This time Lin Xiajin came mainly to buy various materials for making robots, so he went to a few more shops.

There are also rented cars here, which are very cheap, not only cheap but also very fast.

On the screen of the car, there is an introduction to the status of Keda Star, and there are those machine materials.

Lin Xiajin also saw that many people of all kinds from other planets came here.

The car screen introduces various materials, as well as various assembled mechanical equipment. The price of materials is very cheap, because it needs to be produced and assembled by itself.

There are still semi-finished products that need to be assembled by yourself, and the rest is all assembled equipment, which will be expensive.

Lin Xiajin looked at some materials, such as an automatic construction robot, which can automatically build according to the blueprint you designed. Ordinary 500 interstellar coins, more expensive ones are 3000 interstellar coins that can be built quickly. This kind of her I plan to buy the finished product directly.

The most expensive items are weapons and equipment, security systems, anti-star theft systems, and security robots.

Wang Han saw a finished Liuyin mechanical arm. The brain chip control was no different from that of a real person, and it was even more sensitive. It also possessed the secondary power of a power-type supernatural being.

Some mechanical legs also have jets that allow people to fly in the air.

"There is also a mecha, which looks like Iron Man's device. If you buy this set of equipment, you will become Iron Man?" Zhu Jingjing couldn't help but said when she saw the steel device on the screen.

"Look at the price." Lin Xiajin pointed to the price, a set of 499 million interstellar coins.

"...Too expensive." Zhu Jingjing complained.

Zhu Jingjing looked at the expensive ones, and there were also some ordinary cheap ones, only 100 million interstellar coins, and even cheaper interstellar coins at 20 to 30.

Those ordinary robotic arms only have some ordinary functions, but they are also very flexible, no different from normal arms.

Such a big planet sells a lot of materials, mainly concentrated in two large cities, the first is the AG city where they are located, and Mo city, these two cities.

And T City is a city that mainly sells equipment.

Lin Xiajin did her homework when she went to Keda Star this time. The metal materials of Keda Star are very cheap, but other things are very expensive.

Lin Xiajin thought to herself, if she put Tuantuan here, she would be very happy, there would be metal everywhere, but Lin Xiajin didn't dare to release Tuantuan, she couldn't afford it.

Rare things are valuable, and Tuantuan cherishes species, so if someone covets them, the loss outweighs the gain.

This city is too big, if you want to visit it, you may have to visit it for a month or two.

Both sides of the street are full of shops selling materials, all kinds of materials.

In addition to Lin Xiajin's interstellar coins, Zhu Jingjing only saved a few thousand interstellar coins, and Ai Tao only had a few hundred.

Wang Han and Xiao Nuo didn't have any money. Although they both wanted to buy it, they didn't have any money.

Men are naturally very fond of machines.

Lin Xiajin had the most interstellar coins, bought a lot of things, and spent hundreds of thousands of interstellar coins in just a few hours.

Shopping is still very interesting, especially for people like them who have never seen anything.

Lin Xiajin also bought a lot of materials, all of which were elementary, and she was going to buy them back for her son to play with, so she started playing Lego at that time.

"Have you noticed that this Keda star sells materials, and there is not a single food store." Lin Xiajin said.

Because of the technology and superpowers in the galaxy, there are very few farming industries outside the galaxy.

Because there are more high-tech and simpler things, the original things are naturally and slowly replaced by instruments.

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