Pirates: The first partner is Tom cat

Chapter 305 When gift giving is in progress, new skills get√

Chapter 305 When gift giving is in progress, new skills get√

Zhang Da also straightened the beard on his face, stuffed a large ball of stuffing into his clothes to give the effect of a big belly, tried to take two steps, and asked, "How is it?"

"That's right, it's almost one-tenth of my level." Reindeer Ye Yan said shamelessly.

"Thank you." Zhang Da also carried the big bag on his back, "Okay, get down, it's time to test your physical strength."

Ye Yan didn't understand, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Riding a reindeer."

"Reindeer are made to pull sleds, not ride them!"

"Don't be so rigid, you need a little innovative spirit to engage in performance art."

"Go away, if you really want to be innovative, the reindeer riding Santa Claus to deliver gifts is the innovation!"

"Forget it, let's go."

Zhang Da also worried that Wendy would not adapt to the life here at first, so he quietly inquired about it from Xia Lulu, and then ordered one in Goa Kingdom, and waited for this opportunity to give it to her today.

The most decorations in her room are swords, bamboo swords used for practice at the beginning, ordinary double-edged swords, knight swords from the palace where Tom was a guard, broken swords from the battlefield of Kamran...all of them were once her used sword.

Go out of Wendy's room and walk towards the stairs, next to Artoria's room, this time I didn't use the banner demon to explore the way, Zhang Da also felt that no matter whether he explored the way or not, he would definitely be found, so he simply omitted this step.

The two walked lightly, and Ye Yan held up a bright demon banner, and asked Sui Fenger to float in through the crack of the door, confirming that Brooke was sleeping soundly on the bed, and then gently opened the door.

The opposite door of Perona is the room of Wendy and Xia Lulu. Although she bought a crib for Xia Lulu when she was in Goya Kingdom, she still sleeps on the same bed with Wendy most of the time.

The gift Zhang Da also prepared for her was a parasol in the shape of a little devil. She should like this style very much.

After putting it away, the two left Brook's room, next door was Shark Pepper's room.

In fact, he just didn't know that Perona tried to slip away, but was caught by Ye Yan, but Ye Yan never exposed her. Later, Perona gave up and gradually adapted to life on the Amber.

Brook’s room is not much different from before he moved in, without adding any extra decorations, only a set of tea sets for drinking black tea is placed on the small table by the window, and the violin that has followed him for decades is placed on the bedside table. The cane sword leaned against the bed.

Zhang Da only came to Artoria's room when she was moving from the tavern to the ship, and after that, at most, she knocked on the door when looking for her, and never went in again.

This time Zhang Da also decided to give Rui Mengmeng a set of dolls that can change clothes, a very girly toy. Zhang Da also hopes that she can be like an ordinary girl in addition to exercising and studying every day , be a little nicer to yourself.

So now the only decorations in the room are the doll bear Perona gave her, and two pots of green plants by the window.

Knowing what Santa is all about, Shark Pepper hangs a sock as cooperatively as everyone else.

There are also plush dolls in various shapes, large and small, most of them are cute, and a few are dark.

Xia Lulu was given a ribbon with a bow, the kind she usually likes to decorate her tail with, it feels like a hairpin to her.

Zhang Da also bent down and took out a half-meter-high gift box from his pocket and placed it gently beside the bed. Seeing that Artoria didn't intend to sit up suddenly, he was slightly relieved.

Zhang Da also understood in seconds: "Is it your gift? I was thinking about asking you to cooperate in sending gifts, so I can save a share? Anyway, you don't believe in Santa Claus."

"Come on." Zhang Da also said, "Shoveling snow by yourself is quite interesting. Tom and Perona Wendy might want to play in the snow."

Zhang Da also wisely chose to turn around and leave as if he hadn't seen it or exposed it.

The two talked in a low voice, and quickly entered the living area in the cabin along the stairs. The entrance of the stairs was facing the corridor, and on both sides of the corridor were their respective rooms facing each other.

In fact, the first thing Zhang Da considered was to send her a leave note, homework offset coupon, etc., but he gave up after thinking about it because it was too strange.

"It's done!" Zhang Da also smiled happily. It is very happy to be able to leave some interesting memories for everyone.

"Okay, okay." Ye Yan released the banner demon and went in to open the door, "Also, did you forget something?"

