I Am the Grandson of the Second Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Earning 100 Million Taels at the Beginn

Chapter 301 Holding a blood-stained goose feather knife, slaughtering Japanese slaves!

"Master Yang, we are here!"

Outside the port of Izumo, more than a dozen transport ships, escorted by several warships, followed the leading ships and slowly approached the port.

On one of the large ships, a guard with a pale face knocked on a cabin door, calling for the people inside.

As a person who has lived inland since he was a child, the sea voyage these few days has almost killed him.

The vomiting and diarrhea are light, and the legs are floating to and fro when walking. If I don't have some martial arts foundation, I'm afraid I can't even walk steadily now.

Such guards with martial arts skills are like this. Those elders who only read sage books and never know what exercise is, are even more miserable. The group of hundreds of people who came here, from uploading to now None of them could walk on the ground, and several of them were so sick that they almost died before they reached the place.

At the end of May in the 18th year of Yongle, Zhu Zhangui led his troops to wipe out the last Japanese resistance force, and formally submitted a letter to the imperial court, announcing that he had officially taken the territory of the Japanese country.

As for Zhu Zhangui's taking down a country that was not conquered by the emperor Taizu, from the old man who led troops in the north to chase down the remnants of the grassland, and down to the ordinary ministers, it seemed that they had collectively lost their memory. No one mentioned this matter. , but cheerfully accepted the land.

After Zhu Pangpang's consideration, he named the entire island country Wazhou, and expanded the land of Kyushu in the Ming Dynasty to ten states, which meant perfection.

No one raised any objections to Zhu Pangpang's decision, and those great Confucians didn't say nonsense that nine is an extreme number.

After several quarrels, they also figured it out. As long as the royal family is happy, they can play however they want.

In this way, Wa Kingdom was completely brought under the management of Daming. As long as Daming does not fall, this piece of land is the inherent territory of Ming.

Zhu Zhangui believes that after a few generations, the aborigines on the island will no longer remember the country of Wa, and even this period of history will be buried in historical dust and will never be revealed again.

Based on the reproductive ability of the Chinese nation, Zhu Zhangui deeply doubts that within a hundred years, the Wa nation will develop into a minority nation, and it is unknown whether it will even exist in the future.

Japanese man: Aren’t you talking nonsense? You’re planning to marinate us. After we still have P’s, we’ll still exist decades later.

In order to change the minds of the residents on the island, Zhu Zhangui actively transferred the Confucian people over.

Confucianism may be mediocre in other abilities, but brainwashing and enslaving people's thoughts is absolutely top-notch.

If you don't believe me, just look at yourself.

Instigated by Zhu Zhangui, Zhu Pangpang was very reluctant to give up, and transferred Yang Shiqi away from the center, and appointed him as the governor of Wazhou, responsible for commanding the overall situation of Wazhou.

Of course, his governor does not care about the military, he is only responsible for local education and the development of people's livelihood, and Shen An is still in charge of the military.

Although Shen An's command is lax, his own military ability is nothing to say.

This time, Jin Yiwei's investigation found that Shen An did not make any mistakes. He didn't touch any of the beauties and gold, silver and jewelry sent by the Japanese country, and sent them all to Jinling. …

It is also for this reason that Zhu Zhangui only punished him a little.

Otherwise, if Shen An made a slight mistake, it would definitely not be settled with 50 army sticks. He would probably be dragged out and beheaded like that Qianhu.

"Ahem, I got it!"

There was a weak response from the cabin, and the cabin door was opened after a while, and Yang Shiqi and his wife came out from inside with pale faces supporting each other.

Considering that Yang Shiqi might not be able to go back when he came to take office, Zhu Pangpang kindly asked his wife and concubine to come over. Of course, the children and so on will stay with the capital.

Although Zhu Pangpang believes in Yang Shiqi's ability and loyalty, it is still necessary to be vigilant.

"My lord, this place is pretty good!"

As he stepped onto the deck, Mrs. Yang Shiqi, who was a little weak, looked at the lush and lush coast in the distance, felt the breeze blowing from the sponge, and the beautiful beach in the distance. She was a little tired because of seasickness, and she became much better. .

Yang Shiqi smiled and nodded, echoing his wife's words.

"Well, it's not bad. From now on, we two will retire here."

From the moment he received the appointment, Yang Shiqi knew that it was His Royal Highness Taisun who wanted him to kick him away and make way for that guy named Yu Qian.

