Chapter 148

"Ming army...Ming army is coming...Ming army is coming, run!"

"Damn it, don't worry about cattle and sheep, get your weapons, get your weapons!"

"Aunt...Aunt, where are you..."

Roars and cries sounded in the Oala camp.

Hearing that the Ming army came in, the panicked herdsmen ran around like headless chickens.

The men took all kinds of weapons and rushed out of the tent without bothering to lead the horses.

The women were holding short weapons such as daggers, holding their children and looking at the direction of the door curtain in horror, hiding in the corner of the tent and shivering.


Zhu Zhangui took the lead, waving the saber in his hand from side to side.

Men, old people, children, women.

Anyone standing in front of him will be killed.

Yu Qian, who followed closely behind him, also roared and slashed with red eyes.

At this moment, the scholar full of poems and books was not as polite as before, but also turned into a killing demon.

As soon as the Ming army entered the camp, they were divided into countless small groups and dispersed.

Kill, burn tents, and throw the thunderbolt that you carry with you.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Ming army used all available means to kill and destroy frantically.

The fire spread rapidly, and soon the entire camp was filled with soaring flames.

The Oirats who were suddenly attacked, although they fought hard.

Hitting intentionally, but unintentionally.

In addition, many people were not equipped with armor, and the Wala people were killed by the Ming army, and their blood flowed into rivers.

Because the scene was too chaotic, the Wala people didn't know how many people from the Ming army came.

The Wala defenders in charge of guarding the camp organized several times to drive the Ming army out, but they were all scattered by muskets and thunder.

Zhu Zhangui, who led a team of cavalry, rushed all the way to the center of the camp.

Mahamu's family should be there.

Zhu Zhangui doesn't care about Mahamu's wife and daughter, what he cares most about is Mahamu's grandson Yexian.

This guy is the one who will bring countless traumas to Daming in the future.

Although it is impossible in this era, this guy is still the one Zhu Zhangui must kill.

No one can say for sure about a person's luck.

Those who can become the overlord of one side, even if the world changes in the future, will rise for other reasons.

So to prevent accidents.

Mahamu's grandson will also die today.

"Puff puff…"

Charge all the way.

The knife in Zhu Zhangui's hand was cut full of gaps, and he snatched the broadsword of an Oirat rebel, Zhu Zhangui threw the knife full of gaps in his hand, and nailed a Oirat man who was drawing a bow and shooting arrows.

After identifying the direction from left to right, Zhu Zhangui soon saw a group of Oirat cavalry guarding a few gorgeously dressed men and women preparing to leave next to a slightly more ornate tent.

"Don't worry about these little guys, let me catch Mahamu's family."

Zhu Zhangui yelled loudly, and dozens of soldiers who were madly killing quickly followed Zhu Zhangui and rushed towards the group of people.

"Not good...Ming people found us, let's go. You protect my mother and children and go, others will come with me to stop the Ming army."

Discovering that the Ming army was coming to kill them, a middle-aged man helped an old woman onto a horse, then put the two children on another horse, explained to some guards, and led the rest of the people Killed Zhu Zhangui.

"Take off!"

Seeing her son rushing forward, the old woman shouted.


The two little guys also shouted loudly.

"Let's go, find Father, and tell him to remember to avenge me."

It was Mahamu's son Tuo Huan who rushed to Zhu Zhangui.

Originally, he planned to go out with Mahamu, but Mahamu felt that there must be an important person in the camp to suppress him, otherwise there would be trouble, so he let him stay.

Unexpectedly, the trouble did not happen, but Mingren called first.

Tuo Huan can't figure it out.

My father was blocking the mouth of the Three Gorges, how did these Ming people get here.


Soon the two collided.

Either by coincidence or on purpose.

Zhu Zhangui and Tuo Huan fought together, one was desperate for his family, the other was for Daming.

Both collided with all their strength.

Under the force, every collision of the weapon hits a little spark.

The strength of the two is not weak.

After fighting for several rounds in a row, neither side could decide a winner.

"Boy, being able to lead the army alone at your age should be very famous in Daming, why haven't I heard of you?"

The two collided, and the gap opened up.

Tuo Huan took a few breaths and looked at Zhu Zhangui, who was covered in blood and had ferocious eyes like wild wolves.

"My Ming Dynasty has a lot of talents, and there are many people you haven't heard of."

Zhu Zhangui sneered, and charged up again with a sword on his horse.

"Dang, clang, clang" collided again with difficulty, and the two still couldn't hold each other down.

The battle next to it is also very difficult.

The Oirat cavalry guarding the center are all elite.

Although all the soldiers Zhu Zhangui brought this time were good, they were still a little worse than the elite selected by these majors.

In just this moment of collision, five or six of the dozens of Ming army soldiers who followed were killed.

On the other side of Wala, three or four people also fell off their horses.

"Boy...Your strength and ability are good, come to our side, what Daming can give you, we will give you double."