Zhang Da also remembers that he lived in his hometown when he was a child, and had a lot of fun sweeping snow on the roof every winter. Later, he went to high school and university in the city. Every winter vacation, he might not be able to catch up with the heavy snow, and he didn’t experience it for a while. pass.

Wendy has not been here for a long time, and the room is not decorated much, but it can be seen from the bed and some decorations that this is a girl's room.The two teddy bears, one big and one small beside the bed, were given to them by Perona when they first moved into this room. It seemed that Perona really liked them.

Zhang Da had already been in her room when Wendy and Xia Lulu were in a coma, and it hasn't changed much since then, except that the number of dolls has increased.

Being stared at by Zhang Da, Arturia's eyelashes trembled, but she still didn't open her eyes.

Zhang Da also said helplessly: "It's exposed, but it's not fully exposed, so let's just pretend it wasn't."

Tom was still wearing the sound-proof earmuffs, and the quilt hadn't been removed. Zhang Da was also relieved, and gently put a small gift box into the socks hanging on Tom's nest.

In addition to the wardrobe and shoe rack, the furniture also has a dressing table. Zhang Da once saw Arturia sitting in front of the mirror braiding her hair and braiding her hair. If he had to describe that scene, he could only say ——It’s picturesque.

Zhang Da also thought for a second how he would end up not being so embarrassed if he was exposed by Artoria on the spot, then took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

In addition to the shelf where these swords are placed, there is also a desk in the room with more than a dozen notebooks on it, all of which are notes that Rui Mengmeng wrote down when she followed Tom to learn cooking skills and foreign languages. I always feel that I am not smart enough, so I work extra hard when learning things.

Zhang Da also and Ye Yan walked on it, leaving a series of footprints and a series of hoof prints - Ye Yan made this reindeer outfit very realistically, even the reindeer's hooves were imitated.

Zhang Da also put away two gift boxes, one big and one small, and beckoned Ye Yan to leave.

In fact, she also has a golden sword made by the Dragon Palace Kingdom. Because it is too expensive, it feels unsafe to keep in the room, so she has been entrusting Zhang Da to keep it.

Now the picturesque Artoria is lying quietly on the bed wearing a cute little lion pajamas, the dull hair on her head is playfully exposed through the lion headgear, I don't know why.

"Not exposed?" Ye Yan didn't follow in, but just waited at the door, because he didn't hear Zhang Daye talking with Artoria, so he thought everything was going well.

Zhang Da also thought about it, Artoria didn't care much about clothes, accessories and the like, the best gift to make her happy had to be delicious, but there was one biggest disadvantage of giving gifts like this—— He bet Artoria's gift wouldn't survive tonight.

Rui Mengmeng lives a relatively frugal life. Although she is not short of money now, she doesn't buy too many ornaments for herself.

Ye Yan stretched out a hand, rubbing his thumb, index finger and middle finger, hinting frantically.

The room is as simple as it was in the impression. Every time we are together, when it comes to buying some decorations and decorations for her room, Artoria always says to give her the money and she chooses herself...but in the end Basically in the stomach.

"Stop, stop..." Zhang Da also got goosebumps all over his body when he said it, and quickly took out the gift box, "I prepared it for you, but I didn't put it in the bag."

Wendy and Xia Lulu are still looking forward to the Christmas presents. There are two socks, one big and one small, hanging on the bedside——Wendy is wearing ordinary black stockings, while Xia Lulu’s... It looks like it was from a bigger stocking. A finger cut from a glove.

Their situation is similar to that of Tom and Zhang Da, except that Tom's survival shows that he has strong vitality, and Xia Lulu's survival shows that Wendy's sleeping position is much better than Zhang Da's.

Perona's room is well-decorated at first glance. There is a big pink princess bed with curtains and pumpkin-shaped pillows. Perona sleeps on her side with a custom-made Kumasi doll in the capital of seven waters. with.

But when he straightened up, he saw the dumb hair on Arturia's head move, "That's amazing, my sister, does your hair have a mind of your own?" '

Walking along the corridor, next to Shark Pepper is Rui Mengmeng's room.

When the door was closed tightly, a little lion crawled out of the bed, opened the gift box, and happily stuffed various snacks into his mouth one by one.

