Something's wrong with these zerg

Chapter 130 Reliable Envoys of the Gods

Chapter 130 Reliable Envoys of the Gods
"I think!" Hu Lan agreed without even more hesitation.

I don’t know when, Hu Lan began to yearn for knowledge, because he realized that he actually knew very little. Before that, his brother Parker would ask him many questions, but later, as the knowledge in Parker’s mind increased, many questions were no longer his own. I can answer it.

Hu Lan didn't want to do this, he didn't want to see his brother walk that lonely road alone, he wanted to help his brother, he wanted to learn knowledge, he wanted to know more things.

"Her Majesty has arranged for someone to teach some interstellar people knowledge, and you are the first student selected." Parker opened his mouth, and he still spoke like this.

Even after guessing the reason, Hu Lan couldn't help clenching his fists, "I know."

Your Majesty... Hulande admits that she is an extremely beautiful woman, even with such a terrifying lower body, it will only make people think that she is a goddess living in the sky.

In fact, Hulan doesn't hate that Her Majesty the Queen. In the beginning, she saved the two children who strayed into the Yegu Forest by mistake—otherwise, how could the two children walk to her side safely, even in a little danger? Neither met.

In addition, he also gave them the Star Falling Insect. In retrospect, even Hulan himself has to admit that Her Majesty the Zerg Queen probably didn't want to do anything to the two of them. That's it.

And they didn't know much, and there were even fewer words of value, but just like that, Her Majesty the Zerg Queen sent them away without making any plans for them.

It was Parker who took him back into the Yegu Forest on his own initiative, and then sent him back to the Zerg Queen. Parker took Hulan, just thinking that he had already given everything, what if he could get something in exchange? The good thing is that Hulan can take it back.No matter how bad it is, Hu Lan can go back and convey a last word.

Thinking about it now, it was all because the child was too naive to believe in an extremely terrifying Zerg queen, but Fan Molan had a bad intention, and neither of them could go back.

It was also because of Mo Lan's friendliness the first time that Parker had the courage to break into Yegu Forest for the second time.

What Hulan hates the most is actually his own powerlessness. He is very smart. Since he was a child, he has been smarter than others and thinks a lot, so he has become very timid, always scaring himself with various possibilities, so that nothing will happen. dare not do it.

Parker is the elder brother. Although he is only one or two years older than him, he will always stand in front of him, and he is more assertive. No matter what he does, Hu Lan just needs to follow him.

So when he saw Parker follow the Queen without hesitation, Hu Lan couldn't stop him. At that time, what he should hate the most was himself, hating his timidity, lack of opinion, weakness and withdrawal.

Hu Lan didn't know if he had had a firm attitude at the time, would he have stopped Parker, and he would have lived the same life as before.

But it is too late to say anything now, no matter how regretful it is, there is no way to go back to the past.

"Well, you can stay here and live a good life... After that, I will let Mom and Dad come to accompany you." Parker nodded. Since Hulan wants to stay and study, it is also good to let his parents come in to take care of him.

After all, he is only 14 years old, no matter how smart he is, it is not easy to live alone, and he needs to be taken care of by his family.

Moreover, Parker felt that it was safer to be in Yegu Forest, even though there were wolves, tigers and leopards everywhere, and all kinds of dangerous creatures.

It is also far safer than the situation outside like a time bomb that is about to explode at any time. Outside, it is Bai Yue who has the upper hand, and Mo Lan and Shi Qi only control two small bases.

Bai Yue is only temporarily settled down, but she is actually planning a lot secretly, just like Mo Lan didn't do anything at first glance, but in fact, many players have already accepted the task and set it up separately.

No one is really stupid enough to do nothing in this situation.

"...Well." After a longer silence, Hu Lan nodded. He didn't want his parents to come into contact with these Zerg creatures, but he didn't seem to have any choice—from the day his brother Parker became a Zerg.

"Are you leaving?" Hu Lan couldn't help asking again.

"Your Majesty still has a task for me." Parker nodded, looking back at the half-decorated room, "Everything is almost finished, and I can just deliver things later for them to install."

"If you need something, you can use Kulan Yin to buy it. If it doesn't work, you can ask them to deduct my energy points." Parker was also very uncomfortable leaving his younger brother Hulan here alone, and he couldn't help but talk more.

Although Hulan does not have Shiqi on him, if Hulan wants to buy something from the player, it can be recorded in his name. Parker has already finished talking to Shiqi. Just buckle.

