Chapter 329 The Child Is Lost
He had no choice but to say, "Well, after all, it's such a big thing, I have to report it to the leader!"

Xia Yun grabbed the other party's collar at night, and growled, "My children are lost, and you are still dawdling here? Do you know what might happen in this minute? You should have children too, right? Is this how you become a parent? Let me tell you, if anything happens to my child, I will trade your dog's life for it!"

After speaking, he shrugged him off.

The person in charge of the playground didn't stand still and staggered two steps back, feeling ashamed at Xia Yunwan's words.

At this time, Xia Yunwan pulled out a pair of scissors from the pen holder on the desk, and put her backhand on the neck of the person in charge.

"Make a notice to close all exits, immediately, immediately!"

The person in charge shuddered, what rules, what compensation, did not say anything, tremblingly picked up the phone and made a notification.

A few minutes later, all the entrances and exits of the amusement park were closed, causing a commotion among tourists.

In order to ensure the personal safety of the lost children, the playground announced on the radio that the system was being maintained and was temporarily closed.

Tourists are at ease.

Xia Yunwan was in a group with Steven, Lisa and Lina were in a group, and the playground staff sent several groups to find people in the playground.

Within half an hour, the playground staff called. Surveillance showed that about 5 minutes before the closure of the playground entrances and exits, several burly men in black hurried out with two children on their backs.

After getting into a private car, he disappeared from surveillance.

Xia Yunwan swayed and supported the table next to him with one hand.

They are still a step too late!
Steven kicked a stool angrily.

Xia Yunwan made a statement to the police officers who rushed over.

Six people went to the playground happily, but only four adults came back.

Xia Yunwan didn't speak all the way, she looked out of the front windshield with unfocused eyes, and her fingers were about to peel off her fingertips.

Self-blame and fear are only revealed in her eyes.

She finally couldn't hold it anymore, and supported her forehead with one hand, as if she was about to collapse in the next moment.

The child is her life. Who on earth took away her child in such a wicked way.

What kind of person can come to her for anything? No, it's not human at all.

She didn't sleep all night.

Sitting alone on the balcony, I hugged my knees, buried my head between my legs, and shrunk myself into a very small ball.

She didn't dare to sleep or close her eyes, for fear that the children would be hurt because of her closing them.

Only by staying awake can she find a sense of steadfastness.

It was so abrupt until dawn.

Steven came to her, startled by her tired and haggard face.

"Sorry Selena, it's all my fault, if I can pay attention to the environment, maybe this kind of thing won't happen!"

Xia Yunwan shook her head, she wanted to give him a comforting smile, but she tried her best, but she couldn't.

"I don't blame you, those who are eyeing me, no matter how well prepared we are, there will always be a chance to strike!"

"It must be from the family!" Steven clenched his fists, his eyes were cold, "It's too disgusting, even the children are not spared. If you offend my Robert family, I will make them pay the price!"

Xia Yunwan grabbed him, "Where are you going?

"Go back to the continent and find them to ask for someone!"

This has moved Xia Yunwan very much, "I know what Liuliu and Xiaoacridine mean to you, but the matter on your side has not been dealt with properly, and it will be useless to come forward at this time, and if the child is really brought by them If you leave, you won’t be so stupid as to go back to hiding in Zhouguo!”

"So you mean, they are still in Rongcheng?"

Xia Yunwan nodded. Having not slept all night, her head was very swollen. She rubbed her temples, "The police officers in Rongcheng have already intervened. At this time, even if they want to leave, they may not be able to leave!"

Steven's blue pupils turned, "Your analysis is right, Lisa."

Lisa appeared, "Master!"

"Immediately go to the hotel in Charong City. Once you find someone from the family, keep an eye on them!"



Luo Liangchuan was on a business trip for the past two days.

I went to Lincheng and signed a project.

After getting off the plane, Luo Liangchuan went to the VIP waiting room to rest.

Five minutes later, there was an international meeting to be held, and the car was inconvenient, so we had to arrange it here.

Half an hour after the meeting, he took the coffee bought by Secretary Zhang and crossed his legs to taste it.

Before finishing a cup of coffee, a few uniformed police officers came in.

The two police officers looked very young, they should be newcomers who had just been transferred from other places, so they didn't know Luo Liangchuan.

They showed their credentials, and then questioned him briefly.



"Country of Citizenship?"


"Please show me your ID card!"

It's also a routine for others, Luo Liangchuan is very cooperative, answering one by one, and doing it one by one.

With a heart of gossip, Secretary Zhang asked casually, "Comrade policeman, did something happen? It looks quite serious."

Could there be some pervert or murderer hiding in the airport?
Thinking of this, Secretary Zhang startled himself.

A police officer said truthfully, "A female boss lost her child, who was also twins. She was so anxious that she scolded us all. Do you think it's easy for us?"

"It's not easy, it's really not easy. Why is that person like this? Who doesn't worry about losing their children? But there's nothing she can do about it. All she can do is trust you and the country!" Secretary Zhang said a few nice words.

After seeing off the police officers, Secretary Zhang went back to tidy up Luo Liangchuan's used tablet.

At this time, she found that her boss Luo's face was not right.

Looking down again, he saw a large piece of coffee spilled on his coat.

Secretary Zhang gasped, "Mr. Luo, you...are you alright?"

Luo Liangchuan resisted the hand she was handing over the tissue, his face tensed into cold lines. "Find Captain Wang's phone number and give it to me!"

"Okay, Mr. Luo!"

Secretary Zhang dialed this number with his work mobile phone, and then handed the phone to Luo Liangchuan.

The phone is on.

Luo Liangchuan, "Captain Wang, it's me who wants to ask you something..."


An airport Lincoln was driving at a constant speed on the road.

Sitting behind the car is a 40-year-old mixed-race face, with a low bun, no makeup, but with an orchid demeanor.

Her thin body made her look a little weak, so she wore a dark green wool shawl because of her poor physique.

Although he is of mixed race, his facial features are slightly more oriental, and he has the gentleness and atmosphere of an oriental woman.

Suddenly the car jolted, the driver slammed on the brakes, and due to inertia, she hit her head on the back of the front seat.

"Lyle, what are you doing?"

"Sorry ma'am, I don't want to, but I'm afraid I can't leave now!"

Rita looked through the windshield and saw a black Mercedes slanted in front of their car.

(End of this chapter)

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