Chapter 388
Xu Chunliang had already learned from Hua Zhuyue that Pan Tianhua, the backstage owner of the bar, would definitely stand in line with Wang Zeqiang. The video he provided must have been edited, and he also had a video.

The police watched the video provided by him. Judging from the video currently available, Xu Chunliang and Wang Zeqiang were fighting each other. Although there were many people at that time, there was no group fight. If there were more than three people in the fight, they would be suspected of mobbing. crime.If wanton provocation and trouble-making are the main forms of expression, it may be suspected of the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Among them, the policeman surnamed Liu gave Xu Chunliang a popular science to let him fully understand the seriousness of last night's behavior. Now Wang Zeqiang has gone to the hospital for an examination. Intentional injury crime.According to the Criminal Law, whoever intentionally injures the body of another person shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

Xu Chunliang said: "Comrade policeman, I understand what you are saying, but I think you should investigate more comprehensively. At that time, Wang Zeqiang and his gang drugged my friend. If I hadn't arrived in time, they would have killed the two girls." Take them away." In the video, Wang Zeqiang and the others wanted to take the two girls into the car.

The policeman surnamed Liu said: "We have also investigated the relevant situation you said. According to the internal monitoring of the bar we obtained, Wang Zeqiang did not strike up a conversation with these two girls in the bar. They were drinking with other people before. Wang Zeqiang said he sent the two girls home out of kindness."

What the police said was that Wang Zeqiang had no possibility of drugging him.

Xu Chunliang said: "Just because he didn't strike up a conversation doesn't mean his accomplice didn't strike up a conversation, and if he didn't take medicine, it doesn't mean his accomplice didn't take medicine."

Another young policeman said: "You have to have evidence, you can't talk nonsense."

Xu Chunliang said: "You need to investigate the evidence, isn't it your duty?"

The policeman surnamed Liu said: "Of course we will investigate. Now we mainly want to know about the fight between you and Wang Zeqiang. I hope you can give a detailed explanation."

"The video can show that he repeatedly attacked me, and I fought back when I couldn't bear it anymore. I was acting in self-defense."

The policeman surnamed Liu shook his head with a smile and said: "You don't know enough about the law, and you can't defend yourself in a fight. Now it depends on Wang Zeqiang's injury test results. Comrade Xu Chunliang, don't think that this is just a trivial matter. Your law The concept is too weak."

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and after he answered the call, his face changed: "What?"

Xu Chunliang looked at them with a smile: "What? Did Wang Zeqiang hit someone again?"

The policeman surnamed Liu looked confused. Does this guy have the ability to predict the future?How did he know that Wang Zeqiang beat someone again?And this time it was the medical staff and the police accompanying the injury examination.

Xu Chunliang said: "This guy is a mad dog, whoever he catches and bites, you have to be careful, he thinks he has someone to back him up, if he doesn't get it right, he'll even dare to beat you!"

The policeman surnamed Liu said: "Little comrade, you don't have to worry about us. In the future, you should learn more about the law and increase your awareness of the law. Some things are justified on your own, but because of improper handling, you have become passive instead of active."

Xu Chunliang sent the two policemen out, just when Mei Ruxue also came to Dongzhou Hotel, and watched the two policemen leave, Mei Ruxue opened the door and got out of the car, and came to Xu Chunliang: "Is it trouble for you?"

Xu Chunliang said with a smile: "It's okay, he's just doing business, let's find out about the situation."

Mei Ruxue said: "Tell me, what happened last night?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It's all in the past, so I won't mention it."

At this time, Pu Jian called and asked Xu Chunliang to watch the video quickly. While the video is still there, all of them will have to be taken off the shelves if they are not complete. In the video of the personnel, a policeman went over to stop him, but he was knocked down with a punch. Not to mention, this kid's skills are really incredible, and usually three or five strong men can't get close to him.

He showed the video to Mei Ruxue, and Mei Ruxue was also very surprised after watching it. Because of her background, she was not familiar with the Wang family, and she didn't know much about Wang Zeqiang. Superficially gentle and gentle, Wang Zeqiang in the video is simply a vulgar and reckless man.

It stands to reason that the children of the Wang family would not be like this in public, Mei Ruxue frowned, and the biggest benefit of Wang Zeqiang's brawl was to shift the focus from Xu Chunliang's fight.

Xu Chunliang smiled and said: "No wonder he looked like yesterday, it turned out he had rabies."

Mei Ruxue said: "Just because he caused trouble again doesn't mean you're fine."

Xu Chunliang said: "He looks like a mad dog, I heard he is your cousin, you should stay away from him."

Mei Ruxue glared at him and said, "Who did you listen to?" She already guessed in her heart that he was listening to Mo Han.

Xu Chunliang said: "Let's not talk about these unhappy things, we finally met each other, let's go watch a movie?"

Mei Ruxue said: "Are you still in the mood to watch a movie?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I was in a bad mood, but I see that all your troubles are gone."

Mei Ruxue said: "You are not telling the truth, get in the car."

"where to?"

"My grandfather wants to see you."

