Chapter 238
Time to enter July, the weather is getting hotter day by day.

There is no air conditioner at such a temperature, it is really difficult~!

But now there is no air conditioner for sale in China, even if there is, with the consumption awareness of most people today, they will not be too willing to turn on the air conditioner to consume electricity.

So Lan Shu had to settle for the next best thing and bought a freezer.

She kept some homemade mung bean popsicles in the freezer, as well as a large ice bowl.

When you go to bed at night, put two large bowls of ice cubes in the room, which can cool down to some extent.

On July [-]th, Xiaobai arrived in Qingyang County from Kyoto.

It was almost noon when he came, and Lan Shu knew Xiao Bai's itinerary a long time ago, so she picked him up outside the gate of the county bus station in advance.

Because the car ordered by the clothing factory hadn't arrived yet, Lan Shu could only ride a bicycle instead.

At the bus station, Xiaobai didn't bring too much luggage, so he came lightly with a black backpack on his back.

He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and black trousers, and looked in good spirits.

Seeing Lan Shu, Xiao Bai suddenly smiled, and strode towards Lan Shu.

"Lanshu, I'm here." He said.

Lan Shu nodded, "Are you tired? Eat or rest first?"

Sitting on the train overnight is really exhausting. Lan Shu has experienced this situation every month recently.

Xiaobai shook his head, "I'm not tired, let's eat first."

From yesterday morning to now, it's just more than twenty hours without sleep, which is nothing to him.

When he was in the army, his grandfather trained him much harder than this.

Seeing that Xiaobai was indeed in good spirits, Lan Shu nodded in relief.

When the two left the station, Xiaobai hung his backpack on the handlebar of his bicycle, just like he used to do in Qingyang County, riding with Lanshu on the bike, and rode all the way in the direction Lanshu pointed out—


At noon, after the two had dinner at the restaurant in the county seat, Lan Shu took Xiao Bai to the house she bought.

After knowing the location of Lan Shu's residence, Xiao Bai has no plan to stay at Lan Shu's house.

He looked at Lan Shu, "My grandma's house is not far from here, just in front of the house is Qiaotou Baozi Shop, I will bring you breakfast every day from now on."

What Xiaobai said was to bring breakfast, but the meaning was already very clear, he would come to see Lan Shu every day.

Lan Shu didn't think much about it, she nodded and agreed, "Then go back and see the elders first."

As she said that, she took out a key from her pocket and handed it to Xiaobai, "This is the key to the house. If I go to the factory, you can come in by yourself."

When Lan Shu bought the house, she had reserved Xiao Bai's room, so she had prepared the key long ago.

It's just that she didn't expect Xiaobai's confession to herself in the capital.

Fortunately, the relationship between them is back to the past now.

So she gave the key without any hesitation.

Xiaobai paused for a moment before taking the key down.

Then he raised his head, showed a clean and clear smile to Lan Shu, and replied, "Okay."

In the afternoon, Lan Shu went to the factory, while Xiao Bai arrived at grandma's house with a backpack on her back.


At the bridgehead of Linfu Street, in the first private house with a yard.

Although Mrs. Lin knew that her little grandson would definitely come to visit her soon, she didn't expect that this year his little grandson would come two months earlier than usual.

It has been almost a year since I saw her, and the old lady found that her little grandson seems to have grown a little taller, and looks more calm and handsome~!

Seeing her little grandson, Mrs. Lin excitedly held her little grandson's hand, "Xiaobao, are you on vacation again?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded first, and then explained, "Grandma, this time is not a vacation, but a holiday. I'm not with my grandpa now. I'm going to college this year, and it's summer vacation."

Mrs. Lin didn't know about her little grandson's disappearance and amnesia. She was getting old, and when Gu Jue disappeared, Gu Anguo didn't tell her. He was afraid that the old lady wouldn't be able to stand the stimulation for a while, and something might happen to her body.

The old lady didn't even know that Xiaobai was going to study at Peking University School of Medicine with him.

So in Mrs. Lin's perception, her little grandson came to see her every year, just like in previous years.

It's just that this year's grandson is indeed old enough to go to college.

The old lady was very happy to learn that her little grandson was able to go to university.

"Little Treasure is as promising as your father~!"

Back then her son Gu Anguo was a college student.

Although her eldest grandson Gu Cheng also went to college, but because the eldest grandson is not close to her grandma, she hasn't returned to her hometown for more than ten years.

Mrs. Lin is getting old and her memory is not good. Even if Gu Anguo told her about Gu Cheng's going to college before, she has forgotten it by now.

Although Xiaobai had amnesia, the family relationship between him and his grandmother was not affected by the memory loss at all.

And in his previous dreams, there were scenes of him growing up with his grandma when he was a child, so he was no stranger to grandma at all.

Even because of the reappearance of memory images, everything that happened around him when he was a child seems to be vivid in his mind.

So he has a deeper affection for grandma.

"Grandma, I will stay at home for a while this time." Xiao Bai said.

When Mrs. Lin heard this, she was of course very happy.

She held her little grandson's hand tighter, and the smile on her face grew more.

"Okay, okay, Xiaobao is sensible, I know grandma is getting old, so come and spend more time with grandma."

Hearing this, Xiaobai suddenly felt a little ashamed.

But no matter what reason he came to grandma, it is a good thing to accompany grandma and make grandma happy.

The grandparents and grandchildren haven't seen each other for a long time, and when they entered the house, they inevitably had a lot to talk about.

Seeing that grandma was curious about his school situation, Xiaobai told grandma about his school affairs.

After a while, Mrs. Lin was surprised and proud, "Xiaobao is really amazing! Even better than your dad when he was in college."

"By the way, Xiaobao, when will the heart medicine you researched be available for sale? Grandma will definitely buy it as soon as possible!"

For the old lady, although the heart medicine was of no use to her, it was something her grandson participated in the research, so she wanted to buy it and keep it at home.

Seeing the medicine, she can think of the excellence of her little grandson and be proud of it.

Xiaobai could understand his grandma's mood, he smiled and hugged grandma's shoulders, and patted lightly, "Grandma, let's save that medicine for those who need it, so I won't buy it, and I will research more in the future. More medicine to come."

Mrs. Lin listened and nodded, "Xiaobao is right, grandma listened to Xiaobao..."

The two chatted and chatted, and the afternoon passed like this.

In the evening, seeing that it was getting dark outside, Xiao Bai got up and said to the old lady, "Grandma, I will cook for you tonight."

"Okay, okay, Xiaobao is really capable..."

The old lady smiled, her eyes crooked.

This night, Xiao Bai did not go to look for Lan Shu, but stayed with his grandma completely.

(End of this chapter)

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