Great Doctor Without Borders

Chapter 775 1 To the outside world

Chapter 775 Unanimous

"Of course they won't report blatantly. Anyone can do it. As long as the whistleblower is investigated, it is not difficult to find out who is behind the scenes!" Xu Chunliang still believes that Mingde Group should be behind the scenes black hands.

Lin Sijin smiled and said: "Xiao Xu, I found that you are very hostile to Mingde Group. Mingde Group is the largest group of Korean medicine. Their landing in China also fully demonstrates our country's open and inclusive attitude in medical care."

Xu Chunliang said: "If they really came here to promote Korean medicine, that's all right. It's not that I'm too intolerant, but what I've heard is that the Mingde Group didn't come here to cure diseases and save lives. After they came to us, , What they do most is acquisitions and annexations, using money to attract and confuse a large number of practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, defrauding too many traditional secret recipes and medical skills.”

Lin Sijin picked up her teacup and took a sip of water. She didn't speak, and motioned Xu Chunliang to continue.

Xu Chunliang said: "We are tolerant to them, but they don't have the purpose of communicating with you. I am also from a family of Chinese medicine. I know very well what their Korean medicine is. From the basic theory to the method of medicine, everything is from the We have learned it here, in fact we are not afraid of them learning it, but these guys still don’t recognize it after learning it, changing our traditional medicine and directly turning it into their national treasure, this is simply stealing!”

Lin Sijin said: "The problems you reported do exist, but the profoundness of our traditional medicine is not so easy to steal."

Xu Chunliang said: "Aunt Lin, I don't think you can take it lightly. I used to think so too, but there is a saying that day defense is night defense, and house thieves are hard to guard against. We also have internal problems. Some people only know to look at money, and there is no The awareness of protecting national culture, such as the Mingde Group, their leader Huang Youlong is a Korean Chinese, and he has a deep research in traditional Chinese medicine."

Lin Sijin said: "Xiao Xu, don't worry, I will remind the relevant departments to pay attention to the situation you mentioned."

Xu Chunliang also mentioned that Huang Gongxian was still under investigation and had not let him go home. Lin Sijin called and told Xu Chunliang that Huang Gongxian could go home tonight, but he was not allowed to leave the capital for a short time.

When Xu Chunliang left, he saw an acquaintance, Liang Wenjing, the chairman of Enheng Pharmaceutical.

Liang Wenjing's visit to Beijing this time was also for Hui Ren Tang's affairs, because among the batch of drugs involved in the accident, three varieties were jointly produced by Enheng Pharmaceutical, so Enheng Pharmaceutical was also implicated.

Liang Wenjing came here on a special trip this time. It's a pity that despite the aura of a well-known entrepreneur in Dongzhou, her aura became a firefly when she came to the capital. For her face, although Hui Ren Tang has to bear the main responsibility for the accident this time, En Heng Pharmaceutical, as the manufacturer, will inevitably be punished. This incident has already caused a sharp drop in En Heng Pharmaceutical's stock price.

Xu Chunliang originally wanted to catch up and say hello to Liang Wenjing, but seeing Liang Wenjing walking in a hurry, someone from the parking lot greeted him.

Xu Chunliang recognized that guy as Zhao Xiaohui's ex-boyfriend Chen Jianxin, because he had discovered the affair between Liang Wenjing and Chen Jianxin in the movie theater before, Xu Chunliang stopped immediately, unexpectedly Liang Wenjing came to the capital to do business with him, Sheng Chaohui's head It's all green.

But Sheng Chaohui is not worthy of sympathy, the father and mother are wonderful, neither one is fuel-efficient.

Xu Chunliang was a little curious. Seeing the Mercedes-Benz they were driving away, he hurried to the side of the road and stopped a taxi, asking the driver to follow.

The Mercedes-Benz that Liang Wenjing was riding in drove into the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel. Liang Wenjing got off the car and went in first. After getting off the car, Chen Jianxin smoked a cigarette, stopped a taxi and left.

Xu Chunliang's curiosity was aroused, and he decided to follow up to see, what exactly is this guy doing in the capital?
Following Chen Jianxin all the way to the Jingfu Building in Wangjing, Xu Chunliang saw Chen Jianxin entering the Jingfu Building, and he already understood something in his heart, so he didn't continue to follow him in.

Instead, let the driver send himself back to the Four Seasons Hotel again.

After Xu Chunliang got off the car, he called Liang Wenjing.

Liang Wenjing was quite surprised to receive his call: "Director Xu, what do you need from me?"

"Mr. Liang, is it convenient to meet up? There is something I want to talk to you face to face."

Liang Wenjing said: "I'm sorry, I'm in the capital right now, so I'll talk about it when I get back." She knew that Xu Chunliang had gone to the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and most likely he was looking for sponsorship. Known as the Dongzhou Fuyang Festival, Liang Wenjing publicly rejected his proposal at the board meeting.

She discovered that Sheng Chaohui has been trying to expand his influence within the company recently, and his desire for power is clearly revealed, which has aroused Liang Wenjing's vigilance.

