Chapter 568
Mo Han said: "If Hua Nian returns the land to you, if you don't choose us to cooperate, we will still have to pay a high price at that time, so it is better to act first."

Xu Chunliang said: "If we don't nod, your deal may not be successful."

Mo Han said: "Hushan Town doesn't seem to be in charge of you. Since we plan to make a deal with Hua Nian, we are not afraid of someone standing up to oppose it."

Xu Chunliang nodded. Equator Capital has a strong network, which has been confirmed in the confrontation with the Ecological Environmental Investment Group.

Xu Chunliang thought of one thing: "Mutian Group is really run by Nihong people?"

Mo Han said: "What nonsense, it's just that there is Japanese investment."

"You took over Weishan Island Hospital to build a hot spring resort?"

Mo Han nodded.

Xu Chunliang said: "I have to remind you that the nature of this piece of land cannot be changed."

Mo Han said: "It seems that your news is seriously behind. Let me tell you one more thing. Mr. Luan is negotiating with Daheng. If everything goes well, there will be a bigger news soon."

Xu Chunliang said in a low voice: "Are you going to take over the project of the hot spring health care town?"

Mo Han smiled: "Why not? Now is the time when they need money the most, and we can just slash their prices. Let Equator Capital take over these two projects, which can revitalize the half-dead projects. It also avoids the internal friction of similar projects, and for your Hushan Township government, it will benefit and cause no harm, as long as you are not fools, you should not oppose it."

Xu Chunliang thought to himself, if this is the case, Qin Zhengyang is afraid that he will go crazy with joy. Both Huanian and Daheng are now in debt crisis, and life is hard for anyone. As far as the current situation is concerned, the two families in the local area There is a great possibility that the project will be unfinished. After Equator Capital, which has strong financial resources, is willing to take over the project, all problems will be solved.

Xu Chunliang said: "As far as I know, in the past, you Equator Capital only invested and did not operate entities."

Mo Han said: "I plan to do it now, as long as I have money to do many things in this world, it will become easier."

"What are you planning?" Xu Chunliang still felt that Mo Han's purpose was not that simple.

Mo Han said: "I don't know either, this is what President Luan meant." Her two white feet swayed back and forth in the hot spring, inexplicably beautiful.

"By the way, I heard that Tong Guangsheng intends to cooperate with his comrades."

Xu Chunliang knew that Mo Han was indifferent, and Tong Guangsheng rejected her request for cooperation, hoping that she would not hold grudges because of it.

Mo Han couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, I'm not that small. Although he doesn't want to cooperate with me, I still admire Mr. Tong very much. I don't even mind sharing hot spring resources with him." Dare to use the word mind casually, so as not to give the scoundrel Xu Chunliang a chance to speak quickly.

Xu Chunliang looked at Mo Han as if he knew her again, but he could only listen to what the businessman had to say.

At this time, Pu Jian came back from the outside, saw the two of them sitting there side by side, and walked over cheerfully: "Yo, you two took a shower together."

Mo Han said: "You really can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth."

Pu Jian said: "A dog spit out ivory, it's a strange beast, you get me one, I'll buy it for any money."

Mo Han didn't bother to pay attention to his teasing, got up, put on his shoes and socks and left.

Pu Jian was also tired from walking, so he sat down where Mo Han was just now, and was about to take off his shoes and soak his feet, but when he met Xu Chunliang's bitter and hateful eyes, Pu Jian immediately understood and sighed, and went to Xu Chunliang's downstream : "You are a coward who values ​​sex and despises friends. Why didn't you say that she was sitting on top of you just now? You must let me sit under you and use your footwashing water. You despise me, why don't you despise her."

Xu Chunliang said: "Just your smelly feet can be compared with others."

Pu Jian looked at Xu Chunliang, and said earnestly: "Unexpectedly, you are a foot control, mayor Xu, you must be vigilant, you are now a state cadre, you must not be fooled by beauty, we must not make principled mistakes !"

"Get lost!" Xu Chunliang scolded with a smile.

Pu Jian sighed: "A dog who bites Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. I have to remind you that Secretary Mei is watching you with a satellite in Dongzhou."

Xu Chunliang said: "Don't mess around with me here, how is the matter going?"

Pu Jiandao: "Shi Taiping, there is indeed such a number one figure in the cultural and entertainment circle of Jeju. There is a Boguxuan in the ancient city of Jeju that belongs to him, but it has been closed since the Chinese New Year, and it has not opened yet."

Xu Chunliang said: "At that time, he left an address, and now he lives in Qingshan Village, Taibaiwa, Yutai County, Jeju City. I have been busy with work in the town for a while, so I don't have time to go there."

Pu Jian whispered: "Why don't we go for a trip tomorrow?"

Xu Chunliang nodded, and told Pu Jian, don't let Mo Han know about this matter, if she knows that she is going to find the keel, she will definitely follow her.

Yutai County of Jeju City borders Weishan County, and the two counties share the water resources of Weishan Lake. Historically, there have been constant disputes. However, since the beginning of the 21st century, the relationship between the two cities has improved a lot through coordination.

