Chapter 100 Gao Family Wedding Banquet
After kicking the sedan chair door, being pinched, choked, and a series of bad customs, the bride was finally welcomed into the hall.

Then, Yu Xiaolian saw Mrs. Li whom she had met in the academy that day, and babbled a long list of entrance speeches.

"The flower hall is so splendidly set up, and the five-color clouds are auspicious.

Qingluan dances against each other for thousands of years, and Luan and Phoenix sing together for a hundred generations.

Find Taoyuan to avoid the Qin Dynasty, Taohong is another spring of the year.

The fairy fish in Taoyuan follow the water, just waiting for the fisherman to come to ask for it. "

It seems that Gao Fusheng invited Mrs. Li to be the wedding singer. Mrs. Li is the master of Qingquan Academy. It is a very honorable thing to invite him to officiate the wedding.

After the entrance speech was finished, Master Li began to sing the worship speech again.

"First worship the heaven, earth, sun, moon and stars, and second worship the Eastern Jiayi wood,

Bingding fire in the south three times, Gengxin gold in the west four times,
Five worships the northern Rengui water, six worships the central Wuji soil,
Pay respects to ancestors of three generations seven times, pay respects to father, mother, uncle, uncle, aunt and brothers eight times.

The nine respects to the teacher are full of affection, and the ten respects to relatives and friends are a courtesy. "

Good guy, this is not three obeisances, it is enough to obeisance.

The head of the bride and groom who worshiped directly was confused, so Xipo handed the groom a piece of red and green silk, and the groom handed the other end to the bride's hand, and then led the bride who moved lightly in lotus steps into the bridal chamber.

As soon as the bride and groom entered the bridal chamber, Mrs. Sun pulled Yu Xiaolian, congratulated the Gao family with a smile on her face, and then said to Yu Xiaolian in a low voice, "Mother went over there and wrote the ceremony account, you go and sit in a corner Son."

Yu Xiaolian found an empty table and chair in the corner and sat down. As soon as she sat down, she heard some people talking about the bride's dowry.

"Oh, Gao Xiucai is married to a rich man. The dowry has been raised since the worship ceremony, and it hasn't been finished yet!"

"It's just a businessman's daughter, no matter how rich she is, she will be the one to climb."

"Don't say that, doesn't this Gao's family also open a grocery store? I heard that in the past, all the goods were purchased from the bride's house. Both of them are businessmen, so they are well-established, right?"

"In the past, that was the past. Now that Gao Fusheng has passed the examination as a scholar, it is not what it used to be. With the title of scholar, the Gao family can be regarded as a scholarly family. She is a daughter of a merchant, and she is Gao Pan."

"To put it this way, if this Gao Fusheng hadn't passed the exam, the girl might not have liked him. He's a bachelor in his twenties, and he's ten years older than the girl!"

"That's right, he wants her money, and she wants his name."

After the woman finished speaking in a strange manner, she realized that the other women had abandoned her and went to sit at other tables.

"This person's mouth is too bad, and he doesn't want to see other people's kindness. Let's sit at the same table and ignore her!"

In the blink of an eye, there were a few more women on the table in Yu Xiaolian's corner, and they were the ones who just broke up because of their wives' tongue-twisting.

"Ah, this girl is really pretty." A woman in pink silk fixed her eyes on Yu Xiaolian, "Whose family are you from?"

"My family is the neighbor of the Gao family, and they just moved in from the opposite door." Yu Xiaolian showed a perfunctory smirk at the woman in the pink dress.

"Ah, I know, you bought the old Zhao's house, right?"

"How much did you pay for your house?"

"How many people are there in your family?"

"What does your family do for a living?"

"how old are you?"

The women chattered and started a series of tortures on Yu Xiaolian.

Yu Xiaolian is about to cry, who will save the child?

She is terrified.

Normally, she feels like she has a small mouth, but she can talk quite well, but now facing these spitting women, she feels that her head is getting bigger, can't you ask them one by one?
Fortunately, after Yu Xiaolian replied a few words, Mrs. Sun came back after writing the etiquette account, and the women pointed their heads at Mrs. Sun again.

Mrs. Sun had a certain amount of advance and retreat, and chatted with several women in a leisurely manner. They didn't stop talking until the dishes started to be served, and beckoned the children from home to let them sit.

It was Yu Xiaolian's first time eating an ancient wedding banquet, so she was curious.

The first one served was not a dish, but a platter of red dates, peanuts and melon seeds, with a few pieces of maltose on top.

Then came a large pot of hot tea and a stack of teacups.

The two little girls beside Yu Xiaolian looked a few years older than her, and they were sitting quite dignifiedly, but when they saw the maltose, they were afraid they would be a step behind others.

The two picked out all the sugar from the plate and held it in their hands.They looked at each other, wondering why Yu Xiaolian didn't grab the candy?

"Pretend to be noble!"

"That's right, it's like we're too greedy."

Yu Xiaolian cast her eyes on the two girls, is she so malicious?

Is it wrong to not compete with you for candy?

"What are you looking at? We won't share the sugar with you. I have to take it home and give it to my brother!"

Yu Xiaolian laughed, "I don't want to eat it!"

"If you want to eat, I won't give it to you!"

The two little girls carefully put the maltose into their pockets.

At this time, the first dish was served, which was a plate of braised pork.

Followed by stewed crucian carp and fried pork lung.

In ancient wedding banquets, there were mostly three hard dishes and three soft dishes, with a total of six dishes.

The hard three dishes refer to meat dishes, while the soft three dishes are vegetarian dishes.

After the three meat dishes were served, fried shiitake mushrooms with cabbage, fried shredded potatoes with vegetables, and tofu in soy sauce were served.

Finally, steamed cakes and lotus seed porridge were served, which should be regarded as staple foods.

Several women were full of praise for Gao's food, saying that they hadn't had such a good banquet for a long time.

Six dishes, more than a dozen people eat, although the dishes are large, but in the end it is still a CD.

This was when Yu Xiaolian and Sun Shi didn't eat much.

"You kids like to watch the excitement, so let's go and see them having a bridal chamber later. Let's say hello to the host's house and go back first."

After Mrs. Sun and the women left, the two girls gave Yu Xiaolian a bad look, "If you want to watch the fun, go by yourself, we won't take you with you."


Without you, I have to lose it?

The female guests don't drink and eat fast, but the male guests are still drunk and don't leave the table.

The groom didn't return to the new house, so they naturally didn't see it as lively.

Yu Xiaolian was bored, sitting on a wooden stool and waiting.

Su Jingchen's voice suddenly rang above his head, "Why haven't you gone back yet?"

Yu Xiaolian smelled the slight smell of alcohol on his body, "Have you been drinking?"

"No, it's contaminated."

"Oh. Is the banquet over? By the way, why didn't Zheng Yuanfeng come?"

Zheng Yuanfeng and Gao Fusheng are also classmates, so why didn't Su Jingchen come?
Su Jingchen smiled slightly, "The relationship between him and Gao Fusheng is average."

In fact, it's just that they don't get along, why are you so tactful?

"Then you and Gao Fusheng are on good terms?"

"No way."

He had only been in the academy for a short time, and he was the head of the autumn examination. There were too many people who wanted to befriend him, and Gao Fusheng was one of them.

Considering that he lived next to Gao Fusheng, he didn't refute Gao Fusheng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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