Chapter 800

It is not an exaggeration to describe the current situation of Dongzhou Cultural Tourism as the house leaking and raining at night.

After Secretary Zhou finished the emergency office meeting, Geng Wenjun immediately gave instructions to the departments at all levels on the major problems summarized in the meeting, asking them to reflect on the problems existing in the work as soon as possible, and solve all the problems as soon as possible. Make corrections immediately, and must be seriously held accountable for things that have already happened and caused serious consequences.

Geng Wenjun focused on criticizing certain comrades in the Bureau of Culture and Tourism. For the sake of the so-called political achievements, they relaxed their vigilance, and even relaxed some principled issues. As a national cadre, you can't learn from the social Internet celebrity economy. , we must keep a clear head, whether it is economic development or cultural tourism development, we must follow the law of objective development, the first step is to lay a solid foundation, it is impossible to eat a fat man.

Geng Wenjun just criticized Fu Guomin without naming him.

Fu Guomin is so useless. He admits that the recent problems are all related to Dongzhou BBQ, but this matter cannot be entirely blamed on me. Dongzhou Barbecue City is not your suggestion from Geng Wenjun, but Geng Wenjun's cunning lies in his Not the initiator, the initiator is Fu Guomin. In other words, Geng Wenjun was only a supporter in the process of building Dongzhou BBQ City. It can be said that he was deceived by the cake drawn by Fu Guomin, and he has to bear the responsibility Supervisory responsibility.

So many things have happened, someone must be responsible. As the head of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Fu Guomin is the first to bear the brunt. A group of people in the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, such as Li Yushan and Xiao Dong, have opposed the establishment of a barbecue city from the very beginning. What kind of barbecue culture is the main focus, now it proves that their vision is correct.

Fan Lida showed his due responsibility in this matter. He privately told Fu Guomin that if it doesn’t work, he can handle it by himself. It is too perfunctory to arrange a temporary worker to top the cylinder if one person takes responsibility.

Fu Guomin told Fan Lida not to worry. The impact of this incident has not deteriorated to that point. This is not only Fu Guomin's reassurance to Fan Lida, but also a deep reason that Fan Lida can't afford it.

CCTV's "Focus" column group has reported it, isn't the impact big enough?As soon as the program was broadcast, Dongzhou barbecue changed from really fragrant to everyone shouting and beating rats crossing the street.

The popularity of Dongzhou barbecue has dropped visible to the naked eye. The impact on the barbecue shops in the streets and alleys is limited. After all, there are local consumers to support them. The most affected is Dongzhou BBQ City. It's just a short week, and some merchants are already preparing to withdraw. The gap between heaven and hell is too big, and it happened too fast, which is unacceptable.

Many people began to scold the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Fu Guomin, and scolded them for engaging in formalism.

Fu Guomin realized that he might not be able to escape this catastrophe, and the current plan is to solve the problems he faces first. It is estimated that the superior's decision on how to deal with him will come down soon. Geng Wenjun's attitude made him realize that this Dongzhou barbecue The city's blame must be pinned on himself.

After Xu Chunliang went out for more than half a month, returning to Dongzhou again felt like a world away.The Dongzhou high-speed railway station is no longer the scene of crowds and heavy traffic a while ago, and the caravan and guide area organized by the non-governmental organization to welcome all guests have also been withdrawn. In addition, it is not a holiday, and there are not many guests coming to Dongzhou. It just started raining again, and it looked a little cold.

The biggest benefit of rain is that it can purify the air, and Dongzhou, which has been noisy for many days, has also been washed away by the rain that has accumulated many days of fireworks.

Although Xu Chunliang is in the capital, he is also concerned about the news that Dongzhou BBQ broke out one after another. He is not surprised. From the beginning of the construction of Dongzhou BBQ City, things are showing signs of getting out of control. Fu Guomin is not an irrational person People, but he has already embarked on a high-speed track, and has no choice but to choose to keep running forward.

But now this track has become a barbecue grill, and Fu Guomin has become a person to be roasted. Xu Chunliang knows very well that Fu Guomin must bear the responsibility. Come down, then Fan Lida and himself should bear joint and several liabilities.

Xu Chunliang went home to visit his grandfather first, and before his ass even touched the bench, Fan Lida called and asked if he had returned to Dongzhou. After getting a positive answer, he immediately expressed that he had something important to say to him. He interviews.

It was not easy for Xu Chunliang to refuse. Xu Changshan had seen some clues and told him to go quickly. After all, the parents could chat any day, and the grandson had grown up and had many serious things to do.

As usual, Fan Lida couldn't talk without wine. Tonight he didn't ask anyone else to accompany him. It was just him and Xu Chunliang. The place for dinner was in a small apartment he bought a few years ago. If you want to invest, you will find out that it is a trap after you buy it. There is no market for this kind of commercial and residential housing, and there is no room for appreciation. If you rent it out, it will cost 50 yuan per month.