It's a little bit of a dissatisfaction.

He climbed all his life, and finally climbed to the position of Minister of the Ministry of War and Bachelor of the Cabinet. As a result, he was kicked out of the center after a few years of glory, and came to a distant overseas country, where he became a assassin.

To be honest, if he had a choice, he would rather be a servant in the imperial court than go to this remote place to be a governor.

Look at this land where birds don't shit, surrounded by endless seas. I heard that there are often earth dragons turning over here, typhoons passing through, and volcanoes erupting.

This is not a place where people live, it is simply a hell on earth, and he also heard that it is very cold here in winter.

Touching his old cold legs, Yang Shiqi sighed slightly, "It's not a loss for me, Yang Shiqi, to be an extremely human minister, to eat the king's salary and to be loyal to the king."

With a sigh of emotion, Yang Shiqi and his wife supported each other, and walked off the boat with a few concubines.

"Inspector Yang, you've worked hard all the way."

Yang Shiqi had just stepped off the boat, his body hadn't recovered yet, and he was leaning on a cane to settle down. With the support of the guards, he limped over.

"Commander Shen!"

Yang Shiqi smiled and cupped his hands.

He already had a deep understanding of this future partner, and he was already half acquainted with him.

Shen An, originally one of the hundreds of households on Zheng He's ship, is a man of integrity and practical work.

Later, he followed His Royal Highness Taisun back to the court, and joined the Shenji Battalion as the commander of a thousand people. He served as the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Shenji Battalion when he returned to the Shenji Battalion for reorganization.

A few years ago, His Royal Highness Taisun discovered a silver mine in the country of Wa, and sent troops to take it down. In order to guard the silver mine, he left a battalion of Shenji Battalion, and the person who led the troops to guard it was Shen An in front of him.

Being able to lead an army to garrison overseas land alone, one can imagine his own ability and loyalty to Zhu Zhangui.

After all, he is not a person with outstanding ability and loyalty, no one will give him such great trust. …

This time the imperial court adjusted the Wa state, he served as the governor, and Shen An served as the military commander of Wa state, responsible for the military command and territorial defense of the entire Wa state.

The two greeted each other briefly, and Yang Shiqi asked his wife and concubines to wait in the car first, while he and Shen An stood at the pier, waiting for the accompanying officials and gentlemen to disembark.

This time, the imperial court sent a total of more than 500 officials, large and small.

Some of these people are officials in the court, and some are officials selected from the juren. They have unified characteristics and are all Confucian children.

In addition, in order to change the thinking of the local people, the imperial court also selected a thousand Confucian gentlemen to come here to promote Confucian education and educate the local residents here.

After these people were selected, they were all moved and wept bitterly, crying and promising that they would help the court educate the barbarian people well.

As for whether they were really moved, or moved by Jin Yiwei's blade, only they know, anyway, they are very happy when the court sees them.

"Commander Shen has been here for so long, so he must know this place very well. Could you introduce me to this old man?"

Although he had read the information here before coming here, Yang Shiqi felt that the paper was too shallow, so it would be better to listen to the people who have lived here for a while.

Shen An responded with a smile, then asked his subordinates to bring over a map, and introduced it while gesturing.

"The land of Wazhou consists of three small islands, one large island, and countless small sea islands."

"His Royal Highness named it Beihai Island, and the largest Ihon Island, as well as Aoi Island and Kato Island in the southwest region!"

"Aoi, Kato, why is this name so strange."

Yang Shiqi frowned, wondering why Zhu Zhangui named the two islands with such names.

Shen An shrugged casually, "I don't know about this either. According to His Royal Highness, it seems to be some kind of deep memory. Anyway, that's how it was named, and we recorded it like that."

"The total area here is 75.6 square miles, and the entire area is dominated by mountains, accounting for about [-]% of the total area."

"According to His Royal Highness, what kind of land is this land between plates? Anyway, earth dragons turn over and volcanoes erupt frequently, so you should pay attention to it in your daily life, Governor Yang."

The corner of Yang Shiqi's mouth twitched.

"Of course, you don't have to think about the bad, there must be good in the bad."

"Influenced by the ocean air flow, it is mild and rainy all year round. Most of the area has four distinct seasons. The northern area is in the cold season, which is very similar to our Nurgandus environment. It is slightly colder in winter."

