Chapter 322

Lu Qi and Yu Li also came to join in the show, and the scene in front of them was a bit beyond their imagination.

Lu Qi said to Xu Chunliang: "Sure, even the popular hosts of TV stations have been invited by you."

Yu Li whispered: "Su Qing is really beautiful, even more beautiful than on TV, Xiao Xu, what is your relationship with her?"

Xu Chunliang said, "Friend."

Lu Qi said: "It's amazing, I only pick beautiful women as friends."

Yu Li twisted his arm: "Don't learn from him."

Lu Qi said honestly: "I want to learn, but I can't learn."

Seeing Gu Houyi coming at this time, Xu Chunliang hurried over to greet him, Gao Xinhua also came over, he was in charge of greeting the officials today.

Zheng Pei'an is the protagonist today, and he hurried over: "Gu Yuan, it's great that you can come here."

Gu Houyi smiled and said: "I didn't come here for you, I came here today to congratulate Mr. Xu on accepting an apprentice."

Gao Xinhua laughed and said, "That's not the same. The apprentice I recruited is Zheng Pei'an, and Zheng Pei'an is from Changxing Hospital."

Gu Houyi turned to Zheng Pei'an and said earnestly: "Pei'an, you are so big now, you have to calm down, learn from Mr. Xu, and strive to improve your business."

His impression of Zheng Pei'an is that he is not doing his job properly. When he was the dean in Changxing, Zheng Pei'an stayed without pay for several years to do business outside. If he could put this energy into business, Zheng Gao would have been promoted early.

Zheng Pei'an said: "I would like to follow President Gu's instructions."

Gu Houyi said to Xu Chunliang again: "How did I hear that your nursing hospital on Weishan Island has failed again?"

Xu Chunliang said: "You have to ask Secretary Gao for such a big matter, I'm just an errand runner."

Gao Xinhua cursed cunningly, and invited Gu Houyi in for tea. After greeting Xu Changshan, Gu Houyi sat down with Gao Xinhua and drank tea.

Gao Xinhua briefly described the situation encountered in Weishan Island, and Gu Houyi said: "If the city has confirmed the plan, then this matter will be difficult to handle. Everything must be considered for the overall situation. Opportunities wait for no one. The longer the time, the greater the variables, what a pity!"

Gao Xinhua knew what he was regretting. After all, Gu Houyi took all the effort to take down Weishan Island Hospital. He was planning medical care and pensions at that time, but he suffered from lack of financial support.

Although Gu Houyi didn't leave for a long time, Changxing has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is still impossible to judge whether this change is good or not.

Gao Xinhua asked about Gu Houyi's recent situation. Gu Houyi told him that Kangjian Pension Hospital has started trial operation, but the current situation is not ideal, which may be related to their high charges. Taking an ordinary bed as an example, it takes about 5 Ten thousand yuan, if the couple rent a room, then it will be one hundred thousand.

This discouraged many ordinary wage-earners. Gu Houyi also put forward his opinions to the management, thinking that Kang Jian’s charging standards are not suitable for the environment. Currently, adjustments are being made according to the specific conditions of Dongzhou City, and the final plan has no way out.

Gao Xinhua said: "I believe you will be able to make Kang Jian bigger and stronger."

Gu Houyi smiled and said: "Xiao Gao, it's really different for you to be a secretary, and you have a different way of speaking."

Gao Xinhua smiled and said, "Gu Yuan, I'm not talking to you, I'm telling the truth. I've been your deputy for so many years, as long as you don't fail in what you want to do."

Gu Houyi sighed, shook his head and said, "When I was in office, the thing I wanted to do the most was to build the second phase of Changxing, but it didn't work until I left."

