Chapter 157
Li Xuan's performance made Lan Shu look at her again.

Lan Shu even sighed in her heart, if Lan Xinya had Li Xuan's brains, even if she was in the Lan family, it would not affect her status in the Lan family.

It's a pity that the heroine's victory over the supporting actress mostly depends on the "protagonist halo". Although there are such things as IQ and brains, there are not many of them.

Lan Shu was about to leave the Gu family, but even when Li Xuan appeared, she didn't let her stay for too long.

Say goodbye to Mrs. Wei, declined Mrs. Wei's kindness to ask the driver to take her back, and then Lan Shu left.

Once she left here, Li Xuan didn't ignorantly continue to stay.

She also greeted Mrs. Wei and left the Gu family soon.


In the evening, Peking University School of Medicine.

Xiaobai came out of the library, and just returned to the dormitory when he heard from his roommate that the head of the department came to him in the afternoon.

Since no one saw him, the head of the department only left a few words for his roommate to convey.

"Gu Jue, the director said that your family called and said that you have a friend who came to Kyoto and asked you to go back when you are free."

"By the way, the news also said that your friend who came to Kyoto will leave in a few days."

Hearing what his roommate said, Xiaobai hardly hesitated, and immediately guessed who the 'friend' in the rumor was!
Ever since he lost his memory, he no longer has any memory of the past, and his only friend is Lan Shu!

So Lan Shu came to Kyoto?

When did it come?
And Lan Shu went to his house to look for him today?

Thinking of this, Xiaobai suddenly felt annoyed that he didn't go home today...

But it's not too late to come back now, right?

So that night, Xiaobai left the school.

Because the time has passed the bus boarding time, so Xiaobai ran all the way back home.

The whole journey is more than 20 kilometers...


The next morning, when Lan Shu was having breakfast at home, there was a knock on the door.

Lan Weicheng went to open the door, and soon he walked in with Gu Jue, the youngest son of the Gu family.

When Lan Shu went to Gu's house yesterday, she learned that Xiao Bai did not go home this week, but spent time at school. She thought that she would not see Xiao Bai this time when she came to Beijing.

But now that Xiaobai came suddenly, did Gu's elders tell him that he came to the capital?

Other than that, Lan Shu couldn't think of any other reasons.

It seems that in the Gu family, Xiaobai's parents are quite supportive of their son's association with him.

This made Lan Shu's impression of Xiaobai's parents, which was already good, much better now.

Xiaobai didn't come here empty-handed. He waited at the entrance of the supply and marketing cooperative early in the morning. As soon as the supply and marketing cooperative opened, he went in and bought a few snacks such as twists and fruits.

The snacks at the Kyoto Supply and Marketing Cooperative are more delicious than those in the county, and they have a complete variety. Xiaobai remembers that Lanshu likes to eat sweet things, but because of weight loss, she dare not eat more.

So he didn't buy much of each item, but there were many types, and the total weight was several catties!

"Has Xiaobai eaten?"

Seeing Xiaobai put down the gift he brought, Lan Shu asked casually.

"Have not eat yet."

In front of Lanshu, Xiaobai always told the truth and never lied.

Seeing his answer like this, Lan Shu wanted Xiao Bai to have breakfast at home.

It's just that I didn't do much to come to her house.

"Sit and wait, I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat after dinner."

After finishing speaking, Lan Shu bowed her head and speeded up to finish her breakfast as soon as possible.

On the side, Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan were surprised to see their daughter's tone and casual attitude towards Gu's son.

The precious little son of the Gu family was born to Wei Qiushuang, so many people in the capital circle knew him.

Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan had heard a lot about the youngest son of the Gu family before.

According to rumors, when Gu Jue was young, he was famously naughty in the courtyard. He had a strong personality and was domineering. At the age of seven or eight, he dared to press down on the ground and beat up children in their teens!
At that time, because of the face of Gu Jue, his grandfather, Mr. Wei Jin, everyone could only flatter Gu Jue with such fighting power at a young age, which was really a young talent.

Later, I heard that Gu Jue's temperament became more and more unbearable, so he was taken to the army by Mr. Wei for several years of training.

When he came out again, his impression became much calmer, but he wasn't anything to talk about.

It belongs to the type that no one dares to provoke him, but he dares to provoke anyone.

Although Gu Jue is young, his reputation has spread.

Others said that he simply inherited the demeanor of his grandfather Wei Jin when he was young.

Except for his grandfather Wei Jin, no one can control him.

But now, in front of their daughter, Gu Jue is as obedient as a little sheep——

Is this really Gu Jue?
Or did Gu Jue's personality change after he lost his memory?
Lan Weicheng doesn't know whether his personality has changed or not, but Gu Jue in front of his daughter is really a good boy.


Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan had other things to do, so they left home after a while.

Lan Xinya has learned to be smart in the past two days, she didn't want to see Lan Shu at home, so she got up early in the morning and went to the small shop outside to have breakfast.

Lan Xinya doesn't like fried eggs very much, but Xu Shan cooks eggs for her family every morning. Xu Shan thinks eating eggs is nutritious, while Lan Xinya prefers to eat meat buns outside.

Now her preferences can finally be settled after eating out every day.

When Lan Xinya finished her meal and went to work, Lan Shu and Lan Shu entered the kitchen.

Using the few ingredients at home, she made some vegetable pancakes and egg drop soup for Xiaobai.

The pancakes are made by mixing eggs, flour, and chopped vegetable leaves together, adding oil and salt, stirring well, pouring them into a frying pan and frying them into vegetable pancakes.

In this way, because the eggs are mixed in the cake, the skin is burnt and the inside is soft. There are all pasta, eggs, and vegetables, and the nutrition is balanced.

In the egg drop soup, Lanshu put a little bit of sugar, with a light sweetness, plus the soft vegetable pancakes, Xiao Bai ate four pancakes the size of a bowl before stopping.

"I'm stuffed."

As Xiaobai said, he casually picked up the toilet roll on the dining table, tore off a piece, and wiped his mouth.

After eating and drinking enough, Lan Shu didn't need to talk about the rest of the work, so Xiao Bai consciously put away the dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash them.

Lan Shu stood at the door of the kitchen and looked at Xiaobai standing by the sink washing dishes. She suddenly thought of the scene yesterday at Gu's house where Xiaobai's father cleaned up the dishes and consciously did housework.

Like a father, like a son, men who take care of their families love to work~
As for what Wei Qiushuang said about those men willing to do housework for the woman they like, Lan Shu has long since forgotten about it——

 Just a preview, there will be an update in the early hours of tomorrow night ~ [-] words are expected to be updated!
  And I haven’t asked for votes recently, cuties remember to vote after watching the update~
(End of this chapter)

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