Chapter 578 Ask Su Chen to beg Qin Si?
Su Chen didn't like to hear what Zhao Meifen said.

Yu Zhengzheng was afraid that Su Chen would misunderstand her, so she hurriedly said again: "Mom, Xiaoxue is also your daughter after all, you should go and see her when she is just pregnant, otherwise Xiaoxue will be more disappointed in the future?"

"This..." Zhao Meifen was still a little embarrassed.Of course, it's not that she doesn't want to see Su Xue, but isn't this because Yu Zhengzheng is about to give birth?She can't go away.

Well, there is actually another reason, that is, Zhao Meifen also found out that when she gets along with Su Xue, they are very awkward and have nothing to say.

So in order to avoid such embarrassing things from happening, she didn't want to go.

Su Chen stood up from the chair.

"If you don't want to go, don't go. Xiaoxue is also very busy and doesn't have much time to entertain guests."

"Then you send the eggs over there for me? You tell her that I keep the eggs, and when her sister gives birth, I will take the eggs over to her."

"No, you can keep it to yourself."

After Su Chen dropped these words, he stood up, left the living room, and returned to his room.He seemed to be talking to Zhao Meifen just now, and he wasn't angry, but Su Chen was actually angry.

He thought that Xiaoxue didn't like to come to the house, so Xiaoxue was thinking too much.Judging from Zhao Meifen's reaction now, it's not that Su Xue thinks too much.

But Zhao Meifen's attitude is really uncomfortable.

She felt sorry for her biological daughter who had been away for so many years, he could understand.But for that daughter who has been raised by her since she was a child, how can she be so indifferent because she has no blood relationship?
Su Chen couldn't accept it.

He went into his room.Zhao Meifen was also in a daze in the living room.Her son's attitude made her feel very hurt.

"Zhengzheng, your second brother, is he angry with me?"

Yu Zhengzheng glanced at Lu Cheng at the door of the kitchen, gently took Zhao Meifen's hand and patted it: "No mom, don't think too much about it. The second brother is just not in a good mood."

"In a bad mood? Why is he in a bad mood? Is something wrong?" Zhao Meifen is a person who loves her children, but in many cases, she loves her own children more.

Yu Zhengzheng shook her head.

Although she was reborn, but because she was not controlled by the system in this life, the development of all things was different from her previous life.

She didn't know what happened to Su Chen either.

He just felt that Su Chen was unhappy.

Zhao Meifen heard that her son was in a bad mood, not angry with her, so she felt better.Pulling Yu Zheng, Zheng mentioned other things.

"Zhengzheng, you are going to give birth in a few days, and your second elder brother just came back. I will ask him to find Qin Si and ask him to help arrange to go to the People's Hospital. Would you like it?"

Now Yu Zhengzheng is doing a prenatal checkup, not at the People's Hospital.

It is very difficult even now to get an expert number at the People's Hospital.Zhao Meifen had thought of looking for Qin Si before, but she went to Qin's house several times, but she couldn't find Qin Si.

It happened that the second child was at home these few days, so she asked him to say hello.

Based on the friendship between Qin Si and the second child, that is the meaning of a sentence.

As Zhao Meifen said, she was going to find Su Chen, Yu Zhengzheng hurriedly held Zhao Meifen back: "Mom, don't go looking for second brother, it's the same wherever I was born, I don't have to go to the People's Hospital."

"Hey, why don't you go to a good hospital if you can? The doctor said that your baby is relatively big, so it's better to go to a better hospital."

"Then mom, wait for me, wait for me to tell my second brother myself."

Yu Zhengzheng really didn't want to say this.

But judging from what Zhao Meifen meant, she would not give up unless she said this, so she could only appease Zhao Meifen temporarily, and then think of a way.

Zhao Meifen still listens to Yu Zheng very much.

When she said so, Zhao Mei agreed.

After breakfast, Su Chen was ready to go out.Yu Zhengzheng glanced at Zhao Meifen, she also stood up slowly, and called Su Chen who was about to go out.

"Second brother, wait for me."

Su Chen stopped.

With Lu Cheng's support, Yu Zhengzheng walked over slowly.Su Chen looked at Yu Zhengzheng's abnormally big belly, and understood why Zhao Meifen cared so much about her.

"Is there a problem?"

Su Chen spent most of his time in the army, and he only came into contact with rough men, and there were very few people of the opposite sex.So when talking to other members of the opposite sex (except Su Xue), they all habitually speak in a military tone.

Only in front of his younger sister who has been in love since childhood, Su Chen will subconsciously restrain his lingering, afraid of scaring Su Xue.

When meeting other lesbians, even if Su Chen didn't have any malicious intentions, it would be difficult for Su Chen to restrain his aura subconsciously.

Fortunately, Yu Zhengzheng understood Su Chen's special status, and she didn't care whether Su Chen's tone of voice was not gentle enough.

"Second brother, shall we go outside and talk?"


Su Chen has no objection.

The siblings and Lu Cheng went out, Zhao Meifen was going to follow, but was stopped by Yu Zhengzheng.She could only sit at home and wait.

However, Zhao Meifen still trusted Su Chen, she felt that her son would not refuse such a trivial matter.

It never occurred to Zhao Meifen that Yu Zhengzheng never mentioned this at all.

She and Su Chen walked into the yard, walked out together slowly, and when they left the compound, there were fewer people around, so she said softly, "Second brother, do you plan to stay in the army until you grow old?"

Although what is happening now is very different from the previous life.But Su Chen and Su Zhe did not end well in the previous life, she remembered this.

She didn't care at the time, but now she doesn't want them to end up with nothing left.

Su Chen raised his eyes and glanced at Yu Zhengzheng who was calm and unforgiving beside him. He suddenly realized that he didn't know this sister at all.

"Any questions?"

Su Chen got straight to the point.

Yu Zhengzheng thought for a while, then stopped and raised her head to look up at Su Chen beside her.

"Second brother, the reform and opening up is going on now, and there is prosperity everywhere. If you can seize the opportunity, you will definitely be able to make a difference."

It's not easy for her to explain directly, telling Su Chen not to be in the army anymore.

But Su Chen is not stupid, he can naturally hear what Yu Zhengzheng has left in her words.

Su Chen hooked his lips: "Are you also doing business?"

Yu Zhengzheng nodded.

There is nothing to hide about this.

"Brother Cheng and I are married, so we can't live at home all the time. We earned some money in the first half of this year. We bought a yard a while ago and plan to move there."

In her previous life, Yu Zhengzheng was a successful businessman who was almost on par with He Qingdong.In this life, with the experience of being reborn once, she is even more at ease when starting a business!
So in half a year, she earned enough money for a yard.

For ordinary people, Yu Zhengzheng's proposal is quite attractive, but what Su Chen wants is not just money.

(End of this chapter)

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