My Arms Dealer Career

Chapter 159 Greed

Afghanistan, in an unknown small ravine.

The sky was foggy, and the air was filled with the smell of flames, and even the sound of guns and guns could be heard scattered in the distance.

The AK47 assembly line, the first overseas factory of Tinder Company, is here, and because of the good development, the surrounding villages are almost full of labor force, so assembling weapons should not be too simple.

As long as you are not a fool, almost everyone can assemble it. The greatest advantage of human beings is that they like to use their brains, especially making things that kill people more convenient.

The development of the factory under the charge of Ruen is not bad, he still has some brains.

At the gate of the factory at this time, Ruen, dressed in local Afghan clothing, squinted his eyes, smoking a cigarette, and wearing a "Destaler", which is a headgear, on his head. If it wasn't for his skin color, he really wouldn't be able to tell.

Moreover, Ruen has a little belly, his cheeks are a little fleshy, and he is holding a stack of
Afghani handed it to the armed man in front of him, and said dissatisfiedly, "Glarish, this is the fourth time this month!"

Standing in front of him was a robed man with a scruffy beard covered in goo, a little queasy in the sun.

The other party counted the stack of afghanis, still dripping with saliva. Perhaps this gesture is common to the world.

Grealish's voice was thick, or rather unpleasant. He looked up at Ruen, with a little indifference in his deep eyes, "You have to get used to it."

Go to your code!

Ruen was about to hit the opponent's head on the spot.

If it weren't for your large number of people, you would be the one lying on the ground now.

Ruen frowned, "You make it difficult for me to do business."

"With us, you're better off, aren't you?" Grealish said, looking at him.

Lu En was powerless to refute now, so he could only say in a muffled voice, "I hope it won't be too frequent, otherwise, I'll lose money, and you won't get paid if we finish the calf together!"

This kind of performance is like the person being bullied is trying to resist, but it is full of an urge to continue bullying.

Glarish smiled, and didn't promise anything. If a factory like this is opened next to their guerrillas, if they want to continue to operate safely, they have to pay protection fees!
That's right, they are guerrillas. They used to be members of the resistance against the Soviet Union. Then the Soviet Union ran away. What do you think these militants want?
Of course want more!

In Afghanistan, most of them started their businesses in this way, including Masood. Some of them were supported by foreign forces and wanted to drag the Soviet Union into the quagmire. The bear has been reduced to the current state. The graveyard of the empire in Afghanistan is well-deserved.

But after Mao Xiong withdrew from the Soviet Union, those bastards in Europe and the United States refused to give money and supplies again. Therefore, the nature of many guerrillas changed, from the initial resistance to the current squeeze.

But they are not fools, destroying will only get a short-term benefit. If they keep it, it is like this arsenal of the Pyro Company, which pays [-] afghanis every month!

That's about $500!

This is not a small amount of money, and besides these, these guerrillas often come down to fight the autumn wind like bandits, dozens of Afghanis, it is affordable, but it is disgusting.

Ruen took a deep look, and suppressed the idea of ​​killing the other party from behind. His eyes flashed fiercely, but he took a deep breath, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, twisted his toes vigorously, and turned towards him in a muffled voice. He walked back to the factory behind him, followed by two armed bodyguards.

In this place, you have to have your own force.

The factory has an armed guard of about ten people, these...

Tinder company doesn't even know!

"Boss, the company urged us to hand over the ledger, as well as the purchase and daily sales."

As soon as Ruen walked into the office, he saw an exotic-looking woman with a slender figure standing inside. This was his secretary.

Of course, the company paid for this money. After all, what's wrong with finding a secretary when you're on your own outside?
Although the higher-ups also know what's going on, let's treat it as public funds to make an appointment with the young lady.

Ruen frowned when he heard this, and looked at the bodyguard behind him. The other party was still a little dull, so he frowned, "Go out."

The bodyguard reluctantly looked away from the secretary, and then walked out of the room, taking advantage of the closing of the door to look back.

Ruen threw the tiara on the table, hugged him, and took a bite first. The secretary suddenly said, "Boss, why don't you do it yourself? We don't need to share the money with them. in spite of."

"This factory does not belong to me."

"But you are in charge. We still hand it in every month. I think we can swallow it. You said that the boss above is a Chinese? Can he still come and want to go back? This is Afghanistan, not Asia."

Ruen was a little confused, his face was struggling, "This is not good..." After he finished speaking, he saw the disappointment flashing in the secretary's eyes, and his heart skipped a beat, and he said quickly, "I mean, I and Umbrella and they have a great relationship, which will make it difficult for them to do."

He was still hesitating, but he didn't put Gao Jun in his tone at all. To him, all he cared about was the big brothers of his mercenary regiment.

The secretary is also very considerate, knowing that he can't be forced at this time, but should go along with him, as if pretending to think for a while, "I think your idea is right, but you can't owe yourself, right? You can get more."

"How much money is left in the safe? Go and see." Ruen patted her XX and asked. The other party gave him a blank look, then walked to the safe next to him, and took off the necklace. It was a shell After she turned it open, she saw a key inside, which was hidden quite deep.

Using the key to open the safe, I saw stacks of dollars and Afghanis inside, as well as antique trinkets collected by Ruen.

It has to be said that he trusts the other party quite a bit.

"There are seven thousand dollars in total..." The secretary turned his head and said, Ru En thought for a while, "Take out five thousand dollars and transfer two thousand dollars to the company's account."

This guy, the food is really ugly.

How dare you eat like this!
"Honey, I want to buy something." When the secretary heard Ruen's decision, his face was like piling up cotton, which made people look a little tired, but Ruen might like it like this, he always Wrapping the other party, being picked by the other party is a bit superior.

"What do you want to buy?"

"I want to buy a necklace, it's beautiful, and it only costs $200."

What necklace is so expensive?

But Ruen seemed to be on top, at least he swallowed tens of thousands of dollars from the factory.

But only he knows the exact amount.

The two people in the office did not see the God pattern hanging on the wall, and looked at them with deep eyes.


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