"The southern region is where we are located and the two islands of Aoi and Kato. The climate is relatively comfortable, which is very suitable for the growth of various crops. In addition, there is no shortage of seafood near the sea, such as the sea cucumber and abalone that have recently emerged in Ming Dynasty. Yes, you can eat whatever you want here."

"The corals and pearls that ladies like are ridiculously cheap here, and they can't be used up."

"All in all, this place, except for a little more natural disasters, is pretty good."

Said, Shen An looked at his wife and several concubines not long after Yang Shiqi boarded the car, scratched his head, thinking about what his subordinates said to him, and quietly said to Yang Shiqi: ...

"Let me tell you quietly, the women here are very docile, even more docile than the dogs trained. Of course, they are a little shorter, but there is a saying that being short also has its advantages. You can understand all kinds of tastes." knew."

A helpless smile appeared on Yang Shiqi's face. Is Shen An's statement considered a pleasure in bitterness?

As for the women here, he came here to take up the post, not to enjoy it. In addition to his age, it's better to keep as little contact with this kind of thing as possible.

The two were chatting on the pier while watching the officials and scholars disembark.

"You have suffered a lot on this journey. Your body needs to be strengthened, otherwise you will not be able to run away when encountering earth dragons turning over and typhoons and volcanic eruptions!"

Looking at the officials and scholars with pale faces and weak limbs, Shen An said something straightforward.

A row of black lines appeared on Yang Shiqi's forehead.

Scholars are troublesome, all kinds of large and small luggage are piled up on the entire pier, and the unloading of the ship is not completed until noon.

"Is His Highness the Grandson here?"

After everyone packed their luggage and got into the car, Yang Shiqi asked Zhu Zhangui, whom he least wanted to see.

"His Highness Taisun is in the state capital. He said that he wants to build a temple dedicated to the soldiers who died in the war against Japan from the founding of the country to the present, in order to thank them for their kindness in opening up the territory of Ming Dynasty."

"His Highness has already given instructions. When you arrive, go directly to take up the post. Mr. officials from all over the place don't need to go to him to say hello, just go to take up the post according to the appointment letter."

In the former Kyoto of Wa Kingdom, where the monument is located, a huge temple rose from the ground.

Today all the expedition officers, and all the junior high school soldiers, accompanied by Zhu Zhangui came here.

Looking at the huge Zhenguo Temple with four big characters beside the door, Zhu Zhangui nodded with satisfaction.

Although there is a mass grave with 10 corpses buried under his feet, it does not affect his good mood in the slightest.

What countless hot-blooded men in the previous life dreamed of doing, today he has completely accomplished it.

Since the last resistance force of the Wa Kingdom was wiped out, this dirty and ugly country will be completely crossed out in the history books. It is estimated that under the influence of Confucianism, no one will remember the existence of this country.

Thinking of a certain period in the future, the native residents of the island country that still exist will come here to visit, listen to the tour guide's introduction of the situation here, and sigh when the ancestors conquered the barbarians, would they think that the barbarians they said would be their ancestors.

Thinking of the scene at that time, Zhu Zhangui had a weird expression.

He now somewhat understands that when watching some short stories in his previous life, those netizens lamented how pitiful the characters in the film and television were when they were assigned to such-and-such a place, and they were pointed out that his hometown was that place.

As the soldiers slowly opened the gate, a huge courtyard appeared in front of Zhu Zhangui.

The yard is full of flowers, probably because of the fertile land here, the flowers here are especially beautiful.

Among the flower beds, there are also stone statues, including the god of killing Bai Qi, the champion Hou Huo Qubing, the martial saint Guan Yu, and the famous anti-gold general Yue Wumu.

The reason why Zhu Zhangui put the statues of these great gods here is to let these great gods, with the souls of Ming soldiers in the temple, firmly suppress the 10,000+ evil spirits below, so that they will never be reborn. …

In order to make this temple work before leaving, Zhu Zhangui mobilized tens of thousands of slaves, demolished the imperial palace of the Wa Kingdom, and built it day and night for a month.

Stepping towards the bluestone slab, accompanied by the generals, Zhu Zhangui strode into the temple.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

At the same time, dozens of gun salutes fired into the sky outside the gate, and tens of thousands of soldiers lined up outside the temple collectively raised their hands and beat their chests.

"Da Ming, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng!"

