Mixed with salted fish in Hongwudang

Chapter 107 The Battle of the Roads

Chapter 107 The Battle of the Roads
Traffic jams occur at the intersection of Zhongcheng Street in Beijing every day.

Every traffic jam is a competition of ranks and titles. Those with high ranks will not let those with low ranks, those with high ranks will not let those with low ranks, and those who are close to the emperor will not let those who are alienated from the emperor.

In short, when it comes to skinny battles, no matter how well-mannered officials are usually, they will have to fight.

Because this is not only for yourself, but also for your colleagues at the same rank.

Zhongcheng Street once again staged a traffic jam scene. Compared with previous road struggle incidents, today's is obviously more interesting.

Because today's dispute not only includes civil and military disputes, but also the meaning of the old and new disputes.

The protagonists on both sides are Chang Sheng, younger brother of the former concubine, and Lu Lu, younger brother of the current concubine.

Whether it is for their own face or for their nephews, these two people will not give in easily.

The Chang family's general Chang Baishi refused to give an inch, and stood firmly on the center line of the road, as if the other party would drive a carriage into him without giving way.

The Lu family did not show any weakness. Although the servant Lu Xi showed panic on his face, he did not intend to move the carriage at all.

The two families just occupy the two midlines of the south and the north, and no one is willing to give up half a point.

In the end, it was the current founding father, Chang Sheng, who took a step back.

"Baishi, make way for them!"

Chang Baishi's tone changed when he heard this.

"Second Master, we can't let it go any longer. If we let this capital, there will be no place for our Chang family!"

Chang Sheng felt a pain in his heart when he heard the words, but he still gritted his teeth and said a word.


Everyone in the world knew that he was the Queen of Kaiping, and even took the title of Founding Duke instead of his elder brother, but they didn't know that their Chang family had long been a thing of the past, and they were marginal existences in the entire capital's noble circle.

There are many reasons, but the most important one is that Kaiping Wang Chang Yuchun died too early...

As the saying goes, if there is a human being, the human relationship will naturally fade away.

In the past, when the prince was alive, he was fine. Although the Lu family was upright, the prince still recognized them as relatives.

Now that the prince is gone, the huge prince's mansion is controlled by the Lu family. Only God knows how much favor he, the former brother-in-law of the late prince, has.

What's more, my nephew is still young and has to live in the prince's mansion.

If I made my nephew suffer from the Lu family because of my anger with the Lu family, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Baishi, let them go first... Take a step back and open up the sea and the sky..."

Hearing this, Chang Baishi held the rein tightly, the veins on his hands bulged out, highlighting the resentment and unwillingness in his heart.

Although he had the second master's order, he still didn't want to let it go.Because he knew that as long as he gave way today, the reputation of their Chang family's failure would spread throughout the capital.

Just as the two sides were at a stalemate, another carriage came from the west.

Compared with the shabby Chang family, this carriage is much more expensive.When marching, there were not only gongs to clear the way, but also more than a dozen plaques to praise meritorious deeds, which were majestic and domineering.

Sapphire was sitting in the car, and had already seen the scene ahead through the glazed window, seeing the Chang family's carriage retreating, the disdain on his face immediately turned into boundless anger.

"Come on!"

"Call me the second child of the Chang family!"

An accompanying guard immediately clamped his horse's belly when he heard the words, and galloped towards the Chang family's carriage.

"Is the second master of the Chang family here?"

"The last general, Lan Yong, was ordered by his adoptive father to come and invite the second master of the Chang family to come and have a talk!"

Hearing this, Chang Sheng hurriedly opened the curtain of the car and looked over, and when he saw a group of soldiers holding signs, he knew it was his uncle Lan Yu, who was a thief.

Chang Sheng was very happy when he heard that his uncle had returned to Beijing.But as soon as he saw Lan Yu putting on such a big show, he immediately showed worry on his face.

What time is it now, uncle is still putting up this score, isn't he deliberately embarrassing the emperor?
"The second master of the Chang family?"


"I'm going over here!"

Hearing the guard's reminder, Chang Sheng jumped out of the carriage, and trotted towards Sapphire's carriage.

"Nephew Chang Sheng met uncle!"

Sapphire kicked the car door and snorted coldly.

"It's a shameful thing, hurry up and climb up!"

"Ah... hey?"

Chang Sheng was so depressed, if it wasn't for the people around him, he really wanted to ask Lan Yu, who of us is embarrassing.

Seeing Chang Sheng boarded her carriage, Lan Yu yelled out of the carriage.

