meaningfully: "You haven't laughed that long in your whole life, have you?"

Huang Jiucheng looked at Xu Chunliang in astonishment, how long has he been laughing?It has been more than three months, and he has been laughing most of the day, even if he stops, he will cry immediately, Huang Jiucheng has long been worse than death.

Although it was only a momentary interruption, he already felt how happy it is to be a person who is neither happy nor sad. Thinking of this, a feeling of sadness arises spontaneously, and tears flow down his face instantly.

Huang Zichun saw his father stopped laughing strangely. He had just seen hope, but in a blink of an eye his father started crying again, and his heart sank again.

Xu Chunliang said: "Dirty and irritable, if you hadn't met me, you would have died laughing or crying."

Huang Jiucheng said with tears in his eyes, "Help me..." He understood that today he met an expert.

Xu Chunliang selected the Shaohai acupoint at the depression of the ulnar side of the elbow stripes to inject the needle, and the Shaohai acupoint was the combined point of the heart meridian of Shaoyin of the hand.

The sea is the confluence of all rivers, deep and boundless.

In the human body, Shaoyin is the most of the six meridians.Also, the treatment of diseases at this acupoint is extremely complicated, and the diseases involving multiple meridians are like many diseases that come and go, so it is called Shaohai.

The diseases it treats are deficiency and excess in the exterior and interior, cold and heat, and diseases of the seven emotions, including madness, salivation, stiff neck, arm pain, tooth pain, dizziness, head wind, qi reversal, scrofula, etc. It also has the meaning of being inclusive.

Not long after Xu Chunliang dropped the needle, Huang Jiucheng stopped crying. He had no urge to laugh or cry now, and felt like the long-distance marathon was finally over.

It's been three months!For three full months, he finally stopped, neither crying nor fussing, his whole body felt exhausted, he was exhausted, he used to be tired, but he couldn’t stop crying and laughing, now he could finally stop, he actually fell asleep Yes, too tired.

Seeing his father lying there motionless suddenly, Huang Zichun couldn't help but feel panic. Didn't his father let this doctor put him to death?The kid now has complete distrust of doctors.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard his father's sweet snoring. Only then did he know that his father was asleep, and he was overjoyed.

Hua Zhuyue said: "I can't sleep here, it's too cold outside."

Huang Zichun wanted to help his father up in the past, but he couldn't bear to disturb his father's sweet dreams. His father hadn't slept soundly for more than three months.

Xu Chunliang said, "Where is his room?"

Huang Zichun pointed inside.

Xu Chunliang picked up Huang Jiucheng. Due to excessive consumption, Huang Jiucheng's body was skinny and his weight was about the same as a child's.

The three of them sent Huang Jiucheng into the room together. The wolfhound hid at the door, and when it saw Xu Chunliang approaching, it was frightened and fled to the corner of the yard with its tail between its legs.

Huang Zichun was a little strange, Dawei was always fierce in the past, and kept barking when he met strangers, but today he didn't know what happened, but he was so afraid of this brother.

Xu Chunliang put Huang Jiucheng on the bed, and Huang Zichun helped his father cover the quilt.

Seeing such a young child so sensible, Hua Zhuyue loved her endlessly in her heart. The child should not be responsible for the sins committed by Huang Sipo's mother and son. Even so, she couldn't forget the purpose of coming this time.

It took them a lot of time to get here, and Xu Chunliang was delayed for Huang Jiucheng's treatment, and now there are less than three hours left before the kidnapper's ultimatum.

Hua Zhuyue said: "Zichun, I'm your grandma's friend. I need her urgently. Is there any way you can contact her?"

Huang Zichun shook his head.

Hua Zhuyue said: "It's really very important. If you know the whereabouts of grandma, you must tell me that we have no malicious intentions. You just saw that your father's illness was cured by this brother."

Huang Zichun bit her lip and said, "Grandma said she won't come back..." Tears rolled in her eyes, and her eyes were full of helplessness.

Hua Zhuyue secretly sighed, what has this child experienced?Before Huang Sipo left, she should have told her that she would not come back, but Huang Sipo was really so cruel that she left her own son and underage granddaughter and just left like this?

Xu Chunliang said: "Why don't I try to wake him up." The situation was urgent, so I could only hope to find some clues from Huang Jiucheng.

Huang Zichun said: "Don't wake my dad, he hasn't slept in a long time, he doesn't know anything."

Hua Zhuyue handed her a tissue, and Huang Zichun wiped away tears: "Let's talk outside."

The two followed her outside, Huang Zichun closed the door, she sniffled and said, "My grandma is terminally ill, although she won't tell, but I know, I peeked at her medical records..." At this point , Tears fell down.

Hua Zhuyue and Xu Chunliang glanced at each other, neither of them thought that this matter would turn out like this.

Although it is impossible to be sure that what Huang Zichun said is true, Huang Sipo's actions this time are indeed desperate.

Huang Zichun looked at Xu Chunliang eagerly and said, "Brother, can you cure my father's illness?"

Xu Chunliang nodded.

Huang Zichun said: "If you can cure my father's illness, then you can also cure my grandma's illness."

Xu Chunliang said: "Zichun, did your grandma leave you some money before she left?"

Huang Zichun was stunned for a moment, thinking how does this big brother know?

Xu Chunliang saw that this was the child of a little ghost, and time did not allow them to do ideological work. Xu Chunliang said: "I won't hide it from you, just take a look at this." He showed the video of Huang Sipo taking Tong Nianzu away. Huang Zichun looked at it.

Huang Zichun recognized grandma at a glance, she bit her lip tightly, wondering why grandma took that little brother away.

Xu Chunliang said: "The little brother you saw is my nephew. Your grandma took him away. Now this little brother is in a very dangerous situation."

Huang Zichun said, "You mean my grandma took this little brother away?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Your grandma is not related to this little brother, they have never met before." He said it very implicitly.

Huang Zichun said: "My grandma is not a human trafficker, she is not, she likes children the most..." Tears welled up again.Hua Zhuyue knelt down to wipe her tears and said: "Zichun, we didn't say your grandma is a human trafficker, but because of your father's illness, your grandma may have done something wrong in a moment of confusion, shouldn't we help her correct it? "

Huang Zichun sobbed and said, "I see, you are here to arrest me...Grandma..."

(End of this chapter)

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