Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 560 Exclusive Secret Recipe

Chapter 560 (Backup) Exclusive Secret Recipe
Xu Chunliang finally chose Changqiang point for acupuncture.

Changqiang Point: The circulation is long for no reason, and Qiang means endless health.This point is located at the end of the spine and is the beginning of Duyang.The spine of the human body can freely rotate and bend from the neck to the tail. It is the main force of the load.

Acupuncture and moxibustion at Changqiang point mainly treats: hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, diarrhea, difficulty in defecation, itching in the genitals, pain in the tail and sacrum, epilepsy, hysteria, and lumbar neuralgia.

There are four meridians around the Changqiang point, the Du Vessel, the Collateral of the Du Vessel, the Ren Vessel, and the Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang.

The needle should be inserted half an inch below the tip of the coccyx, between the tip of the coccyx and the vestibule.Needle three inches deep at the tip of the coccyx is considered painful, but it is also possible to insert the needle two inches.It has been clinically proven that this acupoint can be used to pierce the tip of the coccyx shallowly or deeply along the bottom of the coccyx. Different pricking methods have different effects.

Xu Chunliang asked Jin Yonghao to lie on his side with bent legs. After disinfection, he touched the tip of the coccyx with his left hand, and inserted the needle along the bottom of the coccyx with the twirling and slow-advancing method. The hard tissue at the tip of the coccyx was the first needle-sensing layer. The needle sensation is mainly tingling and dull pain, and pain and numbness occur when the bone surface is pierced.

Insert the needle along the bottom of the coccyx and pierce the fascia of the levator ani muscle at a depth of about [-] cm. The needling sensation becomes obvious. This is the soreness or numbness under the caudal vertebra in the second needling layer, which spreads to the back court area and the base of the sacrum.

Jin Yonghao felt that the chrysanthemum was getting more and more swollen. As Xu Chunliang twisted the needle, he felt an invisible force in his body constantly expanding. The hemorrhoids were deformed under the pressure from the inside and outside, and the blood in it flowed back into the body.

This time the needle was performed for 3 minutes, and the needle was retained for 10 minutes.

During the needle retention period, Xu Chunliang took off his gloves, went to wash his hands, and stood in front of the window looking out the window.

Jin Yonghao was lying on his side on the bed and didn't dare to move. Although he couldn't see the specific process of Xu Chunliang's treatment, he could feel the changes in his body. If he hadn't seen Xu Chunliang standing in front of the window, he would have thought someone was behind him.

This feeling is a bit shameful but also so miraculous. Chinese medicine is extensive and profound. Jin Yonghao looked at the young man in front of the window. The sunlight penetrated through the window and projected on Xu Chunliang's tall and straight body, covering him with a golden layer. Mysterious aura.

Jin Yonghao seemed to see a god coming down to earth, and looked at this god-like man with some admiration.

Xu Chunliang said: "What do you think of Changxing's current situation?"

Jin Yonghao was stunned for a moment, and said with a mournful face: "Mayor Xu, I just came here to make a transition. I have nothing to say about the things here, and you know it well."

Xu Chunliang said: "Water can carry a boat or capsize it. You have seen the situation today. If you don't handle it well, the consequences will be very serious."

Jin Yonghao said: "They have too many demands. They demand the same treatment as the headquarters of Changxing Hospital, and they also want to improve performance. Now Changxing Hospital needs a lot of money. Don't you know that every time we go to Mr. Pei to ask for money I was severely criticized by her."

Xu Chunliang said: "Her hands are stretched too far."

Jin Yonghao said: "This is the way it is now. It's not that the hospital doesn't make money, but basically all the money it makes is invested in construction. The income of employees will inevitably be affected. Not only the branch hospital, but the hospital is actually like this."

Xu Chunliang said: "Huanian Group is deeply in debt crisis and is currently planning debt restructuring. The specific rules have not yet been issued."

Jin Yonghao said: "I knew that Huanian Group was like this, it would be better not to cooperate with them."

Xu Chunliang said: "The high-tech zone has put a lot of pressure on Changxing. Now the joint-stock hospital is speeding up the construction period, and the second phase of Changxing Hospital is also on the verge of completion. It is difficult for Huanian Group to take care of the construction here, let alone Concerned about the interests of the medical staff of Weishan Island Hospital."

Jin Yonghao knew that what he said was the truth, and Zhao Feiyang asked him to be in charge of the transition. It was not a good job. Since Jiang Ailian committed suicide, there have been differences within the Huanian Group regarding the prospects of the Healthy Pension Hospital.

In fact, at the very beginning, Tang Jinglun actively promoted the construction of a healthy elderly hospital, but he didn’t really want to start a business. According to Tang Jingwei, Tang Jinglun was used to eating floating food. He was good at capital operation, not operating entity construction, but for painting. The cake is to boost the stock price through favorable stimulus and promote the early listing of Huanian Health.

After Huanian encountered a debt crisis, Tang Jingwei made a comeback, and Tang Jinglun had to hand over the management rights of Huanian Health.

Tang Jingwei clarified Zhao Feiyang's management status, emphasizing that Huanian Health, like Changxing Hospital, belongs to Huanian Medical Management Co., Ltd. This is a subtle change from Tang Jinglun's strategy of highlighting Huanian Health.

Tang Jingwei is relatively conservative in his work. He is not optimistic about building a healthy elderly care hospital on Weishan Island. The debt crisis of Huanian Group has made him more cautious in investment.

