The whole family travels: take space to be a group pet in the era

Chapter 623 I finally found the source of heart

Chapter 620 The source of the heart is finally found
Aisa didn't see the firmness of his parents, but was still cowardly and powerless as before.

"Sister, please save elder brother. You can earn a lot of money if you go with them, and younger brothers and sisters will also have a good life."

"Why didn't you go to earn money? You gambled all the money I earn every day without spending it on my family. Haven't you regretted it yet?"

"I'm the boss of the family, you have to listen to me, and if you waste time, I'll beat you to death."

Aisa gave up. She knew that even if she exchanged her life for money, she would not be able to last long. Without her younger siblings, she would be starved to death or sold off. Being a slave or a coolie would be worse than death.Biting fiercely at the person who controlled her, she was slapped.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's so miserable. Do you want to do it?"

"Don't worry, I have to let her beg me to make things run smoothly."

Minhang has been staring at Aisa's brother, hoping that his heart is right, otherwise.
Aisa couldn't break free from the confinement, and could only look at a row of cars beggingly.

"Sir, please help us, I have something very important to talk to you about. Please!"

"Okay, I'll talk, but don't stop those punks."

Mo Lin and A Hong followed, and everyone in the car got off and watched from the side of the car.

"Sir, sir, my elder brother can do it."

"Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, he is the most damned."

"Okay, now you can talk to your parents."

Minhang turned his head to look at the person on the ground, wondering if changing the heart of such a person to Shengge would affect her.

"Aisa, what do you want? When did you know such a rich person, let them save me.

Do you like Isa, sir? She is very clean and beautiful. As long as you help me solve these troubles, I will agree to her marrying you. She can be a mistress. "

"Tsk~~ Give him some more injuries, lest the doctor refuse to accept him."

"no problem."

Mo Lin was in charge of talking to the gangsters, and Ah Hong was in charge of beating them.

Anyway, I don't know how Aisa talked with her parents, and only she came out after half an hour.

"Sir, you can re-sign the contract. This time, I only want 100 million."

"500 million, I will give you 500 million after the matter is successfully completed, and let you take your family to another place to start again."

"Thank you."

Aisa cried and looked at her eldest brother, forcing herself not to look any further.

Min Hang raised his hand, and everyone beside the car came over.Min De and a person who can speak foreign languages ​​went in to sign the contract, and the rest of the people went to deal with the punks.

As for Brother Aisa, he was carried to the car and locked up dying.

The contract was signed quickly, and Min Hang looked at it and was very satisfied.

"Take the whole family to the black market, and send them away when things are over."


"Sir, can I be with you? I'm the eldest brother's immediate family member, and I can sign things in the hospital."

Min Hang walked towards the beautiful girl crying into a cat face, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin and looked at her carefully.

"Your receptivity appears to be good."

"If you choose, you will not regret it, just like I chose to give up my life before."

"Very good, come along."

Zi Yicheng's family didn't leave at all, but they didn't expect to bring a dying person with the same blood type this time.When people were sent in for inspection, no one hesitated after hearing what happened before, and only hoped that everything went well.

Aisa has been closely following Min Hang, but the wound on his face is particularly obtrusive.

"Min De, take her to treat the injury."


"I'm fine, this injury is nothing."

"I don't like to see it."

Aisa looked seriously at Min Hang's face, then lowered his head and followed.

It was another hopeful wait, and this time was the most nervous for everyone.If it works, everything will be fine.

"I really have to admire your luck. This patient is very suitable, and the two are about the same age."

"When will he be able to undergo surgery in his current condition?"

This is what Zi Yicheng cares about the most, he was seriously injured when he was sent here.

"To do it early tomorrow morning, we need very cumbersome preparations. Of course, the signatures of the relatives of the patients are also required, and every procedure is indispensable."

"His relatives are going to attend to the wound and will be here shortly."

"Okay, I'll go prepare the documents first."

After the doctor left, everyone shed tears. It was really difficult, and at least half of the stone in my heart was relieved.

Zi Yicheng stood in front of the glass window and looked at his daughter-in-law and muttered to himself, soon, she will finally no longer have to suffer from illness.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm waiting for you to be discharged from the hospital in good health."

Ye Shengge woke up for a while every day, opened his eyes and looked aside as if telepathically.The smile on his face was beautiful, but he didn't have the energy to raise his hand and wave it.

"Daughter-in-law, I found the source of my heart."

Zi Yicheng quickly made his mouth bigger, trying to make her happy too.

Ye Shengge blinked, which would herald the disappearance of another life.But she really wants to live and can only be selfish once.

Everyone was surrounding Minhang, and the gratitude in their hearts was beyond words.

"Okay, everyone, I know I'm very capable, so I don't need to boast."

"Who praised you?"

Ye Muen lightly punched the opponent on the shoulder, this guy was so skinny, he really didn't dare to use it hard.

After returning, Aisa signed the documents with trembling hands, and tears dripped on the documents when the last stroke was made.

"You can get the money tomorrow, and you can leave at any time. No one will trouble you again."

"Well, thank you sir."

"It's me who should thank you."

When Ye Shengge was pushed out the next day, he was awake, and when he saw his family, he stretched out his hand.She wanted everyone to touch it, in case it was the last time.

"Baby girl, everything will be fine after you come out, you must work hard!"

"Mom, I'll wait for your recovery."

"Mom, I love you!"

The tears that Ye Shengge was trying to hold back still slid to his temples, and Zi Yicheng gently wiped them away and imprinted a kiss.

"Hold on for me."


A team of more than a dozen experts stood at the door, nodded to the family members and pushed them in.

After the door of the operating room was closed, everyone stared at the light on it, expecting it to go out quickly, expecting the person to be pushed out properly.

Aisa also came, because she was going to collect the body for her eldest brother, and she also went to meet someone when she was pushed into the operating room, how wonderful he was when he was quiet.

Time passed by minute by minute, one hour, three hours, five hours, until it was dark and the lights were not turned off.

The nurse came out only twice to get the blood bag, and got no answer, so everyone's heart was hanging.

Instead, Brother Aisa was pushed out first covered with a white cloth. Zi Yicheng almost fainted when he saw the people at first, and when he found out, he wanted to tear down the hospital.

"Please grief!"

"thank you all!"

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Aisa, after all, they were all accomplices, and they were somewhat sorry.

"My older brother would be better off in heaven."

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