Originally, Parker really didn't have much energy points, but after these special missions, apart from Molan handing out rewards to the players, Parker also didn't fall behind, so the value in the account is still sufficient.

As long as he keeps doing things for Mo Lan, Mo Lan will not treat him badly for this little thing.

The first batch of Tamrons have been relocated. With the arrival of [-] players from the fifth test, the progress of building a house, which is not difficult and purely manual, will definitely be much faster.

At that time, the second batch of Tanlongers can arrange for more people to move together, scattered and scattered, all of which need to be taken care of.

Moreover, the 9956-4 mine also needs to be changed. A large number of Zergs have entered the excavation, and those abandoned mines can also be reused, and the residences of the remaining Tamrons also need to be rearranged.

Furthermore, with the end of the Zerg, the mining business is no longer practical for those Tanlongers. How to assign suitable jobs to them and let them do what they do is also a problem.

As Parker is the person in charge of the 9956-4 base, these are all things that must be handed over to him, and they must be in his hands—he wants to change the fate of the Tamron people here.

To give the Tamrons a new life, or to turn them from slaves of the Starmen to... slaves of the Zerg.

Hu Lan didn't say anything to persuade him to stay, and sent Parker out. He didn't turn around until the shadowy tree shadow covered the figure, and behind him was the noise of those Tanlonger people—the market was open.

Some people brought their own wooden shelves, which together became a big table, and various objects were placed on it, all of which Hulan could not recognize.

There are also these people who are not very particular, spread a large piece of defective spider silk cloth on the ground, put things on the ground like this, sit on a pony by themselves, and do not get up when they see visitors, calling them to bend down and squat down to watch .

Hu Lan's eyes moved away from those "players" who could clearly see the difference, and landed on a few small stalls in the corner, and he was sure that they were all real Tanlong people.

"Players" don't have women, or the bodies they use don't have women.

Ordinary Zergs don't need to think about reproduction, so they don't have reproductive organs. Since there is no need to make such a difference in reproduction, their natural bodies are the same regardless of whether they are male or female.

There is not much difference between the game characters used by male and female players. It is just to make the game characters stronger, so the appearance is unified like a man... Even if the game characters of female players are somewhat different, it is just that the facial contours are not so obvious and slightly rounded a little bit.

So when Hu Lan saw those relatively short Tanlonger women with bulging chests setting up a stall, for some reason, he was deeply relieved.

Skipping over the more interesting stalls set up by the players, Hu Lan walked to the stalls in those corners.

"What would you like to buy?" It was a middle-aged woman in her thirties or forties, with a friendly smile, wearing clothes made of defective spider silk cloth, which was much better than those who were still wearing leaf vein clothes, at least Comfortable fit.

She didn't ignore Hulan just because she saw him as young. Rather, they prefer to do this kind of half-sized business.

Hu Lan looked down and saw that there were several kinds of dried wild vegetables, "What are these?"

"This is orange grass. When you cook the soup, put a little bit of it. The soup will have a sweet taste. It's very good. My kids love to eat this, but it's bitter and they can't eat it."

"This is Dafanghua. It can remove the smell of meat. If you are not used to meat, you can definitely buy it back."

"This is spicy white. Add it when eating barbecue, and it will taste delicious."

"This is……"

The middle-aged women were introduced one by one, and they were not at all cautious. It seemed that the reason why they chose the corner position was not a matter of their own courage, but rather a reluctance to compete with the group of players for a good place.

But anyone who stayed in the Yegu Forest for a long time would know exactly what the group of "Tanlongers" came from. No matter what, no one dared to compete with them.

Regardless of winning or losing, I'm afraid there will be nothing good in the end.

Hu Lan hesitated a little, and said in embarrassment, "But I don't have... Kulan seal."

He had, Puck had left him a lot, but the Tamrons who came here with him hadn't.

"It's okay, I can exchange things here." The middle-aged woman waved her hand to comfort Hulan.

"But I didn't bring..." Hu Lan continued to hesitate. Most Tanlong people didn't bring much when they came, because they didn't have much.

"Is there any more nutrition cream?" The middle-aged woman smiled generously, and said before Hulan could answer, "It's okay if you don't have any, if you really want to eat, I will take you to pick fresh ones tomorrow, and then I will share half of them." Take it as hard work."

Surprised, Hulan raised her head and looked at her several times. When most Tanlongers came, they still brought some nutrition cream. , Can you save a month's nutrition cream for the whole family?

