Chapter 191 Ye Changqing's Phone
The atmosphere at the dinner table was lively.

Everyone ate and drank, chatted and bragged, and talked about interesting things in the crew. By the way, they congratulated Jian Xiao for finishing the filming and wished her a bright future.

The crew has been tense for several months of filming, and it is rare to relax, and Director Zhang Ping did not restrain everyone.

So in the second half, many people were drunk.

Jian Xiao can drink, which is a skill she practiced in her previous life, but this time under the protection of Director Zhang Ping, she was not allowed to take a sip.

In the words of Director Zhang, it is safer for young girls not to drink.

Jian Xiao saw that everyone had eaten enough, so she went out to pay the bill, and when she was about to go back to say goodbye to everyone, Ye Xiner suddenly appeared by her side:

"Jane Xiao!"

"Is something wrong?" Jian Xiao asked.

"Father needs you, come back with me today." Ye Xiner said.

Jian Xiao seemed to have heard some big joke, and immediately refused:

"No, that's not my dad."

"From the time he abandoned my mother and never came back, he is not worthy of being a father."

"In the past, I was naive and dreamed about this poor family relationship. Now I have realized that I have nothing to do with him or your family."

Ye Xin'er did not expect that Jian Xiao would be so decisive that she would not even be moved by moving out her father.

If Jian Xiao doesn't go with her, how will her plan proceed?

So Ye Xiner said fiercely:

"You don't know your father, don't you want to know about your mother?"

"You don't want to know the true face of that gentle and kind mother in your heart?"

"Father said that he and your mother are not in love at all. When your mother was pregnant, there was another secret. Aren't you curious?"

Seeing Ye Xiner's anxious look, Jian Xiao was a little surprised——

Ye Xiner has always looked down upon her.

When the original owner first came to the imperial capital to look for relatives, Ye Xiner completely regarded her as a transparent person, like a high-ranking god looking at an ant.

When did Ye Xiner become so interested in her affairs?

If there is nothing tricky about it, she doesn't believe it.

Jian Xiao was not fooled, she turned around and was about to leave, but Ye Xiner continued to speak:

"Father said that it was your mother who was mean and deliberately seduced him back then!"

"Back then, Dad was the only one in your mountain corner who was admitted to college. He had a bright future and a bright future. It was your mother who was afraid that this potential stock would fly away, so she plotted against him!"

"Jian Xiao! Dad still has the letters your mother wrote to him in those years, which are all evidence!"

After hearing this, Jian Xiao felt a block in her heart:
It turns out that Ye Changqing made up lies for Zhao Shuya like this?

In order to make his abandonment of his wife and daughter justifiable, he portrayed himself as a victim to win Zhao Shuya's sympathy, and even disregarded his wife and daughter in his hometown openly and aboveboard!
If Jian Xiao hadn't read the original plot and was familiar with all the grievances and grievances, she would have been bluffed by Ye Xiner's righteous indignation!

Reversing black and white, red mouth and white teeth pouring dirty water on others, it really comes down in one continuous line!
At this moment, Ye Xiner's phone rang, and it was Ye Changqing calling:

"Hey, Dad."

"Is Jian Xiao here? You give her the phone." Ye Changqing said.

Ye Xiner turned on the speakerphone, and handed the phone forward;
"Dad, tell me, she is listening!"

Ye Changqing's tone changed from gentle to cold in a second, and said:

"Jian Xiao, I know that you are young master Shen's life-saving benefactor. Do you know how much benefit the Ye family can get from the Shen family in exchange for this kindness?"

"You are so stupid, you only know how to ask for money, and you have no knowledge!"

"You come back to me, let's discuss it carefully, you can't let this favor be wasted like this, everything should be arranged by me."

Jian Xiao smiled angrily, and asked directly:
"Listen to you? Who are you? Why do you trade my kindness for your benefit?"

Ye Changqing was not angry when he heard the sarcasm, but threatened:

"Just because I'm your father."

"Jian Xiao, if you don't come back today, I guarantee that things about your mother will appear on the hot searches of major portal websites early tomorrow morning."

"At that time, everyone will know that you have a mother who is willing to degenerate and use unscrupulous methods."

"You don't want to see my methods. I can trample you and your dead mother into hell, but pick myself up completely. Don't try to bite me."

(End of this chapter)

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