Chapter 146

On the third day, the guests had a lot of fun and asked Big Bear to go out to play in the snow.

They brought their skis, and under the leadership of Da Xiong, they found a place with the thickest snow in Xueyu Mountain, which happened to have a slope and could be used for skiing.

If you don’t have enough skis, let’s split up. Some will go skiing, and some will play snowball fights with Big Bear.

Jian Xiao and Qin Zhan accompanied Da Xiong because they had the best physical strength and kung fu, and they could keep up with Da Xiong's rhythm relatively speaking.

The big bear has rough skin and thick flesh, so it is not afraid of being smashed at all.

Every time Jian Xiao hits the snowball precisely on the big bear, it laughs happily, because that bit of power is like scratching an itch for it.

But it's different when it starts!
It has great strength, wide palms, and can grasp a large lump of snow at a time. Moreover, it is not very smart, and it can't understand the difference in strength between humans and it, so when it was thrown over, it didn't hold back much.

Therefore, Jian Xiao and Qin Zhan need to do their best to avoid its attack.

Otherwise, if hit by a big snowball, that half of the body would have to be smashed into the snow.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene and became envious:

——I don’t know if these people are playing with Daxiong, or Daxiong is playing with them!
——Envy these two words, the concubine is already tired of talking, who doesn't want to have a big bear playmate?super cool ok?

——I think the relevant departments can plan the Xueyu Mountain and make it a tourist attraction!Skiing, taking pictures, and snowball fights, the special event is playing with the big bear!
——The upstairs is thinking about farting, have you forgotten the news about Xiong Xiazi eating people?Only Jian Xiao's presence can make him obedient, but Jian Xiao is a star, so it's impossible for him to stay in Xueyu Mountain, right?
——Oh, it would be nice if the big bear didn't eat people, so I can go play with it too!When I watch the live broadcast, I always feel that this big bear is like a child!


There was a lot of excitement on the barrage, and the guests were happy.

Just when everyone was having fun, something happened suddenly——

It is rare for Big Bear to meet so many friends to play with him. He is so happy that he can't help expressing his excitement by looking up to the sky and screaming.

As a result, because the sound was too loud, the cry caused the mountain to vibrate, and the snow on the top of the mountain was startled.

So, the avalanche.

There are white waves rolling down layer by layer on the top of the mountain, rushing towards the guests' positions with lightning speed.

It was Liao Fanchen who first noticed something was wrong.

Because he climbed the highest, stepped on the skis, and wanted to perform figure skiing for everyone, but was shocked by the movement behind him:

"What the hell!"

"Run, everyone! It's an avalanche!"

He slid down quickly, waving his hands while sliding, reminding everyone.

The big bear was still roaring happily, making the mountain vibrate more and more, and the momentum of the avalanche was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone changed their faces.

Jian Xiao rushed over, took Zhou Xiyue with one hand, and Cao Yun with the other, and ran down the mountain desperately, while shouting at Big Bear:

"Big Bear, don't shout! After a while the snow will bury us, and there will be no one to play with you!"

Probably the words "no one to play with you" stimulated Big Bear's nerves, it really stopped roaring, tilted its head, and looked at Jian Xiao with a puzzled expression.

It seems that they don't quite understand why they can't play with themselves when they are fine.

However, in the face of ruthless natural disasters, escaping is always the top priority. Jian Xiao didn't even have time to remind Big Bear to run quickly, because the avalanche was close at hand.

This thrilling scene not only made the guests flustered, but also made the audience in front of the screen tremble:
——Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!how so!
——In the first second, the years are quiet, and in the next second, they run away in a hurry. As expected, accidents may happen at any time!
——I said before that Xueyu Mountain will be built into a scenic spot, and I will go to play. Now that I have seen the situation, I dare not go, my life is at stake!
——The believer is willing to use ten catties of fat on her body in exchange for the safety and well-being of the guests!

——If the ten catties of fat upstairs are not enough, then add five catties of mine!
——It will be fine. It is not once or twice that the survival team encounters difficulties. They can basically save themselves from danger. We have to trust them and we will be blessed!
——Ah, the big bear is flooded! ! !No!it's so cute!

Amidst the nervous and nervous prayers of the guests, the avalanche stopped.

The last wave of snow came rushing towards us, crushing all the guests under the snow. In an instant, Xueyu Mountain changed its appearance, and it was desolate, with no one to be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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