Chapter 640
After hanging up the phone, Ye Muen looked at her with pleading eyes in anticipation. Power can really make people crazy, don't look at a small country.

"If we still need to use a lot of our own people to take over this task, you should also know how skilled our people are."

"I know, I have learned it all."

They've been beaten up before, and it's easy to beat a dozen or so.This is a huge help, have to agree.

"No problem, all their expenses will be calculated separately."

Ye Muen nodded in satisfaction, very kind.

"And you also know the identity of my brother-in-law, it's not a condition that makes him very tempted, it's really hard to ask."

"Do you think the money is not enough? Why don't you mention it."

He has a lot of money if he doesn't have much, or a lot of money.

"Okay, I'll double the amount here, my brother-in-law wants five times as much, and as for our subordinates, it's fine to be the same as me."

"A total of 14 billion!"

"Yes, professional people should pay accordingly. You can think about how much you can get if you succeed. In fact, our asking price is not high."

Not too high, three years of work for nothing, okay?But he was reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf, and he was bound to win Pengguo.

"make a deal!"

"Pay half of the deposit to the designated account first, and make the final payment after the event is completed."

"no problem."

"Also, once an agreement is reached, all actions must be obeyed by us, and all your people and your weapons will be taken over by us."

"Sure, I'll get someone to transfer the money right away. I just don't know when Mr. Zi will arrive."

"If the money reaches him today, he can get on the plane tomorrow."

A piece of paper with my sister's account written on it was handed to Tuoba Haicheng, and the other party did not hesitate to call the bank directly to handle the remittance.

Zi Yicheng called his brother-in-law back after receiving the call from the bank. The series of operations between the two of them were completed under Ye Shengge's nose.

"You guys are going out to earn extra money."

"That's right, the big business that is rarely delivered to your door must be taken."

Ye Shengge's eyes widened when she asked about the exact amount. She didn't even have that much money.

"After you get all the money back, you give a part of it to Asen and the others. As for the people who come later, they only need to share a part of it. If you give too much at one time, it's easy to get frustrated."

"Understood, I will look at it."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. When I come back, I will pick you up and leave the hospital. We will never come to the hospital again."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back, pay attention to safety."

"Well, now with Tuoba Haicheng, everything will be much easier."

This time Zi Yicheng only took Ouyang away, it was enough for the people waiting at sea to appear again.A group of people waiting in the country are responsible for the safety of the family members.

Wei Liu and Wei Jiu officially assumed the guarding duties of the hospital. One of the two must stay in the ward, and anyone who comes in must be checked every time.

Ye Muen also moved directly to Tuoba's house so that they could communicate at any time. After all, there is still a lot to know about Wanqi's house.

But Tuoba Jiang was only happy for a while before being rejected face-to-face. Although her words were not unpleasant, she was very embarrassing. She simply moved to live in her own villa and came back after the person left.

Tuoba Haicheng personally picked Zi Yicheng off the plane, and the other party finally saw the person who could only be seen in newspapers or on TV.

"Mr. Zi, welcome."

"Mr. Tuoba is good."

"Okay, let's go back to rest first, I have prepared a residence for you and Secretary Ouyang."


Zi Yicheng felt sad when he got in the car and looked at the prosperity of Pengguo. Except for the territory and population, their such a big country can't compare with the economic development of a small country.

But he has no chance to fight for it anymore, as long as he goes abroad, he will face various scrutiny, even if there is no problem, it is impossible to sit in that position.

"By the way, Mr. Tuoba, I brought dozens of people. You need to arrange accommodation here."

"No problem, all of them live near my house, and that area is my property. It is also convenient for you to communicate at any time."

"Very good. I want to see all the information of the entire Wancheng family before tonight. You should know that my wife is still in the hospital, so everything should be done as soon as possible."

"Everything has been prepared, and we will arrange for you to have the opportunity to enter the palace."

Tuoba Haicheng was so excited, the faster they were, the sooner he could take that position.Worth the money spent!
"Also, I forgot to mention it before. You also know that my uncle originally came to buy the mine veins of Pengguo, and three of them are properties that were previously optimistic about Wanqi's family. So after the completion of the three mine veins Be mine too."

"It's a small matter, even if you give it a few seats."

"Then thank you Mr. Tuoba for your generosity."

His daughter-in-law would be happier if he had more, and he could continue to do jewelry business.

When he came to Tuoba's house, Zi Yisheng had a meeting with his brother-in-law Ouyang first. Their plans had to be more detailed.

"Now it seems that it is a forced palace. We don't ask for the process or the result."

"Well, it doesn't matter if it looks good or not."

"It is impossible for a country to make private teams and national teams evenly matched."

Ouyang shook his head speechlessly. In their country, as long as there is a sign, they can be pressed to death.

"This is also convenient for us. Let Mo Lin lead the team to command Tuoba Haicheng's team to fight against the peripheral army, and I will accompany you into the palace."

"It's too rough and simple."

The moment Ouyang listened to Ye Shao's words, he felt that they were redundant.

"What's rough, what you want is to be quick and accurate."

Zi Yicheng didn't say a word, but he always felt uneasy when he saw the names written down by his uncle.

"We can't be quick and precise. We have to go in and find out the situation first. I'm afraid that not all the people who know the secret are in the territory of Pengguo. We can only do it after locking everyone in."

"That's right, I have lost even the most basic sense of stability as a father."

Zi Yicheng patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder. It is quite understandable for a person in his thirties to have a child. He is in a hurry to go home to see his wife.

"I haven't said congratulations yet, my life is finally perfect."

"Congratulations, Young Master Ye!"

"Thank you, hahahaha, thank you!"

Ye Muen smiled like a fool, Ouyang was very disgusted.His children were the first to be born, at least he was the best at marrying and having children.

"The day after tomorrow, we will attend the banquet as investors. At that time, Ouyang and I will be in charge of negotiating business, and you guys will sneak in and find the people on the list for interrogation."

"Understood, it may take a long time."

Zi Yicheng understood in seconds that the interrogation must be done by the uncle himself.

"I'll delay the time. The outside department has good staff. If there is a real trouble, I can only come hard."

"I'll make arrangements right away, as long as I have two hands ready."

When Tuoba Haicheng saw Ye Muen coming out, he hurried up to meet him, and was hugged away before he could speak.

"Let's go and see your large army first, and I'll arrange for people to train tacit understanding first."

"Okay, let's go now."

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