"I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I want a gift!" Ye Yan pretended to be furious, and then broke his skills in a second, and said with a playful smile:
"If it doesn't work, we can still discount it! Besides, on Christmas Eve, you will help you cover and move things. Shouldn't you settle the overtime pay? It's not too much to pay three times the salary for such an important festival? You are always so wise and mighty, Chic and handsome, righteous and unrestrained..."

Ye Yan wondered, "Can't you just open the door like you locked it just now?"

After all, they were all prepared in advance, other people's gifts were put into pockets and hidden in Ye Yan's place in advance, and Ye Yan had to hide his own.

Zhang Da was also taking off his Santa costume, and was stunned when he heard Ye Yan's words: "...the same process has been done too many times, I'm used to it. Brother Yan, ask Banner Demon to come in and open the door for me."

"If I could do it, I wouldn't let them keep the door open for Santa before." Zhang Da also said a little distressed, "This ability is unscientific, sometimes the more you want to use it, the more you can't use it, but the unconscious state It's easy to use, and I can't control it..."

"That's fine, let them finish after everyone has had enough fun." Ye Yan was not at all used to those monsters who were as unruly as he was.

Ye Yan's room is on the left side of the stairs, one of the two rooms next to it is Zhang Daye and Tom, the other is still vacant, and Brooke lives in the opposite door.

In fact, Perona once proposed to decorate the entire Amber in the style of an ancient castle, but it was rejected after a vote.

"Okay, it's Tom's next." Zhang Da also opened the door of his room a crack, and poked his head together with Ye Yan. There was a head of Santa Claus and a reindeer head in the crack of the door, which looked very interesting.

The snowflakes were still fluttering, and a thin layer of snow had already accumulated on the deck of the Amber.

Because there is no fireplace in everyone's room, Zhang Da also simply said to hang the socks on the head of the bed when popularizing science. Brooke looked very childlike, and specially prepared a big sock that is one meter long and half a meter wide. , it seems that he is very greedy for a bigger gift.

After putting it away, he couldn't help but patted Tom's head. He quietly left the room and closed the door. Like Tom, he reached in unscientifically and bolted the door from the inside.

Although she now has the most suitable dark alloy swords for her, those swords are still not willing to throw them away and put them in the room as decorations.

Leaving Ruimengmeng's room and walking forward is the end of the corridor, Perona's room, the innermost room that Zhang Da arranged because he was worried about her escaping, but now he feels that it is unnecessary.

Zhang Da also laughed and took out the gift box from the cloth bag and put it in the socks. Inside the box was a beautiful violin. Zhang Da didn't know if it was good or not, he only knew that it was very expensive.

Wendy was given a dress, which was exactly the same as the one she wore when she first arrived. The dress was damaged a lot during the battle, and Wendy put it away after washing it well. Whenever I miss the dress in the guild, Wendy would take it out to have a look when she was with her companions, and then cheer up and practice hard.

Perona sneered at Zhang Daye's statement about Santa Claus, but she still hung a black and white striped stocking on the bedside with integrity.

If you want to give Shark Chili as a gift, the easiest answer is of course toothpaste and toothbrush, but Zhang Da also temporarily changed his mind, and what he gave was a tape recorder and tape that was drawn in a yearly lottery. "Jingle Bells", I believe he will like it.

Ye Yan observed the hoofprints left by himself for a while, and felt very satisfied: "Go back and tell those lazy monsters to sweep the snow."

However, Ye Yan looked at Zhang Daye with funny eyes: "I understand the truth, but why did you lock yourself out?"

Now Brooke was sleeping soundly on his back, with a snot bubble hanging over the hollow, though he had no nose.

Also let Sui Fenger explore the way first, and then Zhang Da and Ye Yan opened the door to enter. Shark Chili's room is much more interesting than Brooke's. He moved the wardrobe away and put it in the utility room, replacing it with two glass doors. In the showcase, there are various styles of toothpaste and toothbrushes, each of which is carefully written with the use effect and advantages and disadvantages on the label.

Ye Yan weighed the weight of the gift box, and smiled happily: "Gentlemen always go back to bed."

Zhang Da also closed the door silently and went to bed.

After a while, Zhang Da also woke up suddenly. He remembered that when he went to everyone's room tonight, he didn't turn on the lights at all, but he could see everything!

Zhang Da also stretched out his hand, and he could even see the lines on his palm in the dark: "Is this the night vision technique for beating the watchman?"

(End of this chapter)

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