Gao Xinhua said: "There is nothing perfect in this world." Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Xu Chunliang and Su Qing having a lively chat, Gao Xinhua sighed inwardly, this boy is too attractive to girls, he should restrain himself in this regard Point, doesn't he know that there are rumors about him and Pei Lin recently?
Gao Xinhua actually wanted to remind Xu Chunliang, but he felt that he was not suitable to come forward. He believed that Xu Chunliang would not make mistakes in this matter. Zhao Feiyang has been in a bad mood recently, probably because of these messes Rumor has something to do.

Xu Chunliang gave Director Liu a pack of cigarettes and asked him to share the cigarettes with everyone. The teacher apprenticeship ceremony was scheduled to start at [-]:[-] in the morning, and all the staff of the TV station were already in place.

Xu Chunliang arranged for Gao Xinhua to give speeches to the leaders. Gao Xinhua invited Gu Houyi, but Gu Houyi resolutely refused. Lu Huachun believed that Zheng Pei'an was from Changxing Hospital, and it was best for Secretary Gao to make this speech. Gao Xinhua couldn't refuse and had to agree.

Ding Si came to Xu Chunliang and told him that the noon banquet had been booked, and it was in the Joy Building next door.

Xu Chunliang nodded and reminded Ding Si that he was responsible for paying the bill for today's banquet, and asked Ding Si not to make small moves behind his back. Ding Si understood Xu Chunliang's meaning and promised not to. Today's banquet is charged at 280 yuan per table. He posted one thousand [-] eight per table.

Ding Si is very good at this kind of routine, not to curry favor with Xu Chunliang, he is convinced by Xu Chunliang now, after drinking the secret recipe that Xu Chunliang gave him, the infertility that has plagued the couple for many years has been cured , Now the seeds have taken root and germinated, just waiting for the fruit to fall, this kindness alone is enough for him to pay for his life.

The teacher apprenticeship ceremony officially began, presided over by Su Qing, after a refreshing opening speech, please lead the speech.

After Gao Xinhua made a routine weather forecast, he said loudly: "... Traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of Chinese civilization and has made an indelible and important contribution to the prosperity of the Chinese nation. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine has been The main ways of inheritance and development are "teaching apprentices", "precepts and deeds", "servant consultation", "practice", etc., so that the valuable experience accumulated in long-term clinical practice can be passed on from generation to generation, and gradually form a culture of teacher-in-training Leading generation after generation of outstanding Chinese medicine practitioners to inherit Qihuang academics and carry forward the essence of Chinese medicine!
Today is the great day for Director Zheng Pei'an, the leader of our Changxing Hospital's TCM discipline, to be a teacher, and it is also a good day for Mr. Xu Lao, a famous master of traditional Chinese medicine, to accept apprentices. On behalf of Changxing Hospital and the Dongzhou medical community, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations and my best wishes to the two Sincere wishes! "

He paused just right, and there was warm applause at the scene. At this moment, Gao Xinhua saw Pei Lin and Zhu Mingyuan, the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Zhu Mingyuan was invited by Zheng Pei'an. After all, he was the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Changxing. Even if Zheng Pei'an didn't like him, There is still work to be done on face.

As for Pei Lin, no one invited her over, and she and Zhao Feiyang had not communicated about this matter, so Zhao Feiyang asked Lin Yansheng, director of the hospital office, to send a flower basket on his behalf, and Pei Lin sent a flower basket with the inscription The names of their husband and wife caused a dispute, and Zhao Feiyang gave two copies.

Xu Changshan, who was wearing a Tang suit, led Zheng Pei'an to bow three times facing the east.

A bow: The Chinese civilization has been sheltered first.

Two worships: the way of the sages, the merits and demerits of the past and the present.

Three worships: Investigate things to gain knowledge, cultivate one's morality and govern one's health.

Then Xu Changshan sat down in front of the portrait of the patriarch, and Zheng Pei'an respectfully presented the teacher's invitation card and offered six salutes to the teacher.

The six rituals include: celery, which means hard work and studious, good at work and hard at work.

Dried meat is a teacher's ceremony stipulated by Confucius to express the disciple's heart.

Longan, implying the completion of merit and virtue.

