"So is it necessary to deepen communication with our allies?" Since there is no need to die, the purple-haired youth is in the mood to talk about something else.

"It's inevitable. The gods on the other side are there. It's up to us to deepen the communication." Zhan Hongchen was noncommittal.

"You know what I mean when I say that's not it, Uncle Hongchen."

"Wenji, you know that I've always been too lazy to guess, so you can just say it directly."

"She rides the sky fire." The purple-haired youth, that is, Xu Hongji said these words slowly in an aria-like tone.

Zhan Hongchen didn't answer immediately, but just silently looked at the burning sky in the distance.

"Who knows? I hope it is, and it will be left to His Majesty to decide in the end.

"Now, approaching the battlefield to meet our allies is the business."


In the middle of the battlefield, Qian Ningshuang stood on Yinlong's back, silently watching the sky.

Bagnat is dead, but the effects of the beacon remain.

This result will not change because of Bagnat's death or survival.

From the very beginning, he was just an abandoned tool.

It's better to be alive than to be dead.

This planet will still be as bright as a light bulb in the entire universe.

She didn't understand what she was looking at, but after a while, she waved her hand.

The flame that burned everything suddenly returned to her hands, the lava on the ground stopped flowing, and the dark cloud covering the battlefield began to dissipate.

A ray of morning light appeared from the sky, illuminating the disaster scene after the natural disaster little by little, and also illuminating the golden figure flying over in the sky.

There was still a gentle smile on his face.

Qian Renxue stopped in front of her sister, and suddenly hugged her into her arms.

"Sister, I want to sleep."

"Well, go to sleep, and leave it to us."


This time falling asleep did not last long, after a day and night passed, Qian Ningshuang opened her eyes.

It's not that she's tired, she needs such a sleep to relieve her indescribable mood.

Now she is no longer on Gu Yuena's back, but in a room she doesn't know.

It's not the residence in Changkong City, nor the boudoir in Wuhun City.

Judging from the layout of the room and the various soul guides that shouldn't appear on Douluo Continent, she should be in the Sun Moon Empire now.

"Are you awake?" The door of the room was opened from the outside.

"Sister..." Qian Renxue was the only one who opened the door without caring whether she agreed or not.

"Let's go out and eat first."

Qian Renxue walked to the side of the bed and reached out to touch Qian Ningshuang's head.

"En." Qian Ningshuang nodded obediently, got out of bed and began to wash.

When the two arrived at the restaurant downstairs, besides Gu Yuena and Gu Ningqiu, there was a purple-haired woman who they didn't know at the dinner table.

Look at the age should be older than them.

Well, it looks bigger on the surface, here is either a time traveler or a rebirth, and there are two soul beasts that are guaranteed to start for ten thousand years. …

"Who is this?" Qian Ningshuang looked at the purple-haired woman curiously.

"My name is Xu Wenxue, from the Sun and Moon Royal Family." Before anyone could introduce her, the purple-haired woman took a few steps forward and introduced herself gracefully.

"Hello!" Qian Ningshuang nodded in greeting. It is not surprising that the Sun and Moon Royal Family is here. After all, it is a superficial ally relationship. There was such a big disturbance on their territory last night, so it would be strange if they didn't come to see it.

But what's with this overly respectful attitude?

"I wonder if Miss Xu is here?"

"Invite your lord to come to the palace tomorrow morning for a talk on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor."

"Oh." Qian Ningshuang nodded as if nothing had happened, and asked casually: "Miss Xu, what is His Majesty the Emperor looking for me for?"

"Your Majesty said that tomorrow he will answer all questions that can be answered."


Why don't I know what questions I have?
"I wonder if my lord can condescend to the party?" Xu Wenxue still maintained the posture of bowing her head and saluting.

Qian Ningshuang did not give an answer immediately, but just looked at Xu Wenxue like this.After a moment of silence, he responded with a light smile, "I will go tomorrow."

Well, she does have a lot of doubts about the Sun Moon Empire that need to be answered, or some conjectures that need to be verified.

"Then I'll invite you after breakfast tomorrow." After Xu Wenxue saluted, she turned around and left.

Qian Ningshuang looked at Xu Wenxue's leaving back thoughtfully.

"She has been waiting for you since noon until now. It should be that the Sun and Moon Royal Palace really wants you to go." Also looking at Xu Wenxue's leaving back, Gu Ningqiu suddenly mentioned something.

Now Qian Ningshuang's doubts became even heavier.

"What's the matter?" Perhaps seeing through Qian Ningshuang's doubts, Gu Ningqiu asked curiously.

"How did the Sun and Moon Royal know that we have many doubts?" Qian Ningshuang said nothing, and Qian Renxue took Gu Ningqiu's question.

"Ah, this..." Gu Ningqiu was bewildered, she wasn't very good at using her brain, she wasn't very good at it before merging with the Golden Dragon King, and she wasn't good at it after merging with the Golden Dragon King.

"It's normal to know that we have a lot of doubts, after all, the Sun Moon Empire is full of weirdness.

"But why do you have to appoint Xiaoshuang to go? It doesn't matter who goes?"

Ms. Gu Ningqiu chose to pick up the bowl quickly and cook like a revenge.

"Sister, do you know anything about the Sun Moon Empire?" After taking her seat, Qian Ningshuang was not in a hurry to eat. For the people at this dinner table, eating is really not necessary, it's just a matter of appetite.

Solving the doubts in my heart is obviously more important than eating.

"No, this is also my first contact." Qian Renxue knew what her sister was asking, and she must be asking about not this life, but the previous life.

So before Qian Ningshuang continued to ask questions, she immediately explained: "I have never been in contact with this continent before becoming a god in my previous life, and I have never been in contact with becoming a god.

"On the one hand, I'm really busy in the God Realm, and I don't have time to care about these things; on the other hand, every time I watch Douluo in my spare time, this Sun Moon Continent is just a wild place in my eyes. .

"There are indeed traces of human life, but they are far from as big and strong as the Sun Moon Empire. Even when I looked at the Sun Moon Continent for the last time, there were only two or three low-level titles on this continent, and there were no traces of soul guides. .

"In other words, the current Sun Moon Empire should not have existed."

"Then what is the Sun-Moon Empire ten thousand years from now?" Qian Ningshuang was stunned for a moment, she always thought that the current Sun-Moon Empire was the Sun-Moon Empire ten thousand years later.It's just that something happened in the middle that caused the entire civilization to regress to the point of mental retardation.

As a result, tell her now that the two may not have much connection?
"What's so strange about this, Xiaoshuang, you won't forget the relationship between Haotianzong and Xuantianzong, right?

"The Sun Moon Empire ten thousand years from now may be like the Xuantian Sect.

"The current Sun Moon Empire may be a country that should have been destroyed in the long river of time."

"Well, I have one more doubt about the Sun Moon Empire."

Qian Ningshuang could only accept such an explanation, but a new question followed, how did they fool the God Realm's sight from fate?

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