Tuo Huan looked at Zhu Zhangui, and began to induce surrender.


Zhu Zhangui sneered disdainfully.

"why are you laughing!"

Tuo Huan frowned.

Zhu Zhangui didn't answer, and charged up again.

"Hmph, I don't know what's good or bad!"

Tuo Huan let out a cold snort, and rushed up with his horse and sword.


And just when the two were about to collide again, Zhu Zhangui suddenly pulled out a flintlock gun, pointed at Huan Huan and pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and a bloody hole burst out of Tuo Huan's forehead in an instant, and he fell off the horse unwillingly with his eyes wide open.

"No, Prince Tuo Huan is dead! Kill him and avenge His Highness the Prince."

The Wala guards who were fighting with the Ming army froze for a moment when they saw Tuo Huan who had fallen down on his horse, then roared angrily and rushed towards Zhu Zhangui.

"Bang bang bang..."

Zhu Zhangui's gunshot immediately reminded the other Ming troops.

The killing was too fierce just now, and I forgot that there is this life-saving artifact.

After a burst of gunfire, the Wala cavalry who rushed towards Zhu Zhangui fell to the ground one after another.

Zhu Zhangui dismounted and chopped off the head of Tuo Huan, stuck it on the knife, raised it high and roared angrily.

"Tuo Huan is dead, everyone kneels down and surrenders, or they will be killed without mercy!"

The Wala people who were desperately around looked at the head held up high, and Zhu Zhangui, who had indifferent eyes and was covered in blood.

The Oirats seemed to have lost their faith all of a sudden, and they collapsed to the ground as if their spine had been removed.

"Tuo Huan is dead, everyone kneels down and surrenders, or they will be killed without mercy!"

Shouts sounded quickly in the Oala camp.

Many Wala people who could understand Daming dialect looked at the Ming army slashing wildly around them, discarded the weapons in their hands in despair, knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, and cried bitterly.

Lost completely lost.

If the camp is occupied, no matter what the results of the battle, the troops in front will definitely lose their morale.

If the camp cannot be taken back as soon as possible, the Oirat Corps will definitely collapse under the attack of the Ming army.

Once the Oirat Corps collapses, the Oirats will be completely lost in this war.

The consequence of defeat on the grassland is that wives and daughters are taken by force, men become slaves, and the old and weak are killed.

Thinking of the upcoming results in the future, everyone couldn't help but burst into tears.

But crying and crying, some people suddenly reacted.

"Don't cry, everyone. They are Ming people, not tribes on the grassland. They seem to have some etiquette and shame, and they are very polite to foreigners. As long as we are obedient and surrender to them, not only will they not kill us , and give us something to comfort us."

After being reminded by some people, others also responded.

It seems to be the case.

The Central Plains dynasty was like a fool. After defeating them, not only did they not enslave them, but as long as they verbally surrendered, these Central Plains people would let them go, and when they left, they would leave a large sum of money as a reward.

These people in the Central Plains seem to call it the way of Confucius and Mencius, the demeanor of a great country, and the saying that a state of etiquette does not kill prisoners.

Thinking of this, the Wala people, who were originally desperate, suddenly let go of their hearts.

The people of the Central Plains are good, the people of the Central Plains do not kill prisoners.

Let's make a grievance for a while, and when the war is over, they will be safe.

There may even be a large bounty of appeasement.

The idea quickly spread through the camp.

The Wala people who were still struggling to resist gave up their resistance one after another, discarded their weapons, knelt on the ground, and waited for the Ming army to receive them.

One of the funnier.

A Ming soldier rushed to a small camp, and hundreds of Wala people appeared on the opposite side.

Facing so many enemies, this Ming army cavalry thought he was hacked to death by these guys.

Just when he was about to fight to the death, and when he was about to die, the gang of Oirats raised their hands and surrendered.

Even the one in the lead kindly tied everyone up with a rope and handed the rope to the Ming cavalryman.

Looking at the end of the rope in his hand, and at the Wala people obediently lined up to follow him, the cavalry of the Ming army looked at a loss.

The battle was quickly over.

With the appearance of the red sun in the east, the Oirat camp was completely occupied.

Teams of Ming army cavalry escorted a large number of Oala prisoners to an open space next to the camp.

Seeing that there was no hatred on their faces, but the Wala people who were smiling and whispering to each other, the soldiers of the Ming army looked depressed.

What the hell is this called.

Are these people so big?

Our side has killed so many Wala people, not only do these guys not hate, but all of them are smiling.

When meeting the Ming army, he nodded and bowed to say hello, and even helped the Ming army manage the animals that were running around because of panic and disturbance.

Some also helped to persuade those Wala people who were unwilling to surrender, and tied up those who surrendered by themselves, for fear that they would tire the military men of the Ming Dynasty.

Such a dramatic scene.

Let the soldiers of the Ming army, who are used to fighting to the death every time they break the city, feel awkward no matter how they look at it. They always feel that these Wala people drank too much goat milk and made their brains stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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