Chapter 237 Treat it as a Vacation

Aunt Su looked at Jian Xiao who was stunned, and explained with a smile:
"Xiaoxiao, when you don't pick up work, we have nothing to do, so we plan to go back to our hometown with you."

"You are a little girl, and you want to move the graves of three elders. You can't do without a helper around you."

"Anyway, we are idle when we are idle. If we go back with you, we will treat it as a vacation."

Jian Xiao's heart moved slightly.

She knew that Aunt Su said that she was going on vacation, but she was actually afraid that she would be alone, and that she would have no one around to discuss what happened.

"My hometown is very remote, the roads are not easy to walk, and the conditions are very poor, maybe you won't get used to it." Jian Xiao said.

"It's okay, I just went to experience it." Aunt Su said, and pulled Jian Xiao into the car.

With the door closed, Gu Shaoyan drove all the way to the airport.

Jian Xiao saw that everyone had made up their minds, so she didn't say much, she just said:
"You haven't bought tickets yet, have you? Why don't you give me your ID number and I'll buy it together?"

Now she is considered a rich woman worth [-] million yuan, so it is still possible to buy a plane ticket for her colleagues.

There was a moment of silence in the car, and then Fang Siyu said:
"No need to buy a plane ticket, we have a plane."

"What do you mean?" Jian Xiao was stunned.

"It's the company's plane. It's used for long-distance business trips. I haven't had a chance to use it before. This time it finally comes in handy." Yan Chu said indifferently.

Jane Xiao: ...

So what kind of weird company is this? The office environment is old and small, but all the employees seem to be not short of money, even having equipment like airplanes.

After arriving at the airport, Jian Xiao and everyone saw the company's plane, a small passenger plane.

There are complete facilities and everything on it. Although it can't carry too many people, it is more than enough for just these few of them and the service personnel on the plane.

Private jets need to apply for flight routes in advance, but Jian Xiao doesn't need to worry about these, it has already been done when Lu Qiyu decides to go back to her hometown with her.

To be honest, following Jian Xiao back to his hometown was actually Lu Qiyu's whim.

But after careful consideration, he still felt that Jian Xiao could not be allowed to leave alone, especially to remote places.

In case something really happened, he was beyond his reach, and even if he wanted to help, it might be too late.

So thinking about it and following it is the best way.

Unexpectedly, after other people in the company heard about it, they also clamored to get together, so Jian Xiao's personal affairs that were originally alone turned into a team building for the company's group travel.

The plane flew for about three hours.

After landing at the airport, the group changed cars and continued driving for more than three hours before arriving at Cizhu Town.

"There is only one hostel in the town. The conditions may not be very good, but it is the only place that can accommodate so many of us." Jian Xiao said.

"It's okay." Lu Qiyu didn't care, and asked, "How did you arrange it?"

Jian Xiao thought for a while and said:
"Let's stay in the town, have a good night's rest, and go to Sixi Mountain tomorrow to talk to the villagers over there about moving the grave."

"When my grandmother and mother passed away, the villagers helped a lot, and I took their land. Now I have to give some compensation."

"After the negotiation is settled and the contract is signed, let the person you helped find come over, open the coffin and cremate, and do the rest."

"After the matter of Sixi Mountain is finished, I will go to Cizhu Mountain and move my grandfather's grave out."

Lu Qiyu nodded, affirming the arrangement:
"Then let's book the accommodation for a week first, Siyu, you go talk about it."

Jane Xiao: ...

She had a little understanding of the gap between herself and the rich.

Now that she has money, she still thinks like before, thinking about how many rooms to book and how to arrange them.

But Lu Qiyu booked the hostel as soon as he opened his mouth, and he really deserved to be a big boss.

Lu Qiyu seemed to see what Jian Xiao was thinking, so he smiled and said:
"This is done to reduce unnecessary trouble."

"Hostels in small places have poor hardware facilities and security conditions. If there are too many people living there, various problems may arise."

"We are here this time to help you with serious business, and save trouble if we can save trouble in other aspects."

Jian Xiao nodded, agreeing with Lu Qiyu's words.

In fact, there are very few people in Cizhu Town, and there are even fewer people from outside. Basically, few people live in the hostel, but since Lu Qiyu wants to make it convenient, she doesn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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