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm also in the capital. Mr. Liang's visit this time is related to the matter of Hui Ren Tang. I mainly want to talk to you about this matter."

Liang Wenjing was taken aback. She didn't know what relationship Xu Chunliang had with Hui Ren Tang, so she thought about it and said, "I'm at the Four Seasons Hotel. Let's meet at the coffee shop in half an hour."

Xu Chunliang said: "It doesn't take so long, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

Liang Wenjing walked into the coffee shop and found that Xu Chunliang had really arrived. She was really surprised. Does this guy live nearby?Or has he been stalking himself?
Liang Wenjing sat down opposite Xu Chunliang.

Xu Chunliang said: "I don't know what you like to drink, I decided to order you a cup of caputino."

Liang Wenjing said, "Thank you!"

The afterglow of the setting sun was projected on the two of them through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The waiter brought coffee. Liang Wenjing took a sip of coffee and turned to look out the window. From here, you can see the beautiful street view of the capital.

However, no matter how beautiful the street scene is, she has no intention of admiring it. If the incident at Hui Ren Tang is not handled properly, it will have an extremely serious impact on Enheng Pharmaceutical. The stock price has fallen and there will be a day of recovery, but if it loses the confidence of consumers, then it will be troublesome in the future. up.

Xu Chunliang said: "Mr. Huang Wanglin from Huirentang and I are friends who have forgotten years."

Liang Wenjing nodded. She had met Huang Wanglin a few times, and she admired the character of Mr. Huang, but she wanted to treat Huang Wanglin as an elder. Xu Chunliang and Huang Wanglin became friends, which proved that this kid really has a way. Recalling that her husband Sheng Chaohui was beaten half to death by Xu Chunliang at the beginning, but now he still has a fierce fight with him, or whether he is afraid of him and is still overwhelmed by this guy's personality charm, then I don't know.

Liang Wenjing said: "We have been cooperating with Hui Ren Tang for several years, and we have always cooperated tacitly and have not exposed so many problems in the past."

Xu Chunliang said: "As far as I know, 12 people died, and they all had a history of taking the medicine produced by Hui Ren Tang."

Liang Wenjing said: "I've never heard of it in the past. These twelve people all died this year. Why didn't there be so many deaths in the past?"

Xu Chunliang said: "No one paid attention to you in the past, but this time Hui Ren Tang had an accident because someone reported it."

Liang Wenjing said, "I've heard about it too."

Xu Chunliang said: "Do you know who reported you?"

Liang Wenjing shook her head and said, "How would I know? Nine out of ten are competitors."

Xu Chunliang said: "The one who can get your drug data and detailed information must come from within you. This matter has been prepared for a long time."

Liang Wenjing said angrily: "If I find out who leaked the company's information, I will definitely not spare him."

Xu Chunliang said: "Is Mr. Liang in contact with Mingde Group?"

Liang Wenjing said: "In the past, Mingde Group wanted to acquire our third pharmaceutical factory. The third pharmaceutical factory is our Chinese patent medicine production department, and the Chinese medicine research and development center is also there."

Xu Chunliang's question made Liang Wenjing realize something. She tried to think back and said, "But I rejected their proposal. It was my husband who brought them here."

Suspicion arose in Liang Wenjing's mind. Could it be Sheng Chaohui? For Sheng Chaohui, Sheng Chaohui is naturally responsible for the food and drink expenses of the mother and son.

No woman can tolerate this. Liang Wenjing has strengthened her economic control over Sheng Chaohui. As the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance. Sheng Chaohui has the desire to seize power because of this, and even wants to get half of her assets through divorce.

As soon as Xu Chunliang heard that she suspected Sheng Chaohui, he calmly took out his phone and found a photo he had just taken to show Liang Wenjing.

Liang Wenjing saw the back of a man, and she immediately recognized that it was Chen Jianxin, and her heart was pounding. The first thought she had was that Xu Chunliang had discovered her affair with Chen Jianxin, but she was very upset. She calmed down soon, there was no self in this photo, and she was not familiar with the environment, if Xu Chunliang broke their affairs, she should have a photo of herself.

Xu Chunliang said: "Do you know this person?"

Liang Wenjing said: "A senior executive of our company, his name is Chen Jianxin."

Xu Chunliang said: "This is the photo I just took. The place he entered is Jingfu Building in Wangjing, where the China Business Department of Mingde Group is located."

Liang Wenjing's pupils shrank suddenly, and her breathing became rapid. How could she not understand what Xu Chunliang was implying, could it be that Chen Jianxin was the one who betrayed her?If so, this man is too despicable.

Xu Chunliang said: "Maybe I'm overthinking. Chen Jianxin may be passing by on his way to Jingfu Building, or President Liang sent him to negotiate business with Mingde Group."

Liang Wenjing said, "You've been following me?" She and Chen Jianxin hadn't been separated for long, so it's not difficult to make such an inference.

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm not interested in Mr. Liang's private life at all. I only care about whether my friend is being framed. Enheng Pharmaceutical is a star company in Dongzhou, and Mr. Sheng is also my friend. I think it should be unanimously public now." moment."

(End of this chapter)

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