Chapter 386
This formula is well-prepared and well-prepared, step by step, when the yin qi is filled and the yang is calm, the mind will naturally be stable. The more Zheng Pei'an looks at it, the more he feels that this combination is really comprehensive and exquisite, a genius!God doctor!
After Xu Chunliang finished acupuncture and moxibustion, he looked at Monk Tonghui who had fallen into a coma and said, "Wake up, wake up!" He bent the middle finger of his right hand and flicked it on his Yintang.

Monk Tonghui shivered, opened his eyes as if waking up from a dream, looked at the two strangers in front of him, and asked in amazement, "Where did the two benefactors come from?" The chain rattled and it was only then that he realized he was chained.

Xu Chunliang said: "Master Tonghui, you don't need to panic. Director Zheng came here specially to treat you. You can wake up now, thanks to him giving you the acupuncture."

Zheng Pei'an's old face was hot, and he was ashamed. I obviously didn't do anything, but now I have to bear all the credit for you. You have given me such a big favor. I can only promise your sister-in-law in the future, otherwise there will be nothing in return. , I will be this uncle!
Xu Chunliang went out and called Mo Han and the others in. The dumb monk saw that Tong Hui had regained his sanity, danced happily, and fetched the key to help Tong Hui get off the bondage.

Although Mo Han was mentally prepared for Xu Chunliang's miraculous medical skills, he was surprised to see Tong Hui recovering his sanity in such a short period of time. This guy's medical skills have really reached the point of perfection.

After Master Tonghui regained his sanity, the dumb monk went to the meditation room next to him to tidy up briefly, shaved off his hair and beard, and changed into a monk's robe.

When he went to sort it out, Zheng Pei'an copied the prescriptions that Xu Chunliang gave him to deepen his impression, and he would have a way to deal with similar diseases in the future.

Xu Chunliang comfortably drank the wolfberry tea brewed in his thermos.

Mo Han looked at Xu Chunliang with black and white eyes, and then at Zheng Pei'an. He regretted that he left at that time, so he should have stayed there to see how they treated him.

Mo Han said: "Director Zheng, in your opinion, will Master Tong Hui relapse?"

Xu Chunliang said: "This question is not very good. Director Zheng is not a god who can cure diseases with his hands. Master Tong Hui has been ill for three full years. Do you think he can be cured so quickly?"

Mo Han rolled his eyes at him and said, "In my opinion, Director Zheng is a god who cured illnesses with his hands."

Zheng Pei'an was extremely embarrassed, you two bickered, don't take me, I came here to help cover, he just pretended he couldn't hear, and concentrated on copying the prescription, if it's broken, what is the blind medicine?He wanted to take out the cheat sheet, but Mo Han didn't want to take it out blatantly.

Luckily, Xu Chunliang called Mo Han out, and the two of them came to the main hall, where Maitreya Buddha was enshrined. Although the small temple was shabby, this Maitreya Buddha statue was very exquisite. Xu Chunliang said, "Did you donate it?"

Mo Han said: "I really can't hide anything from you. If a person is too smart, he will have no friends."

Xu Chunliang said: "You still have some self-knowledge after all." Such a dilapidated small temple must not have much money, but Mo Han has money.

He put three incense sticks on Maitreya Buddha, and said to Mo Han, "What does Master Tonghui have to do with you?"

Mo Han said: "It's a predestined person. Master Tong Hui has a kind heart and profound knowledge. I can't bear to see him fall to such a state, so I do my best."

Xu Chunliang said: "The Buddha saves all living beings, you come to save the Buddha, the Mo donor is the real living Bodhisattva."

Mo Han couldn't help laughing, this smile was as beautiful as a snow lotus on an iceberg, even with Xu Chunliang's concentration, he couldn't help but stare blankly, his heart suddenly became vigilant, with a knife on the head of the color word, witch, don't think about it A firm heart of the leader.

Mo Han looked up at the Buddha statue and said, "Man and Buddha are just called differently. There is a way to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. This sentence is enough to prove that everyone in the world can become a Buddha."

Xu Chunliang said: "I don't understand Buddhism, and I don't want to become a Buddha."

Mo Han said softly, "Do you want to become a demon?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Becoming a Buddha and becoming a demon is actually within a single thought of yours. I still want to be a down-to-earth individual, an ordinary person."

Mo Han shook his head: "A person like you is not ordinary, just like a wolf, even if you hide your big tail, you are still a wolf!"

"scold me!"

Mo Han said: "Onlookers know, please trust my judgment."

A middle-aged monk in gray robes walked into the main hall. If Mo Han hadn't called Master Tonghui, Xu Chunliang would have almost not recognized that the kind-faced monk in front of him was the crazy Tonghui just now.

Monk Tonghui is about 50 years old, with a good appearance, with a gentle and elegant demeanor, it can be seen that he was also a handsome man when he was young.

Tong Hui clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, thank you for your hard work, Donor Mo."

Mo Han said: "Master, you don't need to thank me. It was Mr. Xu and Director Zheng who saved you."