Fan Lida rented it out for a period of time after the renovation, but because the tenant defaulted on the rent, the room was smoky. He was so angry that he took back the room and kept it for his own use. He himself likes to cook. He usually invites three or five friends to play cards and drink here. It's also pleasant.

When Xu Chunliang arrived, Fan Lida had already prepared the food and drinks.

Xu Chunliang said: "Yes, you did all of this?"

Fan Lida said: "This is not nonsense, am I the only one in this room?" Xu Chunliang said: "Maybe there is a snail girl hiding."

Fan Lida chuckled: "I have the heart but not the guts, sit down."

Xu Chunliang said: "What's the hurry? I came here from the capital in a hurry, and I was called by you before I had a chat with the old man."

Fan Lida has opened a bottle of Yongfu Sauce Wine for 12 years. This is a batch of Wuliangye’s trial sauce wine. It is known as a thick sauce and tail. It is specially used to fight against Moutai. The price is also comparable to Moutai. Unfortunately, the response was not good after the launch , the price fell again and again, and finally dropped from more than 1000 a bottle to more than 1000 a case. Fan Lida felt that the wine was good, so he took advantage of the low price and stocked up [-] cases.

Seeing the burnt yellow color in the wine glass, Xu Chunliang asked curiously, "Is this beer?" He smelled the wine and found it to be good.

Fan Lida said: "Old wine that is more than ten years old, how can I treat you badly?"

The two toasted twice, and Fan Lida sighed and said, "This time, the Bureau of Culture and Tourism is in trouble."

Xu Chunliang said: "I'm not an afterthought, what I said at the time, this barbecue city is pure nonsense, formalism, Fu Ju is so shrewd and so confused."

Fan Lida shook his head: "It's not that he's being confused, but that the matter is on his head, and it's not up to him to propose the construction of this barbecue city. We all know who it is."

Xu Chunliang took a piece of beef and chewed it slowly. The person Fan Lida was referring to was Geng Wenjun. Geng Wenjun did have some tricks. Now that the overwhelming negative news is directed at Fu Guomin and the Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Geng Wenjun patted it instead. The ass does not stick to the body.

Fan Lida told Xu Chunliang that the construction of Dongzhou Barbecue City was proposed by Fu Guomin, and all the application documents clearly stated that Geng Wenjun only gave him support, which proved that Geng Wenjun had left behind from the beginning.

Fan Lida said: "Since ancient times, it has been impossible to punish a doctor. As far as Dongzhou barbecue is concerned, it will definitely not affect others. To pursue responsibility is also to pursue the responsibility of our Culture and Tourism Bureau. I told the old man that if it can't be done, I will come out." Carry it, but he didn't agree."

Xu Chunliang said: "It's not that Ju Fu disagrees, but he thinks that you are not worthy enough. You can't handle this matter."

Fan Lida heaved a long sigh, what Xu Chunliang said was straightforward but it was true, he took up the glass of wine in front of him and drank it in one gulp: "Chunliang, you have a close relationship with Secretary Zhou, why don't you go tell Secretary Zhou , Dongzhou barbecue is a good thing. Lao Fu has been doing his work steadily when he arrived at the Cultural Tourism Bureau. There are indeed many problems these days, but everyone should not judge our previous work achievements because of the problems. Come to a total denial?"

Xu Chunliang said: "Even if I go to Secretary Zhou, it may not be of any use."

"Whether there is a date or not, maybe Secretary Zhou can listen to it? Didn't Secretary Zhou praise our Culture and Tourism Bureau at the all-hands meeting before these things happened?"

Xu Chunliang clinked wine glasses with him, and said that Fan Lida's political consciousness is not very good at this time and at that time. These few negative news made Dongzhou BBQ turn from an Internet celebrity to an Internet black. Leaders value public opinion the most. , if the Bureau of Culture and Tourism cannot solve the problem and quickly quell public anger, then the relevant leaders will deal with the person in charge seriously to calm public opinion. Of course, this is also the last step.

At this time, if you go to the old account of the leader's praise of Dongzhou BBQ in the past, I am afraid that Secretary Zhou will slap the table and scold his mother.

Fan Lida thought he hadn't touched Xu Chunliang yet, so he said with a mournful face: "In everyone's eyes, we are in the same camp as Fu Ju, and we are both in the same camp. If Fu Ju can't escape this catastrophe, I'm afraid the two of us..."

Xu Chunliang understood Fan Lida's thoughts, and he could not be alone in this matter, but the key to solving the problem was definitely not Secretary Zhou.

(End of this chapter)

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