Chapter 58
At this time, after telling his mistakes in the past, Director Zhu seemed to have collapsed, and sat listlessly behind his desk, even with a look of despair on his face.

As the factory manager, he failed~!

He just led some workers in the toilet paper factory out of the predicament, but he was powerless to change anything in the paper factory...

Thinking of this, Director Zhu suddenly looked at Lan Shu seriously.

He's had an idea in his mind all this time.

Now, he felt it was time to speak out about this idea——

"I have decided to resign as the director of the toilet paper factory, Lan Shu, I hope you can come to be the director of this factory and lead the factory to go on well!"

Originally, Director Zhu planned to talk about this matter later, but this time the workers in the paper mill and the toilet paper mill had a fight, which prompted him to speed up the process of confiding this idea!
As the director of the two factories, he had to make a decision, otherwise it would not be a good thing for either factory.

Hearing Director Zhu's decision, Lan Shu was stunned on the spot!
Lan Shu never thought of becoming the director of a toilet paper factory by herself.

The positioning she gave herself has always been behind the scenes.

But now, she also understands the embarrassment of Director Zhu.

Director Zhu chose the paper mill between the toilet paper mill and the paper mill, not because he gave up the toilet paper mill, but because he didn't want to completely give up the workers in the paper mill.

"Director Zhu, I..."

"Lan Shu, I'm begging you for this matter. The toilet paper factory has finally achieved its current development. There must be someone who can lead the factory to the top as the factory manager."

"I have observed all the leaders in the factory, but no one is more suitable than you. Even for the No. 80 workers in the toilet paper factory, I hope you can become the factory manager!"

Listening to Director Zhu's request, Lan Shu understood what Director Zhu meant.

Of course, she would not ignore so many people in the toilet paper factory, and hoped that the toilet paper factory would get better and better. She was just not ready to take on major responsibilities.

But now, it seems that she doesn't have much time to think, so she can only take the lead.

Lan Shu took a deep breath to cheer herself up.

Then she looked at Director Zhu and answered seriously, "Okay, I will take over the position of director of the toilet paper factory, but if Director Zhu no longer manages the paper factory, you are welcome to come back anytime from the toilet paper factory! "

Seeing Lan Shu agreeing, Director Zhu heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Lan Shu, and said softly with emotion in his heart, "Okay."


The next day, the toilet paper factory changed its director, and a notice was posted on the bulletin board in the factory.

Factory director Zhu voluntarily resigned as factory director and elected Lan Shu as the new factory director.

Although such a big change in the position of the factory director has aroused discussion among the workers in the factory, everyone also knows that without Lan Shu, the project chief planner and marketing manager in the factory, their factory would not have the current scale of development. .

So soon, everyone in the toilet paper factory accepted Lan Shu as the new factory director.

On Lan Shu's first day as the new factory director, she first went to the hospital to visit the workers who were injured in the toilet paper factory during the fight with the paper factory workers yesterday.

After learning that the injuries of the workers in the factory only looked serious, but in fact there was nothing serious, Lan Shu felt relieved.

Then she got the certificate of hospitalization from the hospital, including the medical bills of the injured workers yesterday, and went back to the paper mill.

The paper mill must take responsibility for the conflict caused by the trouble caused by the workers of the paper mill!

In addition to medical expenses, there are lost wages and nutrition expenses for injured workers.

Lanshu will not ask for this money from the paper mill, but from the few people who caused trouble at the gate of the paper mill yesterday!

Only when people pay the price can they have a long memory and know that they will not be impulsive in the future——


Paper mill, Director Zhu's office.

When Factory Manager Zhu looked at the medical bill that Lan Shu got, and when he asked to see the workers who took the lead in causing trouble in the paper mill yesterday, Factory Manager Zhu knew that Lan Shu would not let this matter pass easily.

Although he was already mentally prepared, he didn't expect Lan Shu to be so daring and not afraid of things!

If it were someone else, Factory Manager Zhu might protect the workers in his factory.

But now, he also felt that perhaps it was time to let those employees in the factory who thought that they could act lawlessly and wantonly because they thought they were veterans in the factory know the consequences.

"Okay, at two o'clock this afternoon, I will inform them to come to the factory." Director Zhu said.

After getting a clear answer from Director Zhu, Lan Shu nodded before leaving.

In the afternoon, she had to meet the troublemakers at the paper mill, so of course Lan Shu couldn't go alone.

She went to the hospital again, talked to the injured family members about the situation, and agreed that in the afternoon, the family members of each family would come to the factory as representatives to confront each other and discuss the details of compensation.

On her first day as factory director, Lan Shu spent the whole morning on various road trips. She didn't even have time to have a good meal at noon, so she could only buy two steamed buns on the street to fill her stomach.

It was also at this time that Lan Shu realized how difficult it is to be the factory director.

Director Zhu had Secretary Liu at his side, but there was no one around him.

Lan Shu made up her mind that after she finished her work today, she must hire a secretary as soon as possible, so that she would not be too busy.


In the afternoon, Lan Shu came to the paper mill according to the agreed time.

She first met the family members of the injured employees of the toilet paper factory, and then a group of ten or so people walked towards Director Zhu's office together.

At this time, in the office, the workers who led the trouble at the paper mill yesterday were basically present, but there were still two people who did not come.

One of the two was lying at home because of an injury, and the other was a rascal who had nothing to do with him and didn't want to come.

Director Zhu sent someone to call, but he didn't call anyone.

Just when he didn't know how to explain to Lan Shu later, at this time, Lan Shu had already arrived with someone.

Factory Manager Zhu's office is not big, about ten square meters, and it is really impossible to squeeze so many people at once.

So at the toilet paper factory, Lan Shu walked in with two family members, and the rest waited in the corridor outside the door.

The windows were not closed, and they could hear the movement in the room.

Lan Shu never smeared ink on her affairs, she directly threw out the hospitalization certificate and medical receipts in her hand.

"The people from your paper mill beat the workers in our factory, causing five people in our factory to be slightly injured and two seriously injured. The two who were seriously injured are still lying in the hospital, because the cause of the incident was caused by you, so the injured The patient’s medical expenses must be borne by you!”

As soon as she opened her mouth, she vociferously sought justice for the workers in her factory, which stunned the six troublemakers at the paper factory——

However, they didn't expect that the justice that Lan Shu wanted was more than that.

 There is good news to tell everyone, the PK of the book [-] has been promoted~!

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(End of this chapter)

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