Pirates: The first partner is Tom cat

Chapter 70 What's Wrong With Cats Eating Fish

Chapter 70 What's Wrong With Cats Eating Fish
After learning about Zhang Daye's reason for coming, Goodman said: "This matter is on me!"

Then boarded the ship and carried out a professional inspection inside and out: "The old-fashioned sailboat, with a total length of 20 meters, has a slight damage to the keel and is still within the repairable range. The mast is relatively intact. The hull has impact marks and explosion marks, and the sails are damaged. Graffiti, severe corrosion damage on the deck, and inside the cabin..."

"These bastard pirates are obviously a great ship, and they don't know how to cherish it at all!" As a boatman, Goodman became angrier the more he inspected it. Obviously there were many damages that could be avoided, but it was still in tatters.

Zhang Da also became angrier the more he listened, these bastard pirates don't know how to protect my ship at all!How much is the price for so much damage!
Tom was also very angry. Seeing that Zhang Da was also angry, he followed suit.

Goodman said: "If the ship is in good condition, the second-hand ship can be sold for more than [-] million Berries, but the current appearance requires us to overhaul it and add some wood to meet the selling standard. The price may be lower, probably [-] to [-] million."

The psychological gap is a bit big, but it is still acceptable. Anyway, it is just a windfall. Zhang Da also feels that Goodman's character will not deceive him in this kind of thing: "Then let's sell it like this."

"Actually, there is another option, brother, you pay a fee and send the ship to us for repairs. Afterwards, we will recommend it to customers who come to buy ships. The price may be negotiated higher. Of course, the shipyard will start from the turnover The disadvantage is that it may not be sold for a long time, and may not be sold at a higher price, so it is best to think carefully.”

This Zhang Da also understands that repairing a ship is risky, so investment needs to be cautious. According to the principle that I don’t manage money, and the money can’t leave me, he waved his hand: “Don’t bother, let’s just sell it to the shipyard.”

"Then I'll take you to see the boss." Goodman blinked, "I'll help you negotiate the price."

Zhang Da also immediately remembered the scene when the uncle helped to argue for the reason when he bought the tavern, but your tough guy face is not cute at all.

Zhang Da also hugged Tom and rubbed it to heal his soul, and decided to go back and see Artoria to heal his eyes.

Goodman truthfully explained the situation to the boss. Even if he wanted to help Zhang Daye, he would not hide the real situation of the ship. This was his responsibility for his identity as a boatman. He would at most have a hard time with the boss when negotiating the price.

Dao Ke, the owner of the shipyard, originally planned to directly lower the price to the lowest price, but he couldn't bear Goodman's misconduct with him, so he finally decided to give Zhang Daye 3800 million, saying that he would go back to the tavern for a drink.

Zhang Da also naturally patted his chest and said to let him come anyway, good wine is enough.

After bidding farewell to Goodman, Zhang Daye and the others boarded their own bubble car again, and the goods purchased before were still in the car.

Rui Mengmeng was riding a bicycle, and Zhang Da also sat in the back holding the cash box and dialed the number of old Bob.

"Yes, the pirates have been dealt with and taken away by the navy."

"Yes, your fishing gear is still there, you can continue fishing."

"Hey, why are you being polite? We're not here for the bounty. By the way, say hello to that friend of yours. Please keep the elephant tuna for me. I'll go buy it right away."

"No need, just sell it to me normally, and you can't let them lose money, right?"


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Da also said, "Let's go, let's take the things back to the tavern first, and then go buy fish."

This time there was no trouble, and the strange fish was obtained smoothly.

It is nearly two meters long, with a black striped back, thick lips, a long nose like an elephant, and even two tusks.

But this pair of short tusks is certainly not worth 9 million.

"Is this fish really edible?" Rui Mengmeng was a little skeptical looking at the strange ingredients.

Artoria nodded with certainty, and opened her notebook: "It's definitely edible. It was written in a report that this kind of elephant tuna, which mainly lives in the South China Sea, can be steamed or fried. It has both the firmness of beef and the tenderness of fish, especially the nose part, which has a unique and unforgettable taste..."

As she spoke, Arturia's eyes almost shone, and the dull hair on the top of her head trembled in anticipation.

Her expectant tone was so contagious that Tom couldn't stop drooling.

After working for a long time, it was almost time for lunch, Zhang Da also swallowed expectantly: "I will eat it for lunch, part steamed, part fried, anyway, even if we want to steam the whole thing, we don't have such a big steamer. It’s also troublesome to cut.”

Tom rubbed his hands expectantly, beckoning Rui Mengmeng to help carry the fish in, it was too big for one person to carry.

After a while, the aroma came from the kitchen, and Tom and Rui Mengmeng came out pushing the serving trolley, and put the fish on the dining table.

Zhang Da also picked up the chopsticks: "Huh? Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that the elephant's trunk is too short?"

Tom put his hands behind his back, his eyes fluttered, and he whistled, pretending not to know anything.

The witness Rui Mengmeng remained silent in embarrassment.

But she doesn't need to say anything, the truth is already clear, Zhang Daye and Artoria both choose to forgive him, what's wrong with cats eating fish?
The silver light flashed across, and a small table knife cut off the elephant's trunk and divided it into four parts, which flew into their respective plates.

While the others were in a daze, Artoria had already used a fork to put a small piece of meat into her mouth, happily chewing on it.


After enjoying a delicious lunch, Zhang Da also lazily opened the door of the tavern, always prone to sleepiness after a full meal.

Zhang Da also sat behind the bar with his chin in one hand, listening to the guests chatting boredly, trying to extract useful information from a bunch of bragging chatter.

Most of the time these people talk about trifles, the boss is upset and wants to fire him, so-and-so's child is crying loudly after being beaten today, what kind of big meal do you want to eat tonight, etc.

If the topics are not enough, let’s point out the news from the newspapers. Except for the world’s nobles who dare not speak ill, they dare to beep about anything. This is especially good at people who are drunk.

If these are not enough to talk about, I will take out the incident of the house flying in the sky two days ago to exaggerate how many possibilities there are...

It seems that the impact of this incident has not been completely eliminated. Zhang Da also reflected on the case that he had no experience last time. He set off too many firecrackers. He must pay attention next time.

Listening and listening, someone finally shook out a slightly more explosive news:

"I heard that there was a disturbance at the Employment Security Office this morning."

"Isn't it a lie? That's the 'job security office'!"

 Hey ~
  Mid-Autumn Festival (×)
  Work in the field (√)

  I went back to my hometown and caught up with the autumn harvest... My hands were shaking a little when I was typing at night.

(End of this chapter)

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