Jujube means early high school.

Red beans symbolize good luck.

Lotus seeds, bitter heart, imply painstaking education.

Next, offer tea to the master and pay homage to the master.

Zheng Pei'an finally got what he wanted, and the three heads kowtowed loudly.

Xu Changshan picked up the ruler and knocked it down on Zheng Pei'an, which was added to the ruler.

Knocking on the head warns the disciples to be clear-headed, dedicated to their work and entertaining the group.

Knocking on the shoulder again means that the disciple shoulders the heavy responsibility and inherits the mantle.

Knock on the body three times to remind the disciples to have a ruler in life and conduct themselves in the world.

Of course it's not a real beating, just a symbolic beating.

In the teacher's return ceremony, Xu Changshan gave Zheng Pei'an a copy of "Xu's Miscellaneous Diseases". It is an important step to promote Xu's medicine to the society.

After the apprenticeship ceremony, Xu Changshan made a sincere speech. He raised five hopes for Zheng Pei'an and all practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.

One is to inherit Chinese culture.We should use the key of traditional Chinese medicine to open the treasure house of Chinese civilization and let it shine more brilliantly.

The second is to inherit the classic essence.The classics of traditional Chinese medicine are the source of the innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine, the summary of the long-term medical practice experience of the doctors of the past dynasties, and the crystallization of wisdom.It is hoped that the younger generation will study and memorize the classics carefully, adhere to the principled thinking of traditional Chinese medicine, and follow the law of the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

The third is to inherit the clinical director.Traditional Chinese medicine is an applied science, and clinical practice is the soil for its academic survival and development.Young TCM physicians should pay attention to clinical practice, be diligent in clinical practice, and repeat clinical practice. In the process of following the teacher, they should pay attention to summarizing the teacher's academic thinking, as well as the rules and experience of syndrome differentiation and treatment.

The fourth is to inherit the spirit of innovation.Innovation is the vitality of the development of traditional Chinese medicine, the key to the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and the inevitable way for traditional Chinese medicine to go global. The innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine must be organically combined with modern science and technology.

The fifth is to inherit the sincerity of great doctors.In the clinical practice, we must always take the patient as the center, treat patients equally, do our best to treat them, uphold the spirit of sincerity of great doctors, and strive to be the heirs of Qi Huang with both ability and political integrity.After the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, Xu Chunliang invited everyone to go to the Joy Building for dinner.

Zheng Pei'an is in high spirits on happy occasions, busy offering cigarettes and toasting people.

Li Jiakuan and Liu Shanmin did not miss this good opportunity, and came to Mr. Xu to toast him.

Liu Shanmin said: "Mr. Xu, in fact, you have always been my teacher in my heart."

Li Jiakuan said that he is the same.

Xu Changshan was in a happy mood, and said that when they encounter difficult medical problems in the future, they just come to discuss it. The old man has a wealth of experience, and he can tell at a glance that the two of them also want to be apprentices.

After accepting Zheng Pei'an, Mr. Xu suddenly became more open-minded about the issue of inheriting family education. None of his three children studied medicine, and only Xu Chunliang was engaged in medical-related work in his grandchildren. Although this kid is smart, he has a wild heart. Obviously, the ambition is not here, can't the ancestor's medical skills be lost here?
Xu Changshan actually broke the rules of his ancestors by accepting Zheng Pei'an as his apprentice. Once the rules were broken, he began to think that it would not be a bad thing for Huichuntang's medical skills to flourish.Of course, Mr. Xu is still very strict in accepting apprentices, and he must go through a long-term investigation to determine whether he will be accepted as an apprentice.

Although Xu Changshan has not known Liu Shanmin for a long time, he still admires him very much. Liu Shanmin is self-taught, and his ability to reach the current level just by studying his own medical records is enough to prove his ability. Ability is one aspect, the most important thing It's still medical ethics, Xu Changshan plans to observe it for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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