Xu Chunliang was stunned: "It's too sudden, I'm not prepared for this, just wait, I'll go and bring the wine box to the old man."

Mei Ruxue said: "Forget it, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's not good to go empty-handed for the first time."

Mei Ruxue said: "Empty hands is best!"

"Then I'll give you nothing, you little white sheep."

Xu Chunliang had visited Ye Lao before, so he was more or less mentally prepared for the situation of the high-level family. Mei Ruxue told him not to be nervous, and there was no one else in the house except grandpa.

It was dusk when I arrived at Qiao's house. Mei Ruxue parked the car in the parking space in front of the door. When she arrived, there was already an Audi A8 parked in the parking space next to her.

Xu Chunliang whispered: "Isn't there no one?"

Mei Ruxue glanced at the license plate and was startled, this car belongs to Wang Sixuan, why is he here?

It's not that friends don't get together, Xu Chunliang just came to meet him now.

Mei Ruxue didn't want to see Wang's family either, and when she was about to take Xu Chunliang around, she saw Wang Sixuan coming out of it, because she was confronted head-on, and there was no time to hide.

Seeing Mei Ruxue, Wang Sixuan took the initiative to greet him: "Xiaoxue, you're back!" His eyes fell on Xu Chunliang, and he immediately recognized this kid as the one who slapped his son.

Mei Ruxue said: "Hello, Uncle Wang." They didn't like each other, but on the surface they couldn't lose their manners.

Wang Sixuan ignored Xu Chunliang, got into the car and asked the driver to drive away.

Mei Ruxue watched the car go away, sighed and said, "You beat Wang Zeqiang so hard that he is his precious son."

Xu Chunliang said: "Scum!"

Mei Ruxue slapped him on the arm and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense in front of Grandpa."

Walking into Xu's small building, I smelled the aroma of chicken soup, and Qiao Lao's loud voice sounded in the kitchen: "Xiaoxue is back, try the chicken soup I made for you later."

Xu Chunliang heard this voice somewhat familiar, and when he saw the old man walking out of the kitchen, his scalp tingled. Mei Ruxue's grandfather turned out to be Mr. Qiao whom he met by chance in the Dongzhou mining area.

Old Qiao looked at Xu Chunliang with a smile and said, "Xiao Xu, what's the matter? You don't know me anymore?"

Mei Ruxue was the most surprised one. She looked at her grandfather in amazement, and then at Xu Chunliang: "What? Have you seen it before?"

Qiao Lao smiled and said, "Yes, last time I was in Dongzhou, when I went to the mining area to sweep the graves, I happened to meet their father and son. I even went to Huichuntang to drink tea."

Mei Ruxue secretly lamented that her grandfather was scheming, it turned out that he had met Xu Chunliang a long time ago.

Xu Chunliang secretly lamented that old man Qiao was old and cunning, he knew the relationship between himself and Mei Ruxue but kept it secret, and later separated the two of them abruptly. You lead the way and give you wine.

Old Qiao said to Xu Chunliang, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xu Chunliang shook his head.

Qiao Lao said: "Xiaoxue didn't say anything in advance, and the family didn't have any preparations."

Xu Chunliang said: "Just don't treat me as an outsider."

Mei Ruxue said: "I'll go to the kitchen to have a look." She first poured a cup of tea for Xu Chunliang, and asked him to stay and chat with grandpa. She was still relieved of Xu Chunliang's eloquence.

Qiao Lao said: "Let your Aunt Yang cook two more dishes."

Mr. Qiao looked at Xu Chunliang and said, "Sit down, don't just stand there."

Xu Chunliang waited for Mr. Qiao to sit down on the sofa before he sat down beside him. He was thinking about the purpose of Mr. Qiao calling him here today. The sudden recall of Mei Ruxue from Nanjiang earlier proved that he was not satisfied with himself. .I just beat up his relative's child again, so my impression is even worse now.

At Mr. Qiao's level, it was too difficult to tell love and hate from his face. Mr. Qiao took a sip of tea from his enamel teapot.

Xu Chunliang said that Mr. Qiao's life was quite simple, and the tea in the big tea mug was not good, but ordinary jasmine.

The cup of tea that Mei Ruxue poured for him was top-grade Keemun black tea. Xu Chunliang drank the red tea and said, "Mr. Qiao, I came here in a hurry this time, so I didn't bring you any gifts."

Qiao Lao said: "I didn't want your gift, I'm thankful that you don't miss my family's things."

Xu Chunliang heard something in his words, it meant Mei Ruxue, but the old man made this analogy inappropriate, Mei Ruxue is not a thing, but a treasure, if the Qiao family is not a treasure, I will let her go.

Xu Chunliang deliberately said: "Old Qiao, you don't think I'm a thief, do you?"

Qiao Lao laughed: "You said it yourself, there are two types of thieves in this world, and most of them are those who are thieves but not daring."

Xu Chunliang said, "Which one do you think I belong to?"

Old Qiao held the big tea mug in his hand, looked at Xu Chunliang with deep eyes and said, "You are so daring! You also hit Xiaoxue's cousin?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I really didn't know about this relationship before I beat him."

"What if you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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