While the soldiers were shouting, the driven Japanese slaves knelt on the ground facing the temple in dense numbers, their bodies trembling.

Before the temple there is an execution platform.

The executioner transferred from Jin Yiwei took out a knife with a solemn face, and with the cooperation of several apprentices, he began to shave the body of the emperor who was stripped of his clothes and tied to the table, shaking like a sieve.

At the bottom of the platform, the captured Japanese fan masters were pressed on the eucalyptus boards by the executioners.

Only one officer shouted, "Cut!"

Dozens of executioners shouted in unison, chopping down with the shining big knives in their hands.

In an instant, human heads were flying one after another, and the bright red and smelly blood sprayed on the ground like a high-pressure water gun on the flags on the ground.

"Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng!"

Under the stimulation of human heads and blood, the morale of all the soldiers was boiling, they held the weapons in their hands vigorously, and shouted at the top of their voices.

This can be said to be the first battle to destroy the country in the true sense since the Yongle Dynasty.

Although the old man has repeatedly conquered the north and defeated the main forces in the grassland, those remaining forces are still active in the far north, so they are not destroyed.

On the side of the Three Kingdoms, Daming only occupied the fertile Ganges Plain area, and the southernmost forest area, there are still many remnants of the Three Kingdoms resisting.

On the other side of Myanmar, although the country is occupied, it will take some time for the resisters in the forest area to completely wipe them out.

But it is different here in Japan. All the areas here have been planted with the military flag of Ming Dynasty. Their emperor was captured alive and is now being chopped alive on the stage. Except for the small miscellaneous fish, this place is completely controlled by Da Ming.

That's why it is said that the battle to destroy the Japanese is the first battle to destroy the country in the Yongle Dynasty.

And as soldiers at the bottom, they are also very honored to be able to participate in the destruction of a country with a large force.

When the execution was in full swing outside, Zhu Zhangui walked into the middle hall alone, and all the generals, including Hu Yu, the guard, stopped outside the door

In the huge hall, there is a huge tribute and incense tripod, and there are spiritual tablets on the steps behind.

Zhu Zhangui stepped forward, took out a clean towel, and wiped the spiritual bits in front of him.

"Brothers, you can rest in peace. This place has been taken by us. No one will forget your dedication and sacrifice. Your achievements will be written in the history books." …

"Although this war, in the eyes of future generations, is just a mediocre war, in another world, or even in countless worlds, there will be countless people thanking you."

"After all, you have done what many people dream of doing. Some countries in power dare not even mention it, but try to cover it up."

Wiping the spiritual position, they all muttered some words that no one could understand, Zhu Zhangui narrated the thoughts buried in his heart, and listened to these heroic souls who no longer knew where they were.

After all, there are some things he can only say to these people and on this occasion.

The officers standing at the door watched all this silently, and were very moved in their hearts.

As a monarch, how many people can do this step, ancient and modern.

Those so-called Qilin Pavilion Lingyan Pavilion, all kinds of worship places, are those generals who pay homage. Who would write the name of every soldier on the spiritual tablet like the monarch in front of me for future generations to pay homage to? .

After wiping all the accessible spiritual seats in the front row, Zhu Zhangui folded the towel in his hand and put it on the bottom of the eucalyptus, turned back to the huge incense burner, and personally lit three huge incense sticks.

Holding the three sticks of fragrance exuding faint green smoke in his hand, Zhu Zhangui bowed deeply to all the spiritual positions.

This ceremony represents himself, thanking these soldiers for fulfilling his dream with his life.

After getting up and looking at the rows of spiritual seats, Zhu Zhangui bowed deeply again.

This ceremony represents his family in previous lives.

His great-great-grandfather who escaped from Jinling City shouted revenge and revenge before he died.

Their family has a bloody feud with the Japanese country, so they never use the Japanese products, let alone have contact with the Japanese people. It is precisely because of this kind of education that Zhu Zhangui has become an extremely angry youth.

Standing up again, Zhu Zhangui's eyes gradually became blurred, and it appeared in front of his eyes that all he dared not dream of were his family members.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the complicated thoughts in his heart, Zhu Zhangui bowed deeply again.

He didn't know if he was qualified for this gift, but he still wanted to thank these soldiers on behalf of the people who died in the Anti-Japanese War.

Don't dare to forget the deep hatred, keep the blood hatred in your heart.

Holding the blood-stained blade, he slaughtered the pirate slaves.

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