Pirates: The first partner is Tom cat

Chapter 311 The Amber Tour Group Comes Here 1 Tour

Chapter 311 The Amber Tour Group Came Here (4000 words)
It's just rock climbing. Although it's on an almost vertical mountain wall, as long as you use your hands and feet, it's not difficult-as long as you have enough physical strength and are not afraid of being thrown to death.

"Hiss~ It's so cold." Zhang Da also hung on the mountain wall like a big gecko, trying to find a place to use his hands and feet, and slowly climbed up.

Because it was winter now, the stones on the mountain felt like ice cubes, and he suspected that if he licked them with his tongue, they would stick to them immediately.

As the altitude increased, the wind gradually picked up. Tom, who was sitting on Zhang Daye's shoulders as a weight, shivered, and took out a blanket to wrap himself tightly.

"Practicing rock climbing in winter is really stupid, who gave the suggestion!" Zhang Daye's physical strength has long since changed, and he still complained while climbing.

"Didn't it be you who mentioned it! Huh...cough!" Ye Yan panted, and was suddenly choked by the cold wind, "I feel like after this trip, I have to ask Wendy for treatment for frostbite."

"Leave it to me!" Wendy's physical strength was stronger than Ye Yan's, and she didn't look like a 12-year-old child at all.

"Is it so serious? I feel fine." Rui Mengmeng climbed up without much effort. Her physique became less and less like a normal person, and her ability to withstand cold and heat became stronger and stronger.

Now, apart from the four of them climbing rocks, only Artoria is by her side—she can walk on moon steps and can act as a lifeguard.

Perona only tried to climb twice at the beginning, and then pitifully begged Xia Lulu to take her to the top of the mountain.

What caught the eye was a piece of black cloth, and after shaking it off, there was a pirate flag, and it was a patched pirate flag.

"Thank you, Sister Mengmeng." Wendy thanked sweetly, and was soon amused by the conversation between Zhang Daye and Ye Yan, and got up to use magic to relieve Ye Yan's frostbite.

Zhang Da also remembered that other people did not have night vision skills, so he looked through the inventory, found an oil lamp, lit it, and held it in his hand, finally allowing people to see things clearly.In fact, he still has a flashlight, but it feels more atmospheric to use an oil lamp.

"They actually returned all the gold." Rui Mengmeng said, "So our trip was really in vain?"

"Hey, this is called IQ." Ye Yan stunned a little, and then sacrificed two bright demon banners, "To prevent traps and the like, let the banner demon explore the way first."

Zhang Da also turned around, and the wall that Wu Nan was facing was filled with densely written words, which should be regarded as Wu Nan's last words:

Brooke was not disappointed at all: "Yohohoho~ For me, knowing the life of such a legendary great pirate is already a worthwhile trip."

"Nonsense, I have good intentions." Zhang Da also plausibly said, "With Wu Nan's popularity, there may be many people who will come to hunt for treasures in the future, such as Bucky, who will be the nearest Sample Si Island suffered.

Reliable Tom sat on Zhang Daye's shoulder and lit a match, and the faint light of the fire happened to illuminate Brook's face.

"Protest is ineffective."

The others began to walk around as they warmed up a bit, circling each room, looking for clues to the treasure.

Perona said: "Sure enough, the treasure is in that castle, right? That clown's treasure map may be fake."

"Okay." Zhang Da readily agreed, "Then, when the next island arrives, Wendy's pocket money will be doubled."

"Ah... I feel despised by Miss Perona..." Brook was a little bit shocked.

The others were fine, but Ye Yan just lay on the ground and didn't want to get up: "Ah, I feel like my hands are no longer mine! Anyway, this is considered a work-related injury, and I want compensation for medical expenses!"

The two exchanged a few words, and Xia Lulu also came out to say hello: "Go inside, it's warm inside, Brook lit the fireplace."

Zhang Da also agreed: "Indeed, he is about the same age as Wu Nan, maybe the man mentioned in Wu Nan's last words is him."

The two banner demons floated into the tunnel entrance with resentful expressions on their faces.

"That's not necessarily the case. Such an empty room doesn't seem to be used for people at all. It's obviously for hiding treasures." Ye Yan walked to the fireplace, "Since there is no furniture, why is there a fireplace? Surely has a problem."

