Chapter 299 End of the Year
At this time, when Lan Shu was making business plans for the future film and television industry.

In Haicheng, after half a year, Gu Cheng has become the number one electrical appliance business in Haicheng!

More than 60.00% of electrical appliances in Haicheng are sold from his shop.

Gu Chengyou looked at last month's financial statement. His electrical company's profit in Kyoto exceeded [-], and the profit in Haicheng reached more than [-]!

A net income of 10,000+ a month is already surrounded by wealth for others, but in Gu Cheng's view, this amount of money is not enough!
He needs to make more money to be able to compare with his younger brother Gu Jue's company, and to be able to steadily compare Gu Jue's career!

So Gu Cheng took the electric appliance company as the foundation and started a new business plan!

When it comes to doing business, Gu Cheng thinks of clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

Although the prospect of the clothing industry is good, it is not suitable for him.

For food, he thought about opening a restaurant, but the management of the restaurant is very detailed, and he has to devote a lot of energy to make it happen.

Live and travel, one is a house, the other is a means of transportation.

Nowadays, the bicycle business is relatively common in big cities. Just like his electrical company, the market share has been occupied by other businesses.

Next is the house.

Gu Cheng thought of buying land in a big city, developing a small residential area, and selling houses.

As long as the location is good, the house is beautifully built, and the supporting environment is good, he thinks it is feasible to do real estate!
So Gu Cheng used most of the money earned by his electrical company to build a house and sell it later——

And when Gu Cheng embarked on the road of real estate and became a real estate tycoon in the future, Xiaobai's electronic information company, which he invested in, also had a good development.

Pagers were first sold in Kyoto, and later Haicheng, Yuanping City, and other first-tier cities to second-tier cities. More and more people use pagers, a communication device that is affordable by the general public.

Because of the demand for pagers, the pager manufacturing plant managed by Xue Chuang has expanded rapidly, with more than 400 workers and thousands of pagers produced every day!

There are also hundreds of specialists at the main pager signal station!
When the development momentum of pagers was just right, Xue Chuang began to research new products again.

The mobile phone function of the mobile phone made him very greedy. After the communication link of the pager was established, Xue Chuang began to use this set of contact network for the next step of mobile phone communication development.

He already has the first mobile phone modeled on the function of the big brother. If it goes well, next year after the pager, a new mobile phone will also be available!

At the end of October, Suxiao Jiuxin Pills appeared in pharmacies of major hospitals for sale.

In November, Chinese patent cold medicine appeared on the market. It was first put on the shelves in hospital pharmacies, and then promoted to some health centers and outpatient clinics in various cities.

At Peking University School of Medicine, Xiaobai and his seniors and sisters' team won a bonus of 2000 yuan for successfully developing a Chinese patent cold medicine.

The bonus was distributed equally to everyone, and each person shared more than 300 yuan. Although the money was not much for Xiaobai, it was the first money he earned on the road of medicine.

After getting the money, Xiao Bai's first thought was to share his joy with Lan Shu.

So after Lan Shu came to Kyoto that month, he invited Lan Shu to the Kyoto Grand Hotel for dinner!
That night, Lan Shu arrived as scheduled.

In the private room of the hotel, the two sat together and had a warm dinner quietly.

After dinner, Lan Shu had nothing else to do, so she asked Xiao Bai how she was doing at school.

Hearing Lanshu's concern for him, Xiaobai picked up a few things and talked about them.

"Recently, I followed the team in the laboratory to develop a new drug, and the results are coming soon. This time, the new drug is a drug with an analgesic effect in surgery. It was jointly completed by me, two seniors, and a senior sister."

"After the drug is successfully developed, I will have a bonus. At that time..."

"At that time, you can keep it well, and I will treat you to dinner next time." Lan Shu said before Xiao Bai could speak.

She knows that Xiaobai treats her well, but she can't always enjoy Xiaobai's kindness to her unilaterally.

She was afraid that she was too used to it and would not be able to change it in the future.

Hearing Lan Shu's words, Xiao Bai was slightly startled——

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded, "Okay!"

If his bonus is not used for dinner, then buy a gift for Lan Shu.

Xiaobai has already made up his mind. Apart from Lan Shu, he has never had any other choice——


The time has entered December, and it will be the Chinese New Year in just over a month.

Lan Shu plans to live in Kyoto this year, and she will bring her parents over.

If the brothers are willing, her villa can also accommodate them.

At the end of the year, Lan Shu's various factories and companies had to settle accounts, and they were quite busy.

Fortunately, most of the work is done by finance and secretaries. Lan Shu only waits for the factory and company's year-end summary report.

As soon as December passed, the school holidays began in mid-January.

On this day, Li Xuan finally stood guard at the school gate, waiting for Gu Jue.

Li Xuan didn't expect that she went to Peking University School of Medicine because of Gu Jue. She thought that the two of them would always see each other from time to time during a semester.

But Li Xuan realized that she had made a mistake!

After half a month of class, she realized that Gu Jue was no longer in the teaching building, but spent most of his time in the laboratory.

So a semester passed, and Li Xuan saw Gu Jue for the first time.

Seeing the person she was thinking of, Li Xuan immediately rushed forward——

"Gu Jue! Are you going home? Let's go together."

As she spoke, the brightest smile appeared on her face, and she hoped that her smile could be seen by Gu Jue.

It's a pity that Xiaobai heard someone call his name, he just looked up, and then showed a confused look.

Obviously, it was too long, and he had already forgotten about Li Xuan.

Even if they are neighbors in the same compound, Xiao Bai doesn't remember Li Xuan's appearance.

Li Xuan is not stupid, she immediately noticed the strangeness in Gu Jue's eyes.

So Gu Jue...don't remember her?

Li Xuan was sad in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

She still smiled brightly, "Gu Jue, I'm Li Xuan."

"Oh." Xiaobai responded, and then asked, "Have you been admitted to Peking University School of Medicine?"

He remembered that several times this semester, the seniors in the laboratory helped others to spread the news, saying that a school girl was looking for him.

Because it wasn't Lan Shu who came, Xiao Bai didn't go to see her.

Now it seems that the person looking for him should be Li Xuan.

Asked by Gu Jue, Li Xuan was still a little sad that she was forgotten, but suddenly became cheerful!
"Yes, I'm a first-year student at Peking University School of Medicine!" Li Xuan replied.

To this answer, Xiaobai just nodded lightly, "Study hard."

(End of this chapter)

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