Chapter 582

The virus in Shayao City seems to have been brought under control, and many people who were infected with the virus were secretly shot and killed without the knowledge of these ordinary residents.

However, only most of the ordinary people died in Shayao City, and the virus did not spread to the rich central areas.

It seems that the virus has been brought under control two months later, but Lin Xiajin can't go back to the house she rented, and now she can only set up a stall on the street.

The surrounding shopping malls have not yet recovered, so Lin Xiajin's mobile stalls are selling pretty well. Not only fruits, Lin Xiajin also sold some tomatoes and cucumbers.

The storage capacity of these two vegetables is also very good….

"Are you still selling here tomorrow? I want to inform my friends to come to buy from you too." A woman said with a smile.

The price of this vegetable is not very expensive, much cheaper than the supermarket, and it looks very fresh.

"I'm not sure about this! All the stocks are sold now!" Lin Xiajin said with a smile.

Now she sells a place to set up a stall, and she needs to pay a stall fee to set up a stall in the city, so she just shoots a shot and changes to another place.

"This car is good everywhere, but the power consumption is very fast." Seeing that Xiao Nuo had chosen this car, the salesman said.

"Isn't this just playing with us?"

"Or this one, which is very powerful."

When they came to the city, the walls were very high, tens of meters high by visual inspection, and every city had built such a high wall.

This car has automatic cruise control, that is, semi-autonomous driving, and the automatic driving function can be selected on the highway.

They waited in the car for an hour, and Lin Xiajin already had more than 10 strawberries.

"Or do you like this kind of solar-powered car? This kind of car can be charged without a charging pile, but the charging time of this kind is much slower than fast charging."

"When did you get your driver's license?" Lin Xiajin said in surprise when she saw that Xiao Nuo had a driver's license.

"Maybe I had a driver's license when I bought this identity." Xiao Nuo said in a deep voice.

This car looks good, but it is not suitable for long distances...?
Lin Xiajin still listens to Xiao Nuo's advice on buying a car. There is no gasoline in this planet, and all power is driven by electricity.

"This is what my younger sister who works in the Diyao City government told me personally!"

"You take it as me?" The man frowned and said something!

Because the outside is full of earth and rocks, and there are large beasts, this kind of pipeline is built to connect the 7 cities for safety.

"I want you to come out earlier, you have to moan, now we can't leave the city!"

After the woman left, Lin Xiajin saw that almost all the fruits and vegetables had been sold today, and he also earned a lot of star coins.

The most important thing is that they are afraid of being found out, because the two of them escaped from the epidemic area.

"I'll try it too." Lin Xiajin entered his identity and found that he didn't have a driver's license.

The tunnel entrance has been closed, not only them but also dozens of cars lined up before and after to leave the city.

In fact, there is no need to be nervous about the electricity problem, because Xiao Nuo, a humanoid generator, is there, so there is no need to worry about the car running out of power.

So the two came to Shayao City where cars were sold. There were cars of various products, but they didn't have enough money.

"Now the urban area has begun to gradually open up, we can buy a car and go out of the city." Lin Xiajin said.

In the end, Xiao Nuo chose a car with a relatively high cost performance.

As soon as the two of them spoke a few words, the sound of the radio appeared.

Lin Xiajin and the others came out of Shayao City because they wanted to go to the largest city here, Diyao City!
There are all the upper-level personnel of the Earth Star gathered there, including those who contact the interstellar...

As soon as they were about to enter the tunnel high-speed intersection, they were stopped urgently.

No matter how huge the planet they come to, they still like the original hometown the most!They originally planned to get familiar with Shayao City for a while before going to Diyao City.

"What's going on? You won't be allowed to leave the city?" Lin Xiajin said with a slight frown.

However, there are a few cars that function very well, and they have automatic driving!But the price is also more expensive!Now Lin Xiajin doesn't have enough star coins!

"Alright then! Then I'll buy more!" The woman bought more when she heard Lin Xiajin's uncertain words.

"If wild beasts attack the city! It must be dangerous for us to stay in Sha Yao City!"

You need a driver's license to drive in the city, but if you don't have a driver's license, you will be locked if you drive forcibly...

After completing the relevant formalities, they can leave the city.

"If you are traveling in the city, it is very good to choose this car!" The salesperson said enthusiastically.

Lin Xiajin wanted to steal a few cars and store them in the space, but the laws here are still very strict, so Lin Xiajin didn't do that!

"Dear residents, due to the sound of emergency in the tunnel, the tunnel will be closed, and the opening time will be notified separately!"

Hearing the sound of the tunnel closing, many people started to complain.

The money from selling vegetables and fruits these two days is enough to buy a car for transportation. The car electronics here are very cheap.

It seemed that Xiao Nuo could only drive the car, instead of going to the central city, they drove directly outside the city.

"That's the only one!" Lin Xiajin also liked the car Xiao Nuo chose, and the high power consumption was not a disadvantage for them.

After quickly going through the formalities for buying a car, the two got in the car and left.

The highway here is not like when they were in Blue Star, the highway is on it, the highway here is in the tunnel!

Xiao Nuo's gaze stopped above the tunnel, and he said in a deep voice, "There is no sign of the tunnel opening!"

In this way, Xiao Baozi and Blast can play in the back. Overall, it is not bad for them, and the price is also beautiful, almost all of her star coins.

"En." Xiao Nuo nodded.

"What's going on! What's the matter? I queued here for three hours, but I couldn't get out of the city?"

"Maybe your gossip is not accurate?" the man said expectantly.

In the first car in the queue, the man turned pale, and the woman next to him kept cursing him.

The space at the back is also very large. The seat can be folded and there is a small space behind it, where a small bed can be put down.

The Xingyao City virus has infected many people. Although the fatality rate is not high, it will turn people into monsters that are neither human nor ghost.

The most frightening thing is that tens of millions of animals bred in Xingyao City were also infected with this virus, but all of them mutated and ran rampant in Xingyao City.

Now their Shayao city was also infected by someone before, although the reaction speed is quite fast, as long as the infected person is closed and managed, they will be executed in secret.

But there are still fish that slip through the net, and now a small range of farm animals has been infected.

(End of this chapter)

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