On the seat facing the door sat a man in the costume of a pirate captain, or rather a skeleton, who seemed to have been dead for a long time.

Artoria appeared next to Zhang Daye in an instant, tilted her head and looked at the paper in his hand, with a look of relief on her face: "Da also didn't lie to me, so there really is a secret food recipe in the treasure!"

Wendy was also a little tired at this time, and she wanted to take a rest while sitting in a duck posture. Rui Mengmeng took off her coat and gave Wendy a cushion to keep it from getting cold on the floor, since she herself was not afraid of the cold anyway.

Soon, two banner demons floated back and said: "There are no traps inside, but there are no treasures either. Be prepared to return empty-handed, everyone."

This is a small house made of bluestone, the roof is covered with thatch, and the thatch on the top of the mountain has not been blown away. Although it is unscientific, it is very pirate.

Brook wanted to participate in group activities, but a gust of wind nearly blown him away. He was still too light, so he had to ask Jin Erpeng to fly him up.

Tom was awakened by the sound, looked away from his fireplace for some unknown reason, spread his hands, dragged a small blanket to change positions, and continued to sleep by the fire.

"You guys are so slow!" Perona ran out of the room, squatted next to Wendy and tilted her head to watch her use magic.

Ye Yan clutched his chest: "Although I was prepared, I still feel distressed. My golden mountain... is gone... Is there really such a big spender in the world?"

As everyone walked out, Rui Mengmeng whispered, "Boss, you are traveling in an uncivilized way, and you will spoil the children."

The tunnel soon came to an end. It was a wooden door, which had already been pushed open by the Banner Demon.

"It's so dark, has anyone brought a lamp?" Perona grabbed Wendy's hand with some fear. Although she likes dark castles, she doesn't like places with no light at all.

Perona said in disbelief: "Is it a lie? Is there really a basement? Why didn't the color skull find it after being busy in front of the fireplace for so long?"

"Is this the first pirate flag of the Wunan Pirates?" Zhang Da also guessed, and soon he noticed that there was a piece of paper in the box, so he opened it and looked.

Ye Yan watched his hand gradually reduce swelling, and said dissatisfiedly, "The guy who flew up has the right to say such a thing."

After a cursory look, Zhang Da was also a little confused: "This... seems to be... the secret recipe of Oden?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Perona also apologized in a low voice. It doesn't matter to fight and fight when she is bored, but she will still apologize if it makes people sad.

The relative altitude of this mountain is not low, and it took a little time for everyone to climb up successfully.

"I protest!"

Perona asked: "Why is the most important treasure of the Golden Pirate Oden?"

There is no more gold here, but there are gifts that are more precious than gold. Although it is worthless to others, but for me now, as long as I have this, please don't destroy this place. This is the place where the greatest treasure of my life lies. "

Before leaving, Zhang Da also thought about it, and wrote a few words after Wu Nan's last words: "The Amber Tour Group is here for a visit."

Tom probably thought of the delicious Oden that he ate a few days ago, and rubbed his hands expectantly, so can he cook it by himself?

Zhang Da also gave him a thumbs up: "This cautious look has my demeanor, and the banner demon is really easy to use."

Everyone walked down the entrance suspiciously, and after walking a few steps, Zhang Da also turned his head and pulled Tom in. Tom blinked his eyes and turned his head back, and pulled the blanket in.

'Crack la la...' The fireplace slid smoothly a distance, revealing a basement entrance.

But as Brook said, all the rooms are empty, not even the most basic beds, tables, chairs and benches.

"Let me see what he said is the greatest treasure in his life, a sailing diary?" Zhang Da also walked towards Wu Nan's body, and gently opened the box.

"Yeah—" Perona screamed, if she didn't suddenly remember that there was a colored skeleton among her companions, she would have attacked with a passive ghost.

Perona said, "Liar, isn't there still a piece of gold here?"

"Is this Wu Nan?" Zhang Da also approached a little closer. This person's current appearance is comparable to Brooke's, and he can't tell the specific appearance.

But after people know that we have been here, only a small number of people will believe Wu Nan's last words, and most of them will think that we took away the gold. Once the news spreads, there will be fewer pirates coming here. "

On his left was a gold nugget the size of a pigeon egg, and on his right was an ordinary box.