This time, the development of a national-level holiday tourist area centered on Weishan Island will be completed under the joint cooperation of the two cities. It's kind of self-contained.This is also normal, everyone wants to enjoy the dividends of national resorts, and everyone's promotion is based on themselves.

Faced with such a situation, the leaders of the two cities have no good solution. The purpose of setting up a national resort construction headquarters is to strengthen communication between the two parties and avoid waste of resources. Otherwise, some major projects will cause duplication.

From Weishan Island to Taibaiwa, Yutai County, the straight-line distance by water is the shortest. Xu Chunliang borrowed the yacht from Xianhong Farm. Wang Jinwu heard that they were going to Taibaiwa, and offered to follow him. He knew that there was a fish restaurant in Taibaiwa. Yes, I ate it once two years ago and I still can't forget it.

Today's weather is not so good, the sky is cloudy, there is no sunshine, and the lake is windy. Weishan Lake has changed from the gentle and smooth in the past, showing its violent side.

Waves rose and fell on the lake, and Pu Jian got seasick and lay down in the cabin.

Xu Chunliang and Wang Jinwu were talking and laughing happily on the deck, and they seemed to be laughing and watching the situation.

When Wang Jinwu heard the news that Equator Capital had reached an agreement with Huanian Group, he also felt a little sudden: "Miss Mo was discussing cooperation with Uncle Tong two days ago. Why did you find Huanian so quickly?"

Xu Chunliang said: "I feel hopeless."

Wang Jinwu said: "The reason why you put so much pressure on Huanian Group recently is to encourage Equator Capital to cooperate with them?" In fact, Wang Jinwu represented the thoughts of most people.

Xu Chunliang smiled wryly: "Nothing, they talked behind our town government's back, and we only know when an agreement is reached."

Wang Jinwu said: "This Ms. Mo is a bit rude. With your relationship, she doesn't say hello in advance."

"Brother Jin Wu, tell me clearly, what kind of relationship do we have?"

Wang Jinwu smiled mysteriously: "Well, even if I said something wrong, in fact, if the entire project is transferred to them, [-] million yuan is not too expensive."

Xu Chunliang said: "The Huanian Group has already let go, and we may take the hospital back without paying them a penny. If Equator Capital messes up like this, all our early efforts will be in vain."

Wang Jinwu said: "One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. They are rich and powerful, and you can't control them. Besides, they are investing in Weishan Island anyway, and they will benefit you without any harm."

Xu Chunliang said: "I always feel that this matter is not that simple. They and Daheng are also negotiating and preparing to take over Daheng's project."

Wang Jinwu sighed, "It's nice to have money."

"If you have money, you can't do whatever you want. Uncle Tong didn't give them face."

When mentioning this matter, Wang Jinwu had to explain that Tong Guangsheng didn't reject foreign cooperation, but because of the Japanese background of Mutian Group.But now Zhan Aihua and his son have decided to come to Weishan Island to open a resort hotel, and Tong Guangsheng intends to set aside a piece of land from Xianhong Farm to cooperate with them. Of course, this also needs the approval of Hushan Town.

Xu Chunliang said that this is not a problem.

At this time, a ray of sunlight projected down from the gap in the dark clouds overhead, turning the whole world into a huge stage.The yacht sailed under the dark clouds, advancing towards the ray of light.

Pointing to the lake in front of him, Wang Jinwu said pleasantly, "Shen Cheng!"

Xu Chunliang looked in the direction he pointed, but saw the shadow of the city wall under the water surface cast by the sun.

It is said that Shencheng in the water is the ancient city, the fiefdom of Han Zhangliang.In ancient times, it was the political, economic, and cultural center of southern Shandong. The market was like a city, row upon row of buildings, wealthy businessmen, celebrities and dignitaries gathered, and people and cars bustled to and fro.Before the Tang Dynasty, it had maintained a prosperous scene, but later because of the flood of the Yellow River, Liucheng was silted up.

According to the legend of the local people, Liucheng reappears every 60 years, and the original city reappears on the waters that silted up in Liucheng: it is still the ancient market, ancient carriages and horses, and people in ancient costumes.

On the day when the ancient city reappeared, there was a boat that sailed into the brightly lit ancient city to chat with the ancients.

"Liucheng once in 60 years" has become a well-known anecdote among women and children on the island. The world-famous Penglai Wonderland appears several times a year, but the ancient city of Liuzhou has a miracle every 60 years.

The yacht passed above Shencheng District, the dark clouds covered the sun again, lost the projection of the sun, and the water surface turned dark green again, even if you exhausted your eyesight, you couldn't see the underwater scene clearly.

Pu Jian came outside in a daze, Wang Jinwu hurriedly helped him to sit down: "Is it better?"

Pu Jian nodded and said: "I just took seasickness medicine, I have never been seasick before, is there something wrong with your yacht?"

Xu Chunliang smiled and said, "Why are you the only one who has problems when everyone else is fine?"

(End of this chapter)

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