Seeing Luo Weizhou's cooperation, Master Zhao put away his previous impatient look.

He took the initiative to remind:

"Let me tell you the truth, Jian Xiao is the son of destiny with profound luck, and is blessed by heaven, if you can sacrifice her and turn her luck into your own, your Luo family will truly have no worries for a hundred years. "

"Having her alone is worth more than 20 years in your family."

After hearing this, Luo Weizhou's eyes trembled with surprise.

He didn't expect that a mere Jian Xiao would have such great energy.

The Luo family spent countless manpower, material and financial resources, took tens of years, and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of people, which was unexpectedly inferior to her.

After knowing the importance of Jian Xiao, Luo Weizhou was a little puzzled:
"Since Jian Xiao has great luck and is so easy to use, why didn't you and that adult make arrangements for her before?"

Master Zhao paused, then asked:

"How do you know that no arrangements have been made? All right, don't ask any more questions, and prepare well for what I told you. Whether you can take Jian Xiao down depends on this time."

Luo Weizhou suppressed his doubts and nodded.

After leaving Master Zhao's room, Luo Weizhou started to prepare.

The highlight of the "Global Fashion" fashion show is usually in the first two days——

In the first two days, the clothing brands under the Rock Group and the clothing brands that cooperated with the Rock Group were exhibited.

After the third day, there were some brands that wanted to expand their popularity with the help of "global fashion". They took part of the venue and time of the show from the Rock Group through leasing and other means, and held their own clothing shows.

If you are lucky, you may meet a wealthy investor or partner.

Therefore, for Jian Xiao to participate in Global Fashion, she actually only needs to participate in the first two days, and the rest of the time is her free time.

At this time, she received an invitation from Luo Weizhou, saying that she wanted to ask her to talk about the spokesperson in detail.

Hearing the news, Jian Xiao paused slightly, and said to Fang Siyu next to her:
"He really wants me to be the spokesperson? I remember that the spokespersons under the Rock Group are basically foreign superstars, right? No one from Hua has ever become the spokesperson of Rockwell?"

"That's true." Fang Siyu nodded, "So he was not kind."

"Why don't you refuse." Yan Chu suggested, "Isn't it just to reject a spokesperson and not be afraid of offending him? The most important thing is not to let him ruin our plan for this trip."

This time, they came here to destroy the Luo family altar.

Once the altar is destroyed, the Rock Group is destined to be a mess full of holes. Jian Xiao must not become their spokesperson, otherwise it will cause great damage to her reputation.

"You can't refuse directly." Jian Xiao said, "Before Lu Qiyu and the others find out the real location of the altar, I have to make a promise with Luo Weizhou."

Maybe, she could still get some information from Luo Weizhou's mouth.

"Then I will accompany you tomorrow." Seeing that Jian Xiao had made a decision, Fang Siyu said, "I am your manager, so it is only natural to accompany you to discuss the endorsement contract."

Now Lu Qiyu and Gu Shaoyan are focusing on finding the location of the altar. Yan Chu has a deep hatred with Luo Weizhou, and after his rebirth, he broke many things in the Luo Group, so it is not appropriate to confront him at the moment.

Therefore, when Luo Weizhou asked Jian Xiao to meet, Fang Siyu was the best person to accompany him.

"It's fine." Jian Xiao said, "But you all remember to bring your amulets and bring more. Nothing is as important as saving your life."

Jian Xiao had to pester Luo Weizhou to attract his attention, creating enough time for Lu Qiyu and the others to find the location of the altar.

Therefore, she must go to Luo Weizhou's invitation, and she must not make him suspicious.

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