Chapter 716
Xu Chunliang's trip to Nanjiang this time was not only to accompany Fan Lida to a meeting, but also to accept an exclusive interview with Provincial Satellite TV. This interview was arranged by Su Qing, mainly to promote Dongzhou's food culture and help them promote their cultural tourism this time.

Su Qing was so painstaking, Xu Chunliang certainly couldn't refuse. After meeting Fan Lida at the high-speed rail station, Fan Lida also talked about the queuing up for dinner with Fu Guomin yesterday, and sighed: "You didn't see that scene. There was a line of more than 100 meters. Those who knew were going to have a barbecue. Those who didn't know thought that some famous celebrity held a meeting."

Xu Chunliang said: "You believe it now, isn't the power of internet celebrities big enough?"

Fan Lida nodded and talked about how difficult it is to get a taxi today. He didn't let the unit take the taxi, and the taxi came here later than Xu Chunliang, but he actually left early.

Xu Chunliang mentioned that there are obviously many people on the subway. It should be that many outsiders came to Dongzhou to look for fireworks because they watched some videos.

Fan Lida said: "Do you think this wave of enthusiasm can last for a week?"

Xu Chunliang said: "It will be May [-]st in a week, let's push it again on May [-]st, and strive to increase Dongzhou's tourism revenue during the festival, and strive to enter the top three in the province."

Fan Lida said with a smile: "Just dream, don't look at the gap between us and others. Last year, Dongzhou's tourism revenue ranked ninth in the province, just over 300 billion. The top four are all at the level of [-] billion."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's not like we are competing all year round. Taking advantage of this wave of enthusiasm, we will single out the May Day holiday. If we don't make the top three, we will be sorry for the traffic."

At this time, the ticket check began, Xu Chunliang's cell phone rang, and Fan Lida helped him carry the suitcase.Although Xu Chunliang is just a small deputy department, Fan Lida, a deputy department cadre, is also willing to carry his suitcase. He owes Xu Chunliang a lot of favors. It can be said that without Xu Chunliang's help, he would not be where he is today.

The phone calls came in twos and threes, and he told Xu Chunliang that the start is not bad. Next, he will organize some Internet celebrities to visit the store in turn to try to maintain the popularity. However, he also found a problem, that is, the preparation of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism is not enough. Their video account of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism has not even sent out the first video. This response is more than half a beat slow.

After Xu Chunliang sat down, before hanging up the phone in twos and threes, he put forward several pertinent opinions, Xu Chunliang summed them up and sent them to Fu Guomin.

Fu Guomin is actually very troublesome. He is the director of culture and tourism, and things within his scope of authority are easy to handle, but those beyond his scope of authority must be consulted with superiors, and the superiors will send orders to other brother departments for cooperation.

Xu Chunliang teamed up to play this Internet celebrity economy card in twos and threes. Fu Guomin thought it was feasible, but several leaders in the city believed that the Internet celebrity economy could not become the mainstream and could never replace the real economy.The city can support it, but they don't think that Dongzhou's cultural tourism can be promoted with just a few small videos.

The thinking of several leaders is still traditional. If the whole city is used to cooperate with the hype of Internet celebrities, it will become a joke if it is spread. From the outsiders, they, the leaders of Dongzhou, seem to be chasing the bottom.

Fu Guomin didn't say clearly on the phone, but promised that he would try his best to do it.

But when he saw a few comments from Xu Chunliang, his head suddenly became dizzy.

The first is the market supervision mechanism to ensure that there will be no short-sighted profit-seeking, short-sighted and short-sighted behaviors, and the behavior of driving up market prices. This requires the cooperation of the Market Supervision Bureau and the price department.

Food hygiene must be excellent to ensure that there is no act of shoddy or shoddy, which in turn involves the Food Supervision Bureau and the health and epidemic prevention department.

With the increase of the flow of people, there will inevitably be security problems, and we must make early preparations to prevent problems before they happen.


Xu Chunliang sent him a large article, and there were mainly eight comments. After reading it, Fu Guomin covered his head and remained silent for a long time. If anyone in Dongzhou can do it, there is only one person, and that is Secretary Zhou.

If all these opinions that Xu Chunliang sent to him were forwarded to Secretary Zhou intact, would Secretary Zhou suspect that he was directing his work?
In order to verify what Xu Chunliang said, Fu Guomin went out and took the subway. He went around the gates of several time-honored restaurants in Dongzhou, and if he didn’t turn around, he was done. He found that there were many more people in Dongzhou overnight, and it was already 10:30 in the morning.

Because the road is being built at the entrance of the hotel, there is no clear parking space, and there are cars parked all over the road. Fu Guomin saw that more than half of them have license plates from other places, and locals generally dare not park like this.

Sure enough, a young traffic policeman came over on a motorcycle and started taking pictures and posting tickets.

Fu Guomin hurried over: "Comrade!"