Tong Hui said: "Please invite the two benefactors to accompany the poor monk to have tea."

The two came to the back with Tong Hui. Xu Chunliang thought it was the place where he was imprisoned just now, but he didn't expect that there was a section of stone steps hidden behind the rocks at the right rear of the hall. Climbing up the two-foot-wide stone steps, passing Two turnings into a natural cave, one into the cave, suddenly feel warm as spring.

Zheng Pei'an and the dumb monk had already come one step ahead, and were sitting beside a flat stone platform drinking tea.

Xu Chunliang noticed that there are many cliff carvings in the cave, the contents are basically Buddhist scriptures, and there are also some exquisite Buddha statues. Judging from the traces, they should not be too old. Although the chiseled characters can also show the calligraphy skills very deep.

It was also the first time for Mo Han to come here, and he asked curiously, "Are all the Buddhist scriptures and statues in this cave carved by the master himself?"

Tong Hui said: "I have been facing the wall here for ten years, and I have completed these intermittently. It's just that I have been ill in the past three years, and some of them have not been completed in the future."

He invited the guests to sit down, and the dumb monk poured tea for everyone. Xu Chunliang noticed that they brewed some leaves, and when they drank it, it was bitter and astringent.

Zheng Pei'an said: "How does Master feel now?"

Tong Hui said: "It feels like I fell asleep and woke up suddenly. I don't remember what happened before."

"You don't remember anything?" Mo Han said softly.

Tong Hui nodded and said: "I heard from Master that he found me under the cliff 20 years ago. I must have stumbled and fell off the cliff with multiple injuries on my body. After I woke up, I forgot everything about the past. Net, to be precise, it’s not completely forgotten, I can read and understand, but I have forgotten my name, my family members, and I don’t remember the scene when I fell ill this time.”

Mo Han said to Zheng Pei'an, "Director Zheng, is this phenomenon common?"

Zheng Pei'an said: "This phenomenon is called selective amnesia in medicine, which is usually the loss of memory of events related to psychological triggers, including dissociative amnesia. Amnesia is usually called amnesia in the professional medical field. There are many causes of forgetting, which may also exist in normal people. There are two most common forms: one is anterograde amnesia, and the other is retrograde amnesia. Anterograde amnesia is mainly the brain’s response to future events. It is difficult or impossible to form new memories of things, but they can remember clearly what happened in the past, including childhood memories, etc. Retrograde amnesia is the forgetting of past events, but new memories can still be formed, and the latter is more Rare."

Zheng Pei'an glanced at Xu Chunliang, he was a little guilty now, he was afraid that he might be wrong, but in fact, he had already admitted in his heart that Xu Chunliang's medical skills were far better than his own.

Xu Chunliang said: "Uncle Zheng, according to what you said, Master Tong Hui's situation should belong to the latter."

Zheng Pei'an nodded: "It should be like this. If you want Master Tonghui to recover completely, remembering all his past events, I'm afraid he needs further treatment to clear up his old brain diseases. I suggest that it is best to go to the hospital for a comprehensive treatment. Check." Zheng Pei'an is not a brain specialist, but according to Tonghui's medical history, his head has been hit, and it is possible that the brain lesion has not been cleared, and it is very likely that the existence of the lesion caused local pressure on the brain, resulting in retrograde amnesia.

Mo Han said: "What do you think, master? If you want, I can arrange it for you."

Tong Hui shook his head and said: "There is nothing in the world, and mediocrity, I believe that there is a destiny in the dark, and amnesia is not a bad thing for me. My master often said, see through and let go! In fact, if a person is anything I don’t even remember, what else do I need to see through? Why let go when there is nothing in my heart?”

Several people fell silent at the same time. Although Tong Hui's words were plain, they were full of simple truth.

Mo Han took Zheng Pei'an's prescription, and she will send the medicine back as soon as possible.

Now that Tong Hui had come to his senses, they didn't intend to stay for a long time, so they took advantage of the fact that the snow was a little lighter at this moment, so they said goodbye and left.

Walking back to the parking place along the route when we came, Zheng Pei'an almost slipped and fell several times on the way, but fortunately Xu Chunliang took care of him, but Mo Han walked between the steep rocks like walking on flat ground, Xu Chunliang secretly sighed, this girl She no longer hides the fact that she has martial arts in front of her.

As soon as he got in the car, Xu Chunliang received a call from Li Xiumei of Dongzhou Hotel, asking him where he was. Two police comrades came to him to investigate the situation, and she was also entrusted to Xu Chunliang to make this call.

As soon as Xu Chunliang heard it, he knew that although the Wang family's revenge came later, he said that he was on his way back and it would take about three hours.

Li Xiumei mysteriously asked him what happened. Of course Xu Chunliang would not tell her, mainly because he was afraid of scaring her.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Mei Ruxue sent a message asking him to meet, and Xu Chunliang immediately agreed.

Qiao Rulong seldom came home at noon, and today he came back mainly because of his mother's affairs. His mother told him that his cousin had gone to the hospital for an examination today, and hoped that he could visit him there.

(End of this chapter)

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