Chapter 464

Since Xiaobai came back from Haicheng yesterday, it was obvious that something had happened, and Lanshu could feel that he was looking at her with some dodge.

Lan Shu hoped that she and Xiaobai could not hide anything from each other. Seeing Xiaobai appearing now, she silently glanced at Xiaobai.

After receiving Lan Shu's staring gaze, Xiao Bai knew very well that nothing about him could be hidden from Lan Shu's eyes.

So he had no choice but to walk towards Lan Shu silently, explaining how he had Gu Cheng interrogated and beaten Gu Cheng in Haicheng.

It was hard for Lan Shu to imagine that Xiao Bai would roll up his sleeves and beat someone up one day!
He never did this kind of rebellious behavior when he was a teenager, but when he became an adult and had a successful career, he put someone else's sack for himself?

In fact, Gu Cheng was beaten, he deserved it himself!
Not to mention that he sent a car to follow his car, trying to get someone to hurt him.

Let’s just say that he had people lay hands on the workers on the construction site, causing people to fall from the building and seriously injured and disabled. In this matter, beating him disabled is considered light!
It's just that there is still no definite evidence to convict Gu Cheng, so Xiaobai will beat him first to vent his anger.

Lan Shu can understand Xiaobai's actions.

"Good job, but don't do it next time," she said.

When Xiaobai heard this, his stern handsome face was slightly taken aback, and then he showed a pitiful expression of 'I was wrong'.

Such a contrast made Lan Shu couldn't help but laugh.

And just when Xiaobai felt that he had a bad impression of hitting someone in Lan Shu's heart, he heard Lan Shu say again——

"Being beaten can only hurt Gu Cheng's body, it's too cheap for him! As far as the things he did, he must make his heart hurt!"

As Lan Shu spoke, she had already made a plan in her heart.

"Tell me, if the real estate company of our group robs all of Gu Cheng's business in Haicheng and makes him go bankrupt, will he feel bad?"

Hearing Lan Shu's words, Xiao Bai was startled.

If he really did that, based on his understanding of Gu Cheng, Gu Cheng would not only be uncomfortable?

For Gu Cheng, it was a painful blow, a disaster!
So he smiled and replied, "Then let's make him bankrupt!"

With the current strength of Langu Group, it would not be too difficult to specifically target a small real estate company to make it unable to operate.

In fact, Lan Shu didn't think about letting Gu Cheng go bankrupt at first, she just thought that as long as Gu Cheng's development was firmly under the pressure of her business, it would be fine.

This is safe for her and for Xiaobai.

But now, since Gu Cheng wants to harm herself, she has no reason to hold back, she must fight back with fire!

So Lan Shu called the Haicheng branch that day. The main development direction of the company in the future is not only to become bigger and stronger in Haicheng, but also to snatch the business of Chengfeng Real Estate Company!
At the same time, Lan Shu also asked people to spread the word in the construction industry circle in Haicheng. The reason for the accidents of their construction site workers was that some colleagues behaved badly and viciously competed!

While talking about it, it also aimed at Chengfeng Real Estate and competed with Chengfeng Real Estate for business. Who are the unscrupulous peers mentioned by the real estate companies of Langu Group? The answer is ready to come out!

Now, Chengfeng Real Estate, which was relatively well-known in Haicheng, suddenly lost its reputation and lost its reputation.

Coupled with the normal business competition between the real estate companies of Langu Group and other companies in the same industry with Chengfeng Real Estate, the business of Chengfeng Real Estate will become more and more difficult in the future!

In Haicheng, when Gu Cheng clearly felt the pressure brought by Lan Shu's branch, it was already more than ten days later.

A few days ago, he was so busy dealing with Xu Yunjie's affairs that he didn't pay attention to the industry trends.

By the time he realized it, his Chengfeng Real Estate had become an existence that everyone in Haicheng's construction circles secretly reviled.

Gu Cheng was so angry that he almost gnawed his back molars!
It's a pity that it won't help if he gets angry again. He can only find ways to make up for the bad reputation.

But before he can make up for his reputation, he still has one more thing to do.

A few days ago, Xu Yunjie left the company suddenly and never came back.

Gu Cheng thought that because Xu Yunjie disliked the little money he gave at the end of last year, he frequently slowed down his work this year and did not come to the company every now and then.

Gu Cheng didn't ask Xu Yunjie to come to the company to report every day, so he just turned a blind eye before, and didn't get too serious with Xu Yunjie.

But this time is different, Xu Yunjie hasn't come to the company for a week, and the business that Xu Yunjie took over before, is now no one arranges, it's a mess!
At this time, Gu Cheng sent someone to find Xu Yunjie and asked Xu Yunjie to come to the company to report immediately, but the person he sent came back and told him that Xu Yunjie's house is empty now, and there is no one there!
Gu Cheng came to check the situation in person, only to find that Xu Yunjie might have left Haicheng?
Thinking of this, Gu Cheng immediately went back to the company to check the accounts!

Half a day later, the account came out, and it clearly stated that Deputy Manager Xu had withdrawn money from the company account for various reasons in the past month.

The amount of each sum of money is not large, ranging from a few tens to one or two hundred, so he didn't pay attention to it.

But the money has already reached more than 3000 after accumulating a small amount!
Finally, there was a sum of money. A week ago, the day before Xu Yunjie went on strike, he asked the accountant to transfer 5000 yuan to an account, saying that it was money for steel bars, doors and windows to material suppliers.

Combined with Xu Yunjie's disappearance now, Gu Cheng knew that Xu Yunjie ran away with money!
Gu Cheng didn't know where Xu Yunjie could go, but he knew that the current Xu Yunjie must have left Haicheng!
With so many cities in the country, it was not easy for him to find Xu Yunjie.

Even if he reported the crime, as long as Xu Yunjie kept his name incognito, kept a low profile, or changed his name, it would be difficult to find him.

Besides, Xu Yunjie followed him for more than a year after he was released from prison, and knew many shady things under his hands.

Once Xu Yunjie is arrested, if he publicizes his affairs loudly in the law enforcement department, the impact on his company and himself will only be greater!
What Gu Cheng can do now is to rely on his own strength to find Xu Yunjie.

But Xu Yunjie has been with Gu Cheng for so long, he is very clear about Gu Cheng's character, so when he leaves this time, he will naturally not leave a tail for himself.

Even the three women he took care of don't know where he went!
So Gu Cheng asked someone to check and came back and was told that in Haicheng, only Xu Yunjie's wife and his son were left with anything to do with Xu Yunjie.

Even so, Mrs. Xu was still packing her things, preparing to leave Haicheng with her grandson and go back to her hometown.

As for the child's biological mother, the mistress during Xu Yunjie's marriage...

The men have all run away, can she continue to wait?

While I was young, I still had a chance to find an honest man to marry.

Since she wanted to get married, she definitely couldn't take the child with her, so Mrs. Xu gave her 500 yuan, and she agreed that her son would go with Xu's family.

She herself gave birth to keep Xu Yunjie as the benefactor. Now it is obvious that Xu Yunjie has left her alone, so of course she must stop the loss in time, and of course she must get the benefits she can get.

(End of this chapter)

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