The young traffic policeman looked at him solemnly: "Your car?"


"It's not what you want me for?"

Fu Guomindao: "These out-of-town cars basically come to Dongzhou for tourism. I think you should mainly remind them. If you don't come up, you will be fined."

The traffic police laughed: "I heard it right? You taught me how to enforce the law? I don't care where they come from, they always park like them. Isn't the traffic in Dongzhou messed up? There is no rule and no rules. I don't need to explain to you. You can go about your own business and don't hinder me from performing official duties."

Fu Guomindao: "Little comrade, you can't do this. You have to follow the rules, but you have to know how to be flexible in the specific implementation process."

"I said, is there something wrong with you? Is there your car here?"

Seeing that the other party did not buy his account, Fu Guomin had no choice but to reveal his identity: "Little comrade, I am from the Culture and Tourism Bureau. Recently we are promoting Dongzhou Culture and Tourism. We must be flexible when dealing with tourists from other places."

"What's the matter with the Culture and Tourism Bureau? Since when did our traffic police brigade come under the management of the Culture and Tourism Bureau? Comrade, do you have nothing to do? Don't affect my work. If I let it go, our leaders will criticize me."

Fu Guomin couldn't stop him and could only watch the traffic police take photos and post stickers on the vehicles. He felt so depressed. He can guarantee that the drivers who were fined from other places basically took advantage of their happiness and returned disappointed. Maybe Dongzhou was blacklisted from then on.

Not far ahead is Zhuangyuan Street. Fu Guomin walked all the way. Usually there are not many tourists on Zhuangyuan Street. Before he reached the gate, he saw a long queue of vehicles and a traffic jam!
Fu Guomin really feels that this wave of traffic is coming fiercely. If effective channeling is not carried out in a timely manner, not only will it not be beneficial to Dongzhou Cultural Tourism, but it will cause them to suffer backlash.

Fu Guomin made up his mind, first sent a few photos he took to Secretary Zhou, then revised Xu Chunliang's opinion and sent it to him, praying silently in his heart, Secretary Zhou, it's not that I delay your rest, there is really no way, I am soft-spoken and unable to coordinate so many departments.

Secretary Zhou was chatting with his old lady. When he received the photo from Fu Guomin, his first reaction was that Fu Guomin sent it wrong. Which scenic spot is this?Zoom in and see, isn't this Dongzhou?When did Dongzhou have so many tourists?It seems that the May [-]st Golden Week has come suddenly.

Then he received another opinion from Fu Guomin, Secretary Zhou frowned.

Mrs. Zhou saw him frowning, and said with concern: "What? Have you encountered a problem at work? You don't have to accompany me, and take care of the public affairs first."

Secretary Zhou smiled and said: "It's okay, someone just sent me a photo of Mashi Street (饣 it) soup, and suddenly there was a long queue." He showed it to his wife.

Granny Zhou took the phone and put on the glasses to look at it: "Why are there so many people?"

Secretary Zhou reminded her that there were more.

Mrs. Zhou looked at two more photos, all of which were people queuing. She said strangely, "Isn't Dongzhou so lively? Places with a lot of people are prone to accidents. You need to ask the relevant departments to strengthen management. There was a stampede in Seoul last year in the news."

The old lady is afraid of accidents if she is not afraid of anything else. The son is the parent official of Dongzhou. If something goes wrong, he will be responsible.

Although Secretary Zhou knew that her mother was a little too worried, her worry was not unreasonable.

Secretary Zhou went to the yard and called Fu Guomin.

Fu Guomin was very excited when he received the call from Secretary Zhou: "Secretary Zhou, I'm sorry to disturb you to rest."

Secretary Zhou said: "You are working so hard, how can I have the nerve to rest."

Fu Guomin smiled a little embarrassedly. He told what he saw on the spot just now. In fact, some opinions had already been sent to Secretary Zhou just now.

After listening patiently, Secretary Zhou first affirmed Fu Guomin's serious and responsible work attitude. Of course, he hoped that Dongzhou's tourism will develop and make great progress, but he thinks that it should not be blindly optimistic. The popularity of a day or two can't explain the problem. They have been engaged in Dongzhou for so many years. The tourism has not improved, and it became popular with a small video of the Internet celebrity anchor?It still sounds like a fantasy.

Secretary Zhou agreed to adopt Fu Guomin’s opinion, and immediately arranged for a multi-departmental coordination meeting. No matter how long the traffic brought by Internet celebrities lasted, it was always right to plan ahead. He handed over this matter to Geng Wenjun, who had just joined the Dongzhou leadership team, and asked Geng Wenjun to handle it immediately. He called the leaders of various departments such as cultural tourism, public security, fire protection, industry and commerce, taxation, health and epidemic prevention to hold a meeting to coordinate their work, and strive to ensure that all departments do not slack off, not slack, and cooperate with each other.

Strive to let foreign tourists who come to Dongzhou have zero complaints, and come back with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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