Douluo angel and knight

Chapter 391 This whitewashing reason is too old-fashioned

When a lie is repeated a thousand times, it becomes truth.

The gods in this universe are just slightly more powerful creatures named "gods", and the common principles apply to them as well.

Just as the lie that God must be fair has been repeated too many times by the common people, it is also a lie repeated too many times by the gods that they will ascend to another world after inheriting the position of God.

It is impossible for a god to be fair, and it is impossible for a creature with intelligence and emotion to be fair. Even the God of Angels, who had a part of the priesthood of justice back then, could not be absolutely fair.

At least when she was still in the God Realm, she often favored the Spirit Hall.

Not to mention those messy gods in the God Realm.

After inheriting the god position, he will not ascend to another more powerful world, but will only become a pig, dog, chicken and duck waiting to be slaughtered.

Is there a realm higher than the God King?There must be, Dragon God is an example;

Is there a world more powerful than the God Realm?I don't know, at least for the people in this universe, absolutely not.

The reason is very simple. The dragon god who created the God Realm and reached a higher level did not go to the so-called stronger world. Where did you get the confidence that you will be able to ascend to a stronger and better world?
This is a logic that can be seen through at a glance, a lie that can be conceived after a little thought, but no one notices.

In other words, no god is aware that all the gods in the God Realm are dreaming of seeking a higher realm after inheriting the position of the gods and solving the poison of belief.

It's not that someone influenced the gods, it's simply that this false dream has been repeated so many times that it has become common knowledge, and all the gods subconsciously believe that this is the explanation.

But common sense, it is not necessarily right.

"So what is the purpose of you telling me this? The villains must have their own difficulties, have their own dark and cruel stories, and have their own last resort reasons?

"This whitewashing reason is too old-fashioned.

"Do you think I would believe it?"

The rotation stopped, the girl lowered her eyes, held a long sword, and spoke indifferently.

"You've already believed it, haven't you? Besides, where do villains and decent villains come from in this world, they are all just people with different goals and different camps.

"As for the purpose, you should understand that you are different.

"People who use the mortal realm to defeat the divine realm cannot be explained by some talent!

"It's not like anyone can make the gods open their eyes and be blind!"

Following the voice, there was a flash of sword light.

The blood-colored long sword pierced through the breeze, and the numerous and chaotic attacking routes quickly became clean and tidy with the forward sword light, and finally became three lines that went straight to the heart, throat, and right eye.

Evil God can switch between these three key points at any time.

Take the initiative to attack, suppress the enemy's activity space, control the opponent's choice of path, predict the enemy's follow-up actions, bypass the enemy's defense and go straight to the key.

As the evil god said, he came from a world where the realm was almost locked, and practitioners spent their entire lives only studying the changes in moves.

He is the strongest in that world, with countless complicated and gorgeous moves, in his hands, only the most essential purpose is left - to take people's lives.

The sword is the weapon to kill; the way of the sword is the way to kill.

Where do so many bells and whistles come from, can they kill people?
The golden light was a bit dazzling, and the eyes of the evil god narrowed. In the next moment, all three lines were forcibly cut off.

But this didn't have much effect, the sword edge was still moving forward, but the evil god had let go of his right hand holding the sword, allowing his left hand to pull the sword edge and point it at the girl's calf.

When Jianfeng was about to cut off the calf, the golden light had just lifted up at this moment.

The girl was no longer trying to block the attack with her sword. She raised her calf, stepped on the edge of the sword lightly with her toes, and floated up gently.

Just as Evil God was about to pull up his body that was sinking along the edge of the sword, a golden glow began to enlarge in his vision.

So he chose to directly lower his body, step up and down, and pass by.

Before the evil god returned to the standing posture again, Jin Guang slashed down from behind himself.

It was a blow that was obviously powerful and heavy, but the sword came out silently, and even the invisible ripples in the air were suppressed to a minimum.

Without any soul power blessing, the most pure technology avoids energy perception, avoids sight from behind, the silence displayed avoids hearing, and the extremely weak air flow avoids tactile perception. This sword perfectly avoids All the organs used by Evil God to capture external information.

Like a pantomime.

In the sudden crisis, the Evil God chose to roll forward, and the Evil God quickly opened the distance among the flying reeds before standing up again.

"Look, I'm just saying you're different.

"Disregarding extraordinary means such as soul power, even the most ordinary sword moves, you can catch up with me, a god who has gone through countless years, in less than fifteen years.

"It even made me suffer a little bit."

Youlandelle's fighting talent is not something to brag about, the girl complained in her heart.

But there is no need to talk to an enemy about this stuff.

"Then why don't you go to the other gods and say this?
"Besides, gods can't get out of the God Realm, so what's going on with my sister and Qian Chongling?

"Think about logic before whitewashing yourself!"

The girl leveled the long sword, and Jian Guang jumped in space with her figure, and the next moment, she had already killed the evil god.

Same stab.

——But it was three points faster.

"There is a gap in the basic quality, even if it is a clone, we are doing our best to make that body have a strong physical quality.

"At least not everyone can get my blood to water the tempered body, and there is not only dragon heart in that body, she also has dragon bones and dragon blood.

"And God Shura's configuration, let's just say that, not to mention that it's not his body, there is another consciousness inside, no matter how handy the manipulation is, it's still not as good as the main body."

In the sky, there are still people watching the battle, no one will let Qian Ningshuang run around, even if it is a clone.

Those who are responsible for watching her are usually very strong, such as Gu Yuena.

Miss Tianyao, who can only be used as a pendant, has no hunting ability, so she can only follow and watch.

"Then it is inevitable that Xiaoshuang will win."

"That's natural."

"But it doesn't seem to be the case in the battlefield? Xiaoshuang seems to be at a disadvantage."

"Look slowly."

With the clear and crisp sound of weapons clashing in the ears, what was presented was not the usual battle as Gu Yuena said.

Different genres of swordsmanship can be switched at will in the hands of the evil god, and the fighting style is completely unpredictable.

It was as if the girl was suppressed.

It's a very normal thing, if you don't use soul power, just fight with various sword moves, Evil God has seen more people than she has eaten, and the age gap is there.

The girl herself is not the master of the sword.

But in the end, it is probably still the defeat of the evil god.

Every attack of the girl precisely broke through the defense around the evil god, and approached the sword edge.

There is no need for the blade to touch the flesh, the force attached to the blade alone is enough to tear the skin and penetrate the fascia.

Simply use force to overwhelm people.

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