"Yohohoho~ The friendship between the big pirate and the owner of the oden is very interesting."

Because of this, I have no regrets about the life I spent on adventure.Yes, I finally understand that what I bet my life on is not gold, but an adventure to find it.

"Perhaps that piece of gold belonged to him in the first place." Artoria speculated, "I don't think such a person would lie at the end of his life."

"Tatsuya, there are writings on the wall." Arturia reminded.

"Yohohoho~ Although I want to boil some hot water and wait for everyone, but unfortunately, there is nothing here." Brooke led everyone into the room with a smile.

"Don't make trouble." Zhang Da also grabbed Perona by the back collar and lifted her up, letting the loli struggle in the air, he explained: "Really insightful people have heard that one-third of the world You absolutely won’t believe such nonsense as gold, and as for those ignorant people, just come, even if I can’t fight for a while, Artoria can still hit one with a sword.”

"Those who came here in pursuit of gold, my name is Wu Nan, a man who was once called the golden pirate, but now he is just a man waiting to die. All the gold I collected was returned to the original owner , I went through battles, realized my childhood ambitions, and forged an unprecedented golden mountain.

While talking, he pushed hard on the side of the fireplace, but there was no response, and Ye Yan was not discouraged, so he switched to the other side.

After entering the room, a gust of hot air came blowing in his face. Tom was the one who reacted the most. He rushed to the fireplace, spread the blanket wrapped around him on the floor, and lay down comfortably, closed his eyes and warmed himself by the fire—he likes the fireplace the most. .

But right now, no one paid attention to the lazy cat, all were staring at the entrance.

However, standing in front of the Golden Mountain, I remembered what a man said - 'Gold can't laugh, it's no different from a stone'.From the day he rescued me, he has been in my heart and I have been on the same boat with me through the long years of adventure.

"I'm sorry to scare you, Miss Perona, but I will be sad if your reaction is so big, Yo Ho Ho..."

After walking through a long tunnel, the inside became darker and darker. Zhang Daye and Ye Yan were not affected, but the others could not see clearly.

As for Shark Pepper, climbing the cliff with his body is really a bit too reluctant. Even if he uses the super transformation form, he can climb up within 15 minutes, and how to get down is still a problem.

Besides, with his weight, it would be very difficult for Xia Lulu or Jin Erpeng to fly him up. As for Arturia carrying him up with moon steps...it is possible but it feels too embarrassing, so He gave up directly, walked around the island by himself, and agreed to meet up at the castle in the forest later.

He also used his crappy drawing skills to match Tom's stick figure avatar.

"What does it have to do with Wendy, isn't it for me?"

"That's right, let's go to him and ask him. We'll have another rub, and then verify the secret recipe." Zhang Da also hastily decided on the next itinerary, but no one objected.

"Slightly~" Perona is not so afraid of Ye Yan now, and made a face at him: "Everyone climbed up, why is it that only your hands are frostbitten, even the black-hearted boss is stronger than you."

Perona said in fear: "Are you crazy? If people know that one-third of the world's gold is in our hands, there will be many terrible people chasing and killing us, right? I'll wipe it off now!"

"Anyway, you're going to Wendy for the treatment of your injuries. Why don't I just pay for it for you? It also saves a procedure. What a considerate and wonderful boss."

Wendy praised: "I found it all at once, it's amazing!"

Ye Yan managed to get out of the disappointment, and said: "Speaking of Oden, I think of that strange boss. The prices of his products are so low, which fits his personality that doesn't like gold."

Zhang Da also thinks that the small village is quite pitiful. It is not a good thing for them to have a character like Wu Nan. Instead of letting those treasure-hunting pirates trouble the villagers, it is better to attract all eyes to him body.

He is no longer the Zhang Daye who was cautious when he first arrived in Shambord. Although he does not have the strength and ambition to help the world, it is okay to meddle in this level of nosy. Just thank Wu Nan for the secret recipe of oden cooking. .

Another reason is that if someone comes to trouble him, he can earn a bounty!He's greedy for the bodies of those criminals offering rewards!

 Today is a simple holiday, I am late... Happy Lantern Festival everyone

(End of this chapter)

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