Douluo angel and knight

Chapter 261 Treasure

Chapter 261 Treasure
After the two opened their eyes, Qian Renxue greeted Walter, then turned and left the room.

Qian Renxue doesn't want to know whether the two of them understand it or not, and how much they can get from it, because it depends entirely on the individual.

She didn't care either, because a little bit or two of Taixu's sword energy was enough for them to slap any traditional titles violently.

Being able to prevent Honkai from eroding is the biggest purpose of spreading the Taixu Sword Qi in his family.

Without Honkai energy, the income is very limited.

Not to meet expectations, there will be very few people who can achieve Qian Ningshuang's expectation of fully adapting to Honkai Neng. Now that Wuhundian plus Camelot, everyone learns, there may not be 20 people who meet the requirements.

——With the God Realm as your enemy, you can't just count on a few gods.

There are only a few of them who can fight at the god level.As for the new god-level, the entire Douluo star struggled, and few of them could reach the god-level by themselves.

In short, Taixu Sword Qi is easy to learn but difficult to master.

Qian Ningshuang, who obtained the Taixu sword energy from the second trial, spread the Taixu sword energy first, so that if he had to turn the table to release the Honkai energy, there would be some people who could sustain it. come over.

At the same time, I hope that some people with excellent talents can get something out of it, so as to obtain extremely high adaptability to Houkai.

Recalling in her mind what her sister said when she taught her Taixu Sword Qi, Qian Renxue pushed the door open.

——The room of myself and my sister.

And Qian Ningshuang had already returned.

Then she saw a scene that made her heart a little turbulent.

The girl whose attributes overlap too much with her own is resting on a chair with a book in her arms, perhaps because she was too tired last night.

——Slight breathing, whispering, the golden red hair is pressed down on the back, and sits on the ground along the edge of the chair, the light of the setting sun shines through the window on her sleeping face, which is intimate, quiet and While it was beautiful, it also made Qian Renxue a little cautious.

"What a cute little sister."

Qian Renxue walked into the seat, propped her face up with one hand, sighed with a smile in her eyes, quietly sat near Qian Ningshuang and crossed her legs.

Carefully consider the latter's unwavering sleeping face.

Qian Renxue leaned down and rubbed the other person's cheek with her sleeve cuff.


It seems that because of a little itching, the other party showed a lovely choked sob.

Qian Renxue stopped her movements, watching the girl while thinking about her own affairs.

——In fact, she has never known what kind of emotion to face this younger sister.

From the very beginning, she owed the other party too much.

You can't pay unilaterally, hold hands with each other, cuddle up and trust each other - this is what my sister has been telling her since she was a child.

But my sister didn't do it herself, so how should I face it?

Everything in the world will always change because of adapting to the outside world, which is inevitable.

But with the change comes the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Because she brought unprecedented beauty and dedication.

In the end-the essence of our meeting is still dedication and dedication.

Were it not for this, we would not present ourselves as souls worthy of love.

And since you can only understand and entangle, then go to know everything you love and do your best.

Qian Ningshuang did just that.

"But what should I do?"

Longing to cherish the beauty of the other party when she sacrificed herself, but she also knows that she can't pay an equal price for the other party.

——Unequal pay, but firm and loyal.

Oh, loyalty is a question mark.

It doesn't matter anymore, but the sweet lemon aroma is there.

But why pursue the same contribution as the other party?
Giving everything of oneself is probably the same.

Because of feelings, you can't talk about value alone.

When her thoughts came to this point, Qian Renxue slightly bumped her forehead against her sister's forehead with a contented smile.

Feeling the presence of the other party, close your eyes.

Quiet perception, quiet appreciation.

Lift the opponent's chin slightly with one hand, and brush the index finger across the opponent's lips.

That's it.

This difficult emotion is the best emotion.

"It's almost your birthday, what birthday present should I prepare for you?"

She remembered these memorable days clearly.

Then she suddenly felt her face was held in one hand.

Opening his eyes, the other party's blue-purple pupils were smiling.

"Sister, when did you arrive?"


Suddenly, Qian Renxue remembered something.

——What about the younger sister’s wariness caused by not getting used to it?
What about the inexplicable guard against everyone?

Whether it's her elder sister, or Gu Yuena, a person with a soul contract, are they all on guard?

It has nothing to do with the closeness of identity, or the closeness of the relationship, it is just the alertness caused by not adapting to the world.

there's no more.

Maybe it's been gone for a long time, not since the exchange of hearts.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Shi saw the doubts on Qian Renxue's face, and Qian Ningshuang held her sister's hand.


Qian Ningshuang had no choice but to withdraw her doubts, and then she was blinded in an instant.

The girl felt that her lower jaw was pressed against her index finger and her head was gently lifted.

Immediately afterwards, the other sister's blue-purple pupils met her gaze and quickly approached her. Such a sudden scene made the girl subconsciously close her eyes.

Then, after a few breaths, the imaginary attack did not come.

It's just that the earlobe on the side is brushed by a warm feeling.

Qian Ningshuang opened her eyes, and there was a little mist in the same blue-purple pupils.


It was the sound of chairs falling to the ground because they turned their heads to look for someone.

But the person fell into his arms.

He looked up at his sister with a narrow smile on his face.

The girl trembled all over, her face turned red.



This person is always like this, he likes to tease people until they can't get up and down, and then wait for the other party to plead with her.

What kind of angel is this? It's clearly a devil!
The girl couldn't help but slander in her heart.

But the blush on his face never faded.

Blue-purple eyes scanned her face.

Obviously this person didn't feel guilty for her mistake, she just looked at the red apple fascinated.

The doting in his eyes almost overflowed.

The girl was also gradually intoxicated by this look.

Nothing to do, nothing to think about.

That's it.

Appreciate each other's face, stare and appreciate each other's emotions.

Is there anything better in this world than this?
There is no need to worry about what kind of birthday gift is more appropriate.


In Wuhun City more than ten years ago, when my sister was just able to act and fully respond to others.

"Sister, what gift do you want for your birthday?"

"No, you are the best gift."

"Could it be that I'm something?!" Maybe it was shyness, and she didn't throw herself into her arms like my sister imagined, but instead asked questions.

This is a question that may decrease your favorability if you answer it incorrectly.

To this, the slightly older blond girl replied with a chuckle.

"There is no other answer than that.


You are the one and only treasure worth my entire exchange. "


Outside the yard, an adult who hesitated for a long time took back the gift in his hand, took a deep look at the yard, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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