Chapter 249 Encountering a New Project

Both of them are good, and they both really love aerobics and cherish this job.

So after Lan Shu thought about it, she decided to talk to the deputy director.

The reason why Lan Shu went to talk was not acting blindly.

The morning show is as popular as it is now, and she does have a certain amount of confidence as the producer of the show. She can mention whether it is possible to add an aerobics actor to the show.

So she asked Tao Ying and Sun Sisi to go back to listen to the announcement, and the next morning, she came to the TV station again.

The TV station has a regular meeting every Friday. Lan Shu came earlier, and the regular meeting has not yet started.

When she found Deputy Director Zhu through Cui Nian, Deputy Director Zhu was already preparing to go to the meeting room.

Seeing Lan Shu coming to Taiwan, it was so coincidental, so she asked Lan Shu to go to the regular meeting together.

The audience of the morning show has indeed exceeded expectations, so Lan Shu, as the director of this show, is also eligible to participate in the meeting in the station.

Originally, Lan Shu was not interested in the TV station's meeting, but because she wanted something from others, she followed Deputy Director Zhu into the meeting room together.

The conference room is on the second floor of the TV station's two-story building. The entire conference room is about [-] to [-] square meters. There is a long conference table in the middle, and chairs are placed on both sides.

There are expected to be more than 20 people attending the meeting this time. In addition to some leading groups of the TV station, there are also several leaders from the Propaganda Department above.

They participated in the meeting mainly to listen to the recent external publicity broadcasts on the TV station.

In this meeting, in addition to the Propaganda Department, two leaders from the Ministry of Culture also came. It is said that there is an important announcement.

Lan Shu sat next to Cui Nian and listened to Cui Nian whispering to herself about the participants and the situation of the meeting today before the meeting officially started, so that her eyes would not turn dark when the time came. Do not know at all.

At [-]:[-], the meeting officially begins——

Sure enough, just as Cui Nian said, both the Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Culture came to lead.

First of all, on the TV station side, the deputy director Zhu reported the recent work content of the station to the leader of the Propaganda Department.

When talking about the morning aerobics program, Deputy Director Zhu looked at Lan Shu, and then introduced to the three leaders of the Propaganda Department, "That is the director of our morning program, Comrade Lan Shu."

Hearing that she was being pointed, Lan Shu immediately got up from her seat and bowed politely to several leaders.

"The morning show is a good idea, and its appearance is very meaningful." The leader of the Propaganda Department commented.

If it were someone else who was praised by the leaders above, they would definitely be excited and at a loss!

But Lan Shu remained calm.

She nodded calmly and said, "Thank you."

Then sit back in your seat.

Seeing that she was so young, she was able to behave so calmly in situations, and her neither humble nor overbearing attitude made the leaders of the Propaganda Department have a good first impression of her.

The meeting continued. After Deputy Director Zhu reported the work situation in the station, several leaders of the Propaganda Department said a few words of praise in turn, and then mentioned the two leaders of the Ministry of Culture who came to the TV station today to participate in this regular meeting.

"We are here this time with a project, and we hope to get the support of Taili so that we can complete it together," said the representative leader of the Ministry of Culture.

"What project?"

Director Zhu didn't answer this time, but the director of the TV station sitting above her—Director Shang asked.

"We want to shoot a feature-length TV series. The script has almost been written, and the next step is to recruit actors and shoot."

"Because of the limited funds, we can't pay too much for the shooting, so we came to the TV station this time to get the shooting support from the TV station in advance before recruiting actors."

At the meeting, the director and deputy director of the TV station learned the purpose of the visit from the Ministry of Culture, and they immediately took it seriously.

Making a feature-length TV series is no small matter, and the investment is definitely not comparable to that of a movie!
But if the TV series can be broadcast on the station after it is filmed, then it will be their performance and reputation on the station.

Lan Shu was sitting at the end of the long table in the conference room, listening to the conversations among the leaders. She didn't expect that she would be able to hear about the filming of a TV series just by making up for a meeting!

Today's TV series are not like later generations, where thirty or forty episodes can be filmed in four or five months.

Let alone a [-]-[-] episode TV series, a [-]-episode TV series can last for several years!

This slow progress is not only due to technical reasons, but also the need to travel around for scene picking is also quite time-consuming.

But the most important thing is the lack of money.

Maybe halfway through the filming of a drama, it will temporarily stop due to various reasons such as lack of money to pay actors, lack of money to make props, etc., and continue filming when money is raised.

Therefore, there has not been any TV series released in China so far——

At this meeting, if the project mentioned by the two leaders of the Ministry of Culture can be carried forward, when the TV series is filmed, it will definitely explode in today's environment where film and television resources are scarce!
The meeting was still going on, and the leaders of the TV station and the leaders of the Ministry of Culture communicated seriously with each other.

Their TV station can send a videographer to join the shooting project of the TV series, and can also provide part of the film needed for shooting.

But the amount of film needed to shoot a TV series is absolutely amazing!

Their TV station is a state-owned unit, and has always only cared about the wages of the employees.

The reason why it is said that it can provide part of the film needed for shooting is also because the TV station has accumulated a few thousand dollars because of the profit from advertising in the past two months.

But no matter how many of them there are, they really can't support it...

Speaking of this, the two leaders of the Ministry of Culture know that the TV station has done its best.

They didn't expect the TV station to completely solve their filming problems. They had anticipated the difficulties in filming TV series, and now they are raising money and support everywhere.

During the meeting, when it came to video recording, the two leaders of the Ministry of Culture asked the videographer who recorded the morning show, and hoped that the videographer could participate in the filming of the TV series. "

Seeing that they came prepared, I hope the deputy director understands what the two of you mean. They obviously fell in love with the recording technique of the videographer.

But those techniques are not entirely the capabilities of videographers.

At this time, Deputy Director Zhu had no choice but to speak clearly.

"Our morning program is not only a professional videographer, but also many angle adjustments, camera switching, background construction, and matching music are all the ideas of Comrade Lan Shu, the program director."

This sentence immediately made the two people in the Ministry of Culture look sideways in Lan Shu's direction——

(End of this chapter)

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