Chapter 523 ALS

The most common group for this disease is men in their 50s and [-]s, and Max fits that bill.

Common causes are mostly related to genetics or gene defects, and may also be environmental factors, such as heavy metal poisoning, which cause motor neuron damage.

The most important thing is that there is currently no reliable treatment for this disease in medicine.

Countries around the world have invested a lot of money to study the treatment of this disease. Although there are achievements and progress, there is no precedent for a complete cure.

Max spent four years.

It can only be temporarily relieved with the assistance of various means such as drugs and exercise.

He went to countless hospitals and saw countless doctors, but the results he got were still unsatisfactory. As time passed, he was almost desperate.

It was precisely because he felt that he was hopeless that he restarted the "Nirience" universe and wanted to complete his last work before his death.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he met Jian Xiao and saw the miraculous oriental medicine.

It was a direction he had never thought of before.

He had heard many rumors about the mysterious and ancient East. It was said that there were gods and immortals in the East, hermits in the East, and masters who were unwilling to reveal their identities.

There are still many things in the east that people cannot be fascinated by. Maybe this is the opportunity for him to survive?

So, Max came to the door.

Even if it costs a lot, he still wants to live, and he doesn't want his life to end here.

Jian Xiao carefully flipped through Max's medical records.

But Max stared at Jian Xiao intently, as if he wanted to see her true thoughts from the expression on her face.

But he failed, Jian Xiao was almost expressionless, after reading the medical records, he said;
"Mr. Max, I tried my best to treat your illness, but the effect of traditional Chinese medicine may not be so fast, and the treatment process is very complicated. I hope you can cooperate with me."

After hearing this, Max was overjoyed:
Since Jian Xiao agreed to help him treat his illness, it meant that she was sure, if she couldn't cure him, she would not take this job from the beginning.

In this way, it shows that there is hope for his illness.

"Okay!" Max immediately agreed, "Miss Jane, don't worry, no matter what you ask me to do, I will do my best to cooperate."

After all, that's how he came here for the previous four years.

I would like to follow the doctor's advice, cooperate with all my strength, and do my best to live longer for myself.

After hearing this, Jian Xiao nodded, and said:

"In addition, Mr. Max, before I treat you, I hope you can promise me one thing, that is, I ask you to keep it strictly confidential."

"Secret? You don't want others to know?" Max asked.

"Yes." Jian Xiao nodded, "My job is to be an actor, and I prefer to focus on my job, so please keep it secret."

Max asked again:

"If I have a good friend who is sick, or someone who is important to me needs medical treatment, but other hospitals can't treat it, can't I go to you?"

"This is fine, but the premise is that you must first tell me the identity of the medical seeker, and you cannot reveal my identity to others without my permission."

Max understood what Jian Xiao meant, so he readily agreed, and then asked:

"So when do we start treatment?"

"I'll write you a few prescriptions first, and you can do some preparatory work based on the prescriptions. When everything is ready, we will formally treat you." Jian Xiao said.

She still planned to use the set of "oral medicine + medicated bath + diet + acupuncture" as a cover.

Because she understands that ALS cannot be cured medically, and she can only cure it with healing powers. However, in order to deceive people, she has to use more complicated means to cover it up.

(End of this chapter)

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