Chapter 583

"Empress Nuwa bless me to return from this expedition!" Xu Da turned around and clasped his fists, praying devoutly to the statue of Nuwa.

Nuwa is the ancestor of China's humanities and the mother of the earth.

Now under her watchful eyes, the warriors among the sons and daughters of China are going to conquer the heavens.

Conquer the world.

Qin Yu and Xu Da led a group of guards, also stepped onto the battleship and embarked on a journey.

Qin Yu and Xu Da were on the commander-in-chief warship, which had four decks, 50 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] meters high.Belongs to the scorpion class.Standing on the top floor can be condescending and observe the battle situation in the sea area.

There are 30 warships around, [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.

It belongs to the first class.

There are hundreds of sentinel patrol boats scattered around, belonging to the Chima class.

All warships are loaded with [-] elites.

All warships are powered by steam turbines and travel very fast.Each battleship is equipped with the most advanced Hongwu cannon, and the muzzle is hidden in the hull.

All the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were equipped with magical machine guns for close combat.

The Ming Fleet, mighty and mighty, sailed out of Jinling Port in Yingtianfu.

Through the knowledge reserve, Qin Yu learned that the Daming warships are currently divided into three levels, which are the Wulong class, the Xiandeng class, and the Chima class.Among them, the combat function of the warship class is equivalent to that of a battleship, the battleship of the Xiandeng class is equivalent to that of a cruiser, and the battleship of the Chima class is a frigate.Food and fresh water were loaded on each warship separately.

"Mr. Qin, do you have a detailed strategic plan for attacking Tianfang this time?" Xu Da asked Qin Yu next to him on the roof deck of the commander's battleship facing the hunting sea breeze.

He has no plans for this expedition to Tianfang.

It stands to reason that a famous general like him should have a detailed battle plan before going out.

But going to Tianfang is different from his previous Northern Expedition.

Xu Da's previous Northern Expedition conquered the land in the northern part of the Central Plains, and people have long been familiar with the customs and customs of the northern land.Language and culture figured out, everyone knows the basics.

But now what Daming wants to attack is Tianfang.

Daming's understanding of Tian Fang was almost blank.The land of the Central Plains and the sky are too far apart, separated by several countries, and separated by the Himalayas.

In the historical books in Wenyuan Pavilion, there are only a few sporadic records about Tianfang.

Therefore, when Xu Da wanted to make a battle plan, it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Only a few people brought information about Tianfang's customs and customs to Daming.These people traveled through the Silk Road, detoured through West Asia, and then arrived in the Great Food Country.

It takes them dozens of years, or even a lifetime, to go back and forth.

For example, Ma Haji who is standing beside them now.That is Ma He's father.Ma He is Zheng He.

Ma Ha only worked in the Ministry of Commerce before, and because he had traveled around the world, he was recruited by Shen Wansan to be the guide of the ocean-going fleet for the purpose of overseas business.

Later, he was recruited by Xu Da and served as the guide of the army.

"Not yet, but I already have a rough plan." Qin Yu said, "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be able to fight a hundred battles. If you want to conquer Tianfang, you must first understand their local customs, people's livelihood geography, climate characteristics, as well as the ruling class and others. The combat power of a sergeant."

"That's right! Sir's words are very consistent with the art of war." Xu Da said, "It is the honor of our lifetime to be able to fight side by side with sir."

"Don't elementary school students understand this?" Qin Yu said.

"Leading troops in battle pays attention to the right time, place and people." Xu Dadao, "Now my Ming Dynasty's combat power is far stronger than Tian Fang, and many small countries in Tian Fang have been fighting with each other all year round. Their financial resources and combat power are not as good as ours. We have taken advantage of the time. In addition, Da Ming Warships can occupy the sea to bombard the coast of the sky, and we have the best position."

"Now we're going to make up."

"Hmm, eh." After hearing Xu Da's analysis of the battle situation, Qin Yu was noncommittal.Instead, he asked Maha who was next to him, "Old Ma, you have lived in Tianfang for more than ten years, and you have been to Moga. You should be familiar with Tianfang's customs and customs, right? Tell me and Xu Shuai in detail."

"Go back to your lord!" Ma Ha only said, "Although the villain has lived in Tianfang for a long time, he belongs to the bottom of society, and he does some small business with the people at the bottom of Tianfang."

"That's why the villain only knows a lot about the people at the bottom of Tianfang, but he doesn't know much about the nobles there. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Tell me first." Qin Yu said.

"The people at the bottom of Tianfang are all serfs, and they are still practicing serfdom." Maha only said, "The people's lives are in dire straits, and the nobles and warlords are riding on their heads and domineering."

"The people's food is similar to that of the Central Plains, all wheat, barley, rice, dates, and olives."

"Fruits include peaches, plums, apricots and apples."

"You say it's the life of the low-level people, and it doesn't seem to be of much help to us in our war against heaven." Xu Da frowned upon hearing this.In his view, these are useless information, and the useful information is the military capabilities of the other party.

"Let me tell you." Qin Yu said, "Many countries in Tianfang implement a monarchy system. The monarch is called a caliphate, and the theocratic family is called a prophet's family. The monarchy and the religious power are integrated into one, and politics and religion are integrated into one."

"The supreme commander of the military commander is called the Overseer. The weapon used by ordinary sergeants. The cold weapon is a Tianfang scimitar for both infantry and cavalry. It is forged with a kind of sea iron called Uzi, and its hardness is more than twice that of the cold weapon in the Central Plains. The top of the saber There are prophetic patterns and sawtooth on the back of the blade. Their thermal weapon is a kind of incendiary bomb called Tianfanghuo..."

"In addition, the kingdoms of Tian Fang started to build sea ships very early, because they want to trade with others in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Therefore, the combat capabilities of their navies should not be underestimated."

"Based on time, besides the Persian dynasty, there are also Uma and Abbasid dynasties among the current larger dynasties on Tianfang."

This is useful information!Xu Da sighed when he heard this!

And Ma Ha was shocked when he heard it: He heard that Mr. Qin had never been to Tianfang, and he knew Tianfang's military and weapons like the back of his hand?People who have lived in Tianfang for decades know more than me.

This is simply a god!

"It seems that we are very lucky that Mr. Qin is willing to be our military adviser, and it would be impossible for anyone else." Xu Da thought in his heart, "Liu Bowen, Li Shanchang and others, do they know this?"

"With Mr. Qin here, this battle must be won!"

"People from all the countries on the other side of the sky, including chiefs, nobles, warlords, and civilians, have extremely stubborn beliefs." Maha only interjected, "Destroying their beliefs is tantamount to killing their parents. When I When I was living in Mojia, I was trembling like walking on thin ice, for fear that if I said a wrong sentence, they would be regarded as heretics and burned to death."

(End of this chapter)

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