Chapter 252 Don't study?he will die!

Qin Wanwan never thought that she would meet Gu Yu at this time.

He is like an angel who descended from the sky, his whole body is full of bright light of hope.

When Gu Yu saw her, his expression was stunned for a second.

But the crying of a little girl immediately attracted his attention.

"Wow... Dad, help my dad."

The patient's daughter stood on the sidelines and kept wiping tears, and the crying sound spread half the corridor.

The patient lying on the makeshift hospital bed seemed to have heard his daughter's cries, and stretched out his severe burns with difficulty to comfort his daughter.

But Gu Yu hugged the little girl aside.

At this time, the injured part of the patient must not come into contact with bacterial objects, otherwise it is easy to cause serious infection.

In fact, the burn site of the patient has already started to become infected, and many wound surfaces have shown a state of red and black pustules.

In this case, debridement surgery and anti-infection treatment must be done urgently.

"Qin Wanwan, tell me the patient's specific information, I need to prepare for the operation immediately."

Gu Yu casually took out the sterilized white coat from the tray beside him and put it on himself.


Qin Wanwan subconsciously stretched out her hand to snatch the white coat back, but when she thought that Gu Yu's skills were much higher than her own, she withdrew her hand again.

At this time, only Gu Yu can help her, this patient.

"The patient suffered third-degree burns, and the wounds were mainly concentrated on the hands and front chest. When he was delivered, the BPM (heartbeat) was 147, the respiratory tract was burned by high-temperature smoke, and the RR (respiratory rate) was 10..."

As Qin Wanwan spoke, her voice suddenly became softer.

Because she suddenly realized that Gu Yu seemed to be the head doctor of the thoracic surgery department, but this was the doctor of the burn surgery department and the respiratory department!
Many people may think that there is not much difference between thoracic surgery and respiratory medicine, but in fact they are two different departments.

There are also great differences in the treatment methods. To explain in layman's terms, if you have inflammation, you should go to a respiratory medicine department, and if you need a knife to perform an operation, you should go to a thoracic surgery department.

But in reality, many people can't tell the difference between the two departments, so they often register the wrong number.

But now Gu Yu is going to treat this patient who is obviously from the Department of Respiratory Medicine...

The line has been crossed!
"The BPM is too high, and the initial prediagnosed burn wound is aggravating the infection, and the previously detected RR is 10.

And since I came here, I have observed that the patient's RR index has dropped to 6 to 7. The basic diagnosis is that the high-temperature smoke burns cause airway obstruction, and cricothyroidotomy must be performed immediately to release the patient's respiratory function. "

"You go and notify the burn surgery doctor to perform burn anti-infection surgery at the same time."

Gu Yu's expression was serious, the patient's condition was not optimistic, and if he didn't give first aid, his life would definitely be endangered.

He ordered Qin Wanwan, but after waiting for a few seconds, he found that Qin Wanwan hadn't moved.

"Why don't you go?"

A tinge of anger rose in Gu Yu's heart. Without the doctors from the burn surgery department to clean up the burns and fight infection simultaneously, he would not be good at handling the surgery on the respiratory tract.

If it causes multiple complications, he will be fine.

Unless he asks the system to help at that time.

But he is also selfish, and now he only has 50 check-in points on hand, which can barely guarantee a chance to save his own life.

If this is used, if something happens to him, he will regret it to death.

"Burns...the burn physicians are all operating...there are no burn physicians available now."

Qin Wanwan hesitated and said, "I don't know why, it's obviously a problem that can't be solved, but she didn't dare to look into Gu Yu's eyes.

Because as a prospective doctor, she couldn't help at this time.

And Gu Yu wasn't even a medical student!
This gap made her feel ashamed.

"Brother, my father won't die, right?" The little girl at the side was tired from crying, and timidly tugged at the corner of Gu Yu's white coat.

Gu Yu squatted down, gently wiped off the black ash on her face with his clean palm, and gently comforted him: "No, with me here, your father can't die."

While Gu Yu was comforting the little girl.

There was a sudden noise at the entrance of the emergency department, and a group of reporters with reporter badges and cameras broke in regardless of the blocking of the security personnel.

The female reporter who ran at the front saw Gu Yu wiping the little girl's face, and heard Gu Yu's words, her eyes lit up.

Quickly took a picture of this scene.

Gu Yu looked at this group of reporters who broke into the emergency department like bandits in order to get first-hand news materials, and felt extremely dissatisfied in his heart.

These reporters, don't you want to see what's going on here, what's the occasion?

Just breaking in like this, don't you care about the feelings of medical staff and patients?
But he doesn't have time to care about it now.

"Hey, little sister, follow this corridor to the end and there is a room where you can make a bottle. Where are you going to wait for your father?"

He patted the little girl on the back lightly, and the little girl nodded obediently.

Seeing her nervously walking towards the infusion room, Gu Yu stood up with a cold face, and looked sideways at Qin Wanwan.

"If there is no burn doctor, there will be no one! Then you will perform the cricothyrocentesis, and it will not be a big problem."

Gu Yu called a nurse to come over and push the patient into the temporary emergency room with him.

Qin Wanwan stood there and waited for a few seconds before realizing what he said.

"Let me perform cricothyroidotomy...?"

She muttered to herself, feeling that Gu Yu was simply joking with him.

She never learned this operation in the teaching of thoracic surgery!
But seeing the reporters swarming around her, and Gu Yu's back on the other side, she hurriedly followed.

If you are entangled by these reporters, it must be more headache than surgery.

"I don't know how to do cricothyrocentesis, I haven't learned it..."

Following Gu Yu all the way into the temporary emergency room, Qin Wanwan finally said what she was holding back in her heart.

She really can't, she can't just bite the bullet, can she?

"Learn it now if you haven't learned it before. It's very simple and basic. It's not even half as difficult as the closed chest drainage you learned before."

Gu Yu glanced at her and found her standing at the door swallowing nervously.

"Learning now?" Qin Wanwan couldn't believe her ears.

Learn now, is this a human language?

They have been studying in school for so many years, and they have always been doing experiments, and the number of times they really got started is not many.

Every technique has to be practiced many times before I dare to get started.

As a result, Gu Yu actually told her to learn now?
This is a real person!

"Don't learn? He will die!"

Gu Yu didn't have time to explain more to her, so with the help of the nurse next to him, he carefully put on the sterile suit and disinfected his palms.

"..." Looking at the cyanotic patient on the hospital bed, Qin Wanwan felt mixed feelings.

"Okay then! I'll try!"

There was no other way, she could only bite the bullet and push forward.

As a doctor, how can he watch the patient die in front of his eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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