Chapter 644 Poor and Innocent Woman

In fact, Tuoba Haicheng's ability to fight against Wanqi's family all these years has not been eliminated, which also proved his ability. He took that position and immediately took down those who were still opposing him.

Zi Yicheng didn't know what to say when he saw the woman brought back by his uncle. This was a person who had been imprisoned for a long time, pale and thin without seeing the sun.

Ouyang squatted down in front of her slowly, trying to keep his voice as soft as possible and raised his hands.

"We are here to save you, do you remember the past?"

The young woman may have been frightened for a long time and shrank in a corner, but she still spoke.

"Have you seen my daughter? Can you let me see her again, please!"

"Don't get excited, your daughter is safe with her father, this time I took you to meet her."


"Really, is your daughter's name Mu Mu?"

The woman burst into tears uncontrollably, and shook her head in pain.

"I, I don't know what the child's name is. I only took a look at her after giving birth. I don't even know who the child's father is. I want to go home!"

Ouyang sighed, what an innocent and pitiful woman, she looked at most eighteen or nineteen years old.

"What's your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Daoqin, age, how old is the child?"

"Three years and eight months."

"I know I was 17 when I gave birth to her, three years and eight months, I should be almost 21."

Ouyang glanced at Young Master Zi, he didn't know what to say.

"You have to go with us first, and then Papa Mumu will tell you everything. As for your wanting to go home, you need to discuss it."

"May I know who you are?"

"I'm Mu Mu's cousin, you can trust us."

Dao Qin didn't know how many years it was, let alone where he was.But she wanted to see the child, even just a glance.

"I would like to go with you."

Zi Yisheng and Ye Muen left after receiving all the money, leaving Ouyang and a dozen others to take care of the mine procedures, and Tuoba Haicheng generously gave the Hefeng family's property with both hands.

No one would want to give it away, Ouyang has revealed his true nature since he came into contact with the business, don't even try to covet him if he is cheap.Before leaving, all of them had to pay Tuoba Hai their air tickets.

Zi Yisheng rushed to the hospital as soon as he got off the plane, and when he saw his daughter-in-law was basking in the sun in the yard, he stepped forward and hugged her.

"I am back."

"I've been waiting for you to take me home."

"Well, let's have Dr. Watson check it out and leave the hospital."

Before Zi Yisheng left, Dr. Hua Ersen said that he could be discharged from the hospital. He was worried and asked his wife to stay for a few more days because he didn't have a final examination.

Holding his wife all the way back to the ward, this place was a place he hated from the very beginning.

"Things are going well?"

"Yes, through Pengguo, I feel that our country is very powerful. These small countries are really too vulnerable, and they don't even understand it."

"That's good. We'll get stronger and stronger in the future. I've made too much money this time. It feels like we don't have to do anything."

"People are greedy. If they have money, they only want to get richer, or they want to use money to prove their abilities."

Ye Shengge knew that her family couldn't be idle, but she could see with her own eyes how they proved themselves in the future.

Dr. Wallson did the examination himself, and the results were surprisingly good.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Zi, you will be healthy in the future. However, organ transplantation requires long-term anti-rejection drugs. It is easy to take one tablet a day."

"How long should I take this medicine? Are there any side effects?"

This is what Zi Yicheng is most worried about, because the medicine is [-]% poisonous.

"Generally, it takes one to two years. The specific situation can only be known by regular inspections. As for side effects, there will definitely be, but it is different for everyone.

It may cause high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, and elevated blood sugar.The most serious is nephrotoxicity. "

Zi Yicheng frowned, he thought everything was fine.

Ye Shengge held the hand of the person behind him. These diseases can all be treated with medicine.And it's not a problem to have a master and a senior brother.

"Thank you, Dr. Watson, I will insist on taking medicine and reexamination."

"Okay, please contact me immediately if there is any situation, my phone will never be turned off."

Zi Yicheng pushed his daughter-in-law back to the room, he is used to it now, no matter how much torture he has endured, he will not be afraid of anything.

"Go back now or wait for everyone to pick you up tomorrow."

"Wouldn't it be better to give them a surprise."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Hahaha, let's go!"

Gu Miao and Asen followed happily, leaving the rest to the other brothers.

Ye Muen went to the bedroom immediately after returning to her sister's house. The daughter-in-law suffered from morning sickness, she couldn't eat anything, and she was lethargic, which was a torment.

Looking at the person who is sleeping deeply, he is only 22 years old and has to bear all this for him.Holding the hands that are still a little rough, the traces of the hard work in the previous life have not been completely eliminated.


"It's me, daughter-in-law."

Afraid of scaring people, Ye Muen hurriedly made a sound, and turned on the lamp on the bedside.

"Moon, you are finally back."

Qu Huanhuan was hugged just as she was about to sit up.

"Mom can't be too aggressive when speaking, and be careful in everything."

Qu Huanhuan felt at ease in her warm embrace. She hadn't slept well these days, and she said she was fine and not in danger, but she was still worried.

"Aren't you going?"

"Well, I will take you wherever I go in the future."


She didn't ask what was the matter, and she was very satisfied with such an answer.

Ye Muen carefully touched his still flat belly, and felt a sense of blood connection in his heart.

"She's very disobedient."

"No way, everyone's physique is different. Mr. Fan said that it will be better in a month, and he will be able to eat and sleep by then to ensure that he will become a big fat man."

"Hahahahaha, there are many fat people abroad, are you going to join the ranks?"

"It can't be helped. Our mother said that even Sheng Ge gained a lot of weight when she was pregnant."

Ye Muen smiled even more happily, remembering that her sister howled every day to lose weight after giving birth, but she lost weight after breastfeeding.

"When Shengge is discharged from the hospital, you and her should learn more and see how well she recovers. We can't learn from Chen Tangtang."

"Whether you're flattering or not, the words Sheng Ge taught me describe you."

"What Sheng Ge taught you is correct, but what I said is also the truth."

"By the way, Shengge sent me a large amount of money, and I don't know if I should take it or not."

Ye Muen put the person on the bed and sat up, and took out a small box from his pocket.

"Take what Shengge gives you. She is not greedy for cheap. I earned everything this time. Look at the present I brought you."

Qu Huanhuan quickly took it and opened it. It was a small doll studded with diamonds and gems, and it was still a girl.

"It's so pretty, if only our baby could be as pretty as it is."

"It will only look better, our family can't be ugly."

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