When you get here, it can be used as a currency. Although the nutrient cream is not delicious, it contains many nutrients. Many people who are not used to eating wild vegetables can eat the nutrient cream. They don’t need the nutrient cream to fill their stomachs. can.

Moreover, even if someone's family is really in trouble and didn't bring nutrition cream, this middle-aged woman also thought of a way. She took it to pick wild vegetables for a day, and then took half of it for hard work, even if it was a one-time transaction, then she I also made a lot of wild vegetables.

This has changed a lot.

"There is still nutritional cream. I'll get it at home." Hu Lan stood up, scratching his head embarrassedly. Before him, there were still a few people who dared to come to the stall to ask questions. Most of the Tanlong people who had just moved Onlookers.

The few people who gathered in front of the stall were people from the construction site. They heard that the market was open, so they came to join in the fun and see if there were any good things.

However, most of them have the Kulan seal in their hands, and they really don't have the conditions to learn from it. The questions Hu Lan asked gave many Tanlongers a good start, letting them know what they can do and what they can use in exchange for things.

The value of nutrient cream is relatively expensive, so a little bit can be used as several Kuran seals, which makes most Tanlong people feel relieved, so that even if they don't find a job in a short period of time, they can use the nutrient cream to exchange for food up.

This is like exchanging a catty of millet for several catties of rice on the earth, replacing refined grains with coarse grains. The nutrition is poor but the amount is increased, and you can eat it for a longer time.

At any time, having a full meal is the number one priority.

The smarter Tanlonger had already gone home to get the nutrition cream. Hu Lan stepped back from the stall and didn't go to the second stall...they sold the same things, cheap and practical, and they were urgently needed.

Weird items still depend on the "player". Wooden figures, wooden locks, iron needles, thread boxes, salt, dried fruits, cloth bags...all seem to be useful, but they are really unaffordable at this stage. , except for figures.

I can't use that thing, and I can't afford it.

After Hu Lan slowly took some nutrient cream from home, the stalls in the corner were almost sold out. The crowd either dispersed, or watched the good things from the players, and the stall owners also started to clean up. There is a stall, mainly to clean up the garbage left on the ground.

Seeing Hulan, the middle-aged woman who was still there beckoned, Hulan was puzzled, and trotted over.

I saw the middle-aged woman in Tanlonger take out a handful of wild vegetables from behind, "I saw that you wanted to buy some just now, so I left some for you."

When Hulan looked at them, they were all good ones, not leftovers, so he couldn't help being moved, and handed over the nutrient cream at the agreed price, and accepted the handful of wild vegetables.

The middle-aged woman bought the last one, and then she got up and started to clean up, mainly cleaning up the crumbs from the wild vegetables, and casually told Hulan some things that need to be paid attention to in living here.

"Don't be afraid when you first come here, but be careful not to anger the envoys." The middle-aged woman signaled to the players who set up stalls, "They are the envoys."

"My lord is an envoy of God, each of which has countless bodies, and will not really die..." Like the monotonous words in the Bible, let Hulan know that this middle-aged woman has never really seen anything. It's all heard.

But he still listened obediently, and understood the image of the players in the eyes of most Tanlongers.

The middle-aged woman looked at no one around, lowered her voice and said to Hulan, "I see that your parents are not here, and you live alone. If you encounter any troubles, you can go to the God Envoy."

"Huh?" Hu Lan blinked, not understanding how she changed her style of painting when she turned her head and said that they were scary and should not be messed with.

"Actually, I haven't seen much of what they said, I just heard it from others, but I know that the envoys of the gods are all kind-hearted." The middle-aged woman sighed, and then told Hu Lan.

She has a daughter who is only 3 years old. She always took her daughter with her when she went to pick wild vegetables, but one of them missed her and let her eat poisonous grass leaves. Vomiting and diarrhea, high fever.

Fortunately, I was noticed by a passing angel, and it didn't take long for a group of angels to surround the house. The middle-aged woman was completely blinded at the time, and couldn't understand what they were doing. She just waited for the angels to leave. After the hospitalization, her daughter has returned to normal.

So since then, the middle-aged woman has a sense of belonging to living in the Yegu Forest, and has a little more admiration for the envoys. Seeing that Hulan, who is far from an adult, lives alone Just a few words.

In this Yegu forest, the gods make the adults reliable.

(End of this chapter)

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