Chapter 188 Negative Teaching Materials
Yu Xiaolian naively thought that the ancients kept their promises very well, especially the head of a hospital, he should be a gentleman who says what he says and is hard to follow.

As a result, Dean Ying had the cheek to change the topic, and did not mention the bet at all.

Scholars...cough, it's not good to swear...

Yu Xiaolian really wanted to scold him, otherwise Xiaohuzi and Su Jingyue would have to hang out in the academy in the future, she would let Dean Ying know what it means to greet from the hair to the heel.

She really didn't take what Dean Ying said about giving her three taels of silver every month.

But... She really likes the title of female wife.

But you can't make it too obvious that you like us, ahem... She has to hold it up.

"Don't go!"

Dean Ying immediately moved with emotion and reason, what's the matter?Do you think you have little money?I give two and a half money to other masters, but your three or two is a lot, besides, you can’t just care about how much money you have, you have to see the big picture, you are a math genius, you naturally have this ability, You have to benefit the people and set an example for the students all over the world!

You know, not everyone can be a wife. The number of female teachers in Daliang can be counted on ten fingers, not many people can be, really.

Think about it, if you become a female wife, this is a good thing for Guangzong Yaozu, not to mention anything else, when you reach the age of marriage, you may be able to find a son of a family.

And you don't need to go to class every day, just take one class every other day, this job is easy and decent, and three taels of money is really a lot.

What Dean Ying said was dry, seeing that Yu Xiaolian was still unmoved, he became ruthless and added: "Three or two and a half!"

"Four two!"

Yu Xiaolian leaned her elbows on the counter, supported her chin with both hands, and replied unhurriedly, "Five taels?"

In fact, she didn't even bother to go to Wuliang, as she could earn more by selling two bars of soap casually.

Dean Ying hesitated for a while, "Five taels is five taels!"

After all, the entire academy just lost to him, woo woo...

He didn't want to be foolish either, but if his old wife knew that he had lost the academy, he might not survive tonight.

As the dean got his wish, he immediately asked Yu Xiaolian for the first question about chickens and rabbits in the same cage.

Although he knew the answer to this question and had seen the process of solving it, he was still at a loss and didn't quite understand it.

"Thinking with the rabbit's foot as the main element:
Assuming that all 35 are rabbits, there should be 35×4=140 legs, so there are 46 more legs, and the same number of chickens can be replaced by rabbits to reduce the number of legs..."

After Yu Xiaolian's explanation, Dean Ying was more confused than before, "What is multiplication? What is division?"

Yu Xiaolian sighed, unable to speak, "When I go to the academy to teach, you must follow the lectures. I can't make up lessons for you alone after class, you know?"

Dean Ying was thirsty for knowledge and nodded repeatedly, not minding Yu Xiaolian's attitude at all.

Before leaving, Dean Ying expressed the hope that Yu Xiaolian could go to the academy to attend classes tomorrow. Yu Xiaolian nodded and made a few more requests.

It was impossible for her to move in and out, and it was too early in the morning for her to get up.

And she doesn't sit in class, she leaves after a class, and has to go home to sell goods.

Dean Ying expressed his understanding. Although the imperial court has promoted mathematics in the past ten years, the imperial examination still focuses on literature and supplements mathematics.

Yu Xiaolian and Dean Ying set a time, every other day, at Sishi, Yu Xiaolian went to Shuren College to teach arithmetic.

After Dean Ying left, Yu Changhe, who had been wandering outside the door, came in. He first complained that Dean Ying's words didn't count, and then he talked about the little tiger's bragging habits.

Yu Xiaolian also felt that it was necessary to take care of Xiaohuzi, so when Xiaohuzi and Su Jingyue were out of school, Yu Xiaolian directly called them to him for a lecture.

Little Huzi complained, "I'm not bragging, it's just that our husband gave us some arithmetic problems, Xiao Suzi and I didn't think about it, we just opened our mouths and came, and then the dean happened to pass by the door, and when we heard it, we boasted Let's have a few words.

Later, he tested us a few more questions, and we answered them all correctly. Then Dean Ying asked a difficult question. I thought I wouldn't know it, but my sister would, so I said that.

Who would have thought that Dean Ying would really come looking for you! "

Yu Xiaolian looked at Su Jingyue, "Is that really the case?"

Little Huzi touched Su Jingyue lightly with his toe, Su Jingyue lowered his head, "That's what happened!"

Yu Xiaolian saw their little moves, these two guys looked like they were wearing a pair of pants, and Su Jingyue couldn't believe what he said.

Yu Xiaolian said earnestly and earnestly, "Being a person should be low-key, don't be too ambitious, don't talk big, and know that there are still mountains.

Not to mention you, Dean Ying, look down on people, talk nonsense, and don't count what you say. "

Dean Ying didn't know that he had been used as a negative teaching material by Yu Xiaolian and started to educate his children. At this time, he was happily telling his old wife at home that he had discovered a genius in mathematics.

Xiao Huzi and Su Jingyue despised Dean Ying together in their hearts after hearing Yu Xiaolian's story.

Yu Xiaolian hurriedly said, "It's fine for the two of you to know about this matter, but don't go to the academy to arrest anyone and tell anyone.

Although we are reasonable, we have to save face for Dean Ying. He is so old, don't let us get mad.

Pay attention to everyone, if I find anyone who is not strict, I will not give a piece of candy in the future. "

Little Huzi and Su Jingyue nodded together, "Understood."

Little Huzi stepped forward to hold Yu Xiaolian's hand, and asked with eyes full of little stars, "Sister, are you really going to teach arithmetic in our academy tomorrow? Then you will be our master from now on?"

Yu Xiaolian nodded Xiao Huzi's forehead, "That's right, you two should study arithmetic hard in the future, don't embarrass me, you will take the first place in every arithmetic test in the future, you know?"

The little tiger snorted, "If you are our math teacher, then you must be the one who writes the questions for every math test. The two of us are your younger brothers. Just because of our relationship, let's get through the questions in advance..."

Yu Xiaolian slapped Xiao Huzi's forehead hard, "Don't even think about it, you two not only can't be special, but you have to work harder than others in the future, otherwise, after you go out, let alone my younger brother. "

Little Huzi rubbed his forehead and pouted, "Understood, why don't you talk about it? You have to do it.

Am I your child who is obedient only when you do it?I am a child who will be very good as long as you give me a piece of candy! "

Yu Xiaolian pointed to the backyard, "Don't act cute with me, go do your homework."

Really, she figured it out, this little tiger is a cunt and a cunt, after getting along for so long, he already knew very well that Yu Xiaolian couldn't stand cute babies acting like a baby.

Therefore, as soon as the little tiger wants to eat candy, he starts to stroke Yu Xiaolian, and often pulls Zhao Sanya and Su Jingyue together, and acts coquettish and cute to her.

When eating in the evening, Yu Xiaolian said that she would go to the academy to teach mathematics tomorrow, and said that in the afternoon, she had taken the time to make price tags for all the things in Taotaoju. When she was away tomorrow, Just let Zhao Erya watch the shop.

(End of this chapter)

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