This time when entering the big health industry, the top priority is joint-stock hospitals. Dongzhou High-tech Zone has also begun to focus on the Huanian Group Dongzhou joint-stock hospital project because of the recent turmoil. Tang Jingwei also made a guarantee to the leaders of the high-tech zone. Any changes in the group in [-] will not affect the construction of joint-stock hospitals.

In fact, there can be no mistakes in this project. Dongzhou, a joint-stock hospital, holds 20.00% of the shares. If Huanian fails to complete the contract, the Dongzhou government can completely freeze the funds in their regulated accounts according to the contract. Even Changxing Hospital will gain and lose again.

Huanian's board of directors still attaches great importance to Huanian Hospital. For them, Changxing Hospital is one of the few high-quality assets in their hands at present, so they are not willing to give up.

Regarding this matter, Tang Jingwei and Zhao Feiyang had an in-depth discussion. Zhao Feiyang proposed to concentrate funds to build a joint-stock hospital and the second phase of the Changxing project. As for the health care hospital, it can be delayed.

In particular, the Daheng Yiyang Hot Spring Town project has encountered problems one after another. Will they repeat the same mistakes when they do projects of the same nature, and Huanian's current funds cannot guarantee the simultaneous progress of the three projects.

Zhao Feiyang's suggestion coincides with Tang Jingwei's idea. Upper managers seldom consider the interests of grassroots employees, especially when it comes to the general direction of the company's destiny and development. They think that grassroots employees should make some sacrifices for the group as a matter of course. and concessions.

However, they still underestimated the indomitable resistance factor in the blood of the people of Weishan Island. The sinister, cruel and inhuman Orientals were beaten to pieces, let alone them.

Jin Yonghao felt that the back court was getting more and more swollen, and the pain from the inside out made his body tremble slightly, and the needle inserted in the Changqiang point also trembled.The half-hour needle retention time made Jin Yonghao feel more and more unbearable. He felt like being violated. He had no other choice but to close his eyes and bear it.

Xu Chunliang said: "Can you hold it?"

Jin Yonghao hummed, feeling that his response was a bit weird, and added: "I can hold on."

Xu Chunliang said: "Your disease has a long course. Acupuncture and moxibustion alone can't completely eradicate the root cause. It also needs to be taken orally with Xiaozhi Decoction." He came to the desk and sat down to write the prescription.

Cinnabar lotus 15g, cassia 20g, calcined oyster 15g, puffball 15g, phellodendron 15g, licorice 6g.

Wrap the puffball with white gauze and fry it with other medicines for half an hour, remove the residue and keep the juice for oral administration, three times a day, three liang each time.

Cinnabar lotus is bitter and pungent in taste, cold in nature, clears fire and eliminates stagnation, disperses blood and relieves pain. It can not only reduce sores and relieve pain, but also has antibacterial and bactericidal effects; Calcined oyster has the effect of astringent and firming;

The combination of various medicines has the effects of clearing away heat and relieving longevity, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding, softening hard and closing sores, reducing swelling and relieving pain.

如便血严重者可加槐角24g、地榆 30g;红肿痛剧加黄芩 10g、黄连10g、黄柏15g;小便不利加获苓15g、木通6g.车前草 15g;虚证便秘加火麻仁30g、生地15g、杏仁10g、郁李仁5g;实证便秘加熟大黄 15g、积实 9g:伴气虚痔核脱出者可加黄芪 30g、潞党参 15g、升麻15g、柴胡 15g;血虚加熟地 15g、当归12g、白芍12g、阿胶 10g。

From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of internal hemorrhoids is mainly due to the deficiency of the viscera. Under the influence of various inducements, such as excessive emotions, improper diet, constipation, dysentery, sitting for a long time, carrying heavy loads, and exerting oneself to exercise, etc., the yin and yang of the viscera can be imbalanced. , Insufficient Qi and blood, endogenous dampness and heat, descending to the large intestine, poor blood vessels, and transverse dissection of tendons to form hemorrhoids.

Xiaozhi Decoction, which can clear away heat and detoxify, promote blood circulation and stop bleeding, soften hard and astringe, reduce swelling and relieve pain, is intended to eliminate the expansion and stasis of hemorrhoidal veins, and promote hemorrhoids to shrink and heal.

After Xu Chunliang finished prescribing the medicine, the timing was just right, and he took out the needle for Jin Yonghao.

Jin Yonghao hurriedly pulled up his pants, now he has no secrets in front of Xu Chunliang, in fact, he just feels embarrassed, Xu Chunliang has no time to look at him at all.

Jin Yonghao went to wash his hands. He had to say something after doing him such a favor: "Mayor Xu, stay in the cafeteria for dinner tonight. I'll be the host. Give me a chance."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "With your appearance, you have to quit smoking, drinking and spicy food within half a year."

Jin Yonghao said: "Don't talk about half a year, I won't touch it for the rest of my life."

"That's not necessary. When your illness is completely cured, you can live as before."

Jin Yonghao smiled bitterly: "Don't dare, never dare to heal the scar and forget the pain, this time is really a bloody lesson."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't be so careful, the secret recipe of our old Xu family is quite effective."

Jin Yonghao said: "Mayor Xu, it's a pity that you don't practice medicine with such good medical skills. I dare say that you can make a lot of money just by relying on your secret recipe for treating hemorrhoids."

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "I never thought you would be so economically savvy."

The octopus is very tangled. I don’t write the medical part. Everyone thinks it’s not relevant. After writing it, they say I’m watery. The writing is shallow and unprofessional. If I write too much, I say I copy and paste. Time and Manager is much more than a normal plot.

(End of this chapter)

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