"Keep going!"

"Anyone who dares to block the way, whip us to death with a whip!"


Encountering Lan Yu, the God of Killing, Lu Lu was completely intimidated, and hurriedly ordered his servants to retreat to make way for the old man.

Sapphire's carriage swaggered past Lu's and Chang's carriages, Chang Baishi hurriedly followed after seeing this, and rolled his eyes proudly as he approached the Lu's carriage.

He let out a bad breath today, and finally overwhelmed the Lu family.

Chang Sheng sat across from Lan Yu, seeing the Lan family's car driving so aggressively, he persuaded with bitterness on his face.

"Uncle, can't we keep a low profile? Every time you go out and make such a big show, you're not afraid of being impeached by the imperial envoy?"

"There are too many people impeaching this old man, they are nothing!"

"As long as your uncle is still useful to the court and His Majesty, even if they have worn out their lips, they will never touch me!"

When Chang Sheng saw Lan Yu say this, he felt bitter and felt a headache at the same time.

"Uncle, even if you don't care about your own reputation, don't you even want to ruin the future of your nephew?"


Lan Yu's face was moved when she heard this, and after a little thought, she hurriedly ordered the guards to restrain themselves.

"Uncle, remove the brand too, it's a bit too much for you to play this game in the capital."

"All right!"

"Lan Yong, order people to put away all the guards of honor, and then find a small path to go back to the house first."


As soon as the guard of honor of the Sapphire team was withdrawn, the team immediately reduced its number by half.There were only a dozen guards left, plus a coachman driving the carriage.

Chang Sheng saw that Lan Yu listened to the persuasion so much, he was even more shocked when he was happy.

My uncle has changed his sex, and he listened to advice like this?
Sapphire seemed to see his doubts, and said with a wry smile.

"Today, we have given you enough face for the sake of your nephew. If it had changed from the usual situation, and you, a nephew, dared to lecture me like this, I would have slapped you in the face."

Chang Sheng laughed when he heard the words.

"Then I have to thank my nephew another day, for saving me from a good beating!"

When Lan Yu saw him joking, the gloom on her face was also swept away.

"I heard that Zhu Yunxie got a deal and lost a lot of money. Didn't your uncle help me?"

"Uncle doesn't know yet, your nephew has stopped losing money a long time ago, and now he is the one who runs the most profitable bookstore in the capital!"


"You helped?"

Chang Sheng smiled wryly when he heard the words.

"We wanted to help, but your nephew ignored us and returned all our money."

Sapphire immediately became interested when she heard this.

"Tell me in detail!"

Chang Sheng told the whole story of the military general Xungui giving money in the name of buying books, and Lan Yu was so excited that he slapped his hands.

"There is a kind!"

"As expected of our niece, she has the blood of our generals!"

"I'd rather pay for death than money from others. This kind of backbone is much stronger than those shameless princes of their old Zhu family!"

"Look at that bastard King Qin, the dignified prince, actually started a flesh and blood business in the capital!"

"The king of Zhou is not a thing. The dishes made in restaurants can kill people, and they are expensive. Except for us military generals who praise him, who else would eat them?"

"The most hateful thing is that this guy took our money and didn't do anything. Every time His Majesty sends someone down, this guy hides far away. He's not a thing!"

"Comparatively speaking, our nephew and grandson are better. They have backbone, benevolent and righteous, and have inherited all the advantages of our Lan family, Chang family and the prince, hahaha..."

Seeing that Lan Yu was so excited, Chang Sheng waited until he had finished speaking before interrupting.

"Uncle, your return to Beijing this time is..."

The joy on Sapphire's face grew stronger when this matter was mentioned, and she even seemed to be beaming with joy.


"It's nothing, it's His Majesty who decided to make the No. 11 Northern Expedition and recruit us back to be the chief general!"

Chang Sheng was taken aback when he heard this, and then hurriedly congratulated with joy.

"Congratulations uncle, congratulations uncle!"

"This time His Majesty entrusts you with a heavy responsibility, it is time for Uncle to show his skills!"

Lan Yu was also very happy, because according to the old butcher's attitude towards him in the past, he thought that he would never get a chance to go north in this life.

Now the old butcher thought of him again, which made him secretly proud, but he couldn't help but wonder, who said good things for us?
If we know who this person is, then we really have to thank him very much. Whether our "Liang" character of Liang Guogong can be changed to Dongliang's "Liang" character depends on the results of this Northern Expedition!
 sorry for the delay
(End of this chapter)

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