Chapter 148 I am Thor
And over there in New Mexico.

Coulson was instructed to arrive in New Mexico overnight.

The place where unknown energy was detected, and after arriving, except for a strange rune mark.

There is also a large hole, and it seems that some kind of heavy object has fallen to the ground.

Fortunately, this is a wilderness, otherwise the impact caused by this would easily cause casualties.

Although Coulson found that there was only one big pit besides a strange rune mark, he still ordered people to surround the rune mark and the big pit.

Given the large amount of anomalous energy detected by S.H.I.E.L.D., this is most likely a supernatural event.

Of course, these rune imprints may also be some weird rituals of the cult, but all these have to be tested and verified by a professional team before the answer can be obtained.

Just as long as Coulson had surrounded the two places, he received a message.

Half an hour after the abnormal energy beam appeared last night, Tony Stark came here.

And when Tony returned to the vicinity of the manor, it was carefully confirmed by satellite images that Tony was holding something in the shape of a hammer in his hand.

This means that there is a high probability that the things that should have been here were taken away by Tony.

This made S.H.I.E.L.D. difficult. Even if other ordinary people took some things, it is not difficult to get them from ordinary people according to their means.

But the thing was taken away by Tony Stark, so let alone getting it back, it is not so easy to get the words out of Tony's mouth.

Therefore, Coulson can only quickly get things done around here.

Now that Tony made a move, nine out of ten of these are supernatural events.

And supernatural events must be concealed by every means. According to satellite images, there were witnesses last night.

He had to deal with the witnesses first, or at least destroy the evidence, otherwise some influence would be spread on the Internet, which would easily cause some sensation.


Also in Asgard.

The gatekeeper Heimdall saw that Thor's Hammer, which was cursed by God King Odin, was actually picked up by someone other than Thor and Hela.

And there was not just one person who picked up Thor's Hammer, but two.

This startled Heimdall, and he couldn't help wondering whether God King Odin had cast a curse.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that just after sending Thor's Hammer to Blue Star, he met two people who met the standard.

It's just that he only dared to think in his heart and didn't dare to ask this question.


During the daytime the next day, Thor woke up in a hospital.

"Heimdall take me back."


Thor looked at the surrounding environment, ran down from the bed, and immediately started calling.

I want Heimdall to send himself back to Asgard and let him talk to his father again.

But Heimdall, who used to respond immediately as soon as he yelled, now doesn't respond no matter how he yells.

This made Sol a little panicked. As a god, he was relegated to Blue Star and lost his exclusive weapon Thor's Hammer. This kind of gap would break anyone's mentality.

Sol's waking up attracted some medical staff and caused some farce.

However, Thor quickly escaped from the hospital, trying to find a way to find his Thor's Hammer, and find a way to return to Asgard.

And just after he came out, he met two young and beautiful women who looked familiar.

"Look, Jane, isn't this the man from last night?"

"How did he get out of the hospital so soon?"

Daisy Louise said in disbelief when she saw this handsome and burly man running onto the road.

They also rushed over to see if the man hit by their car was okay.

You must know that this man was hit by their car last night. Normal people would have to stay in the hospital for a while, but now he appeared here.

When Jane Foster heard Daisy's words, she also looked over, and she really saw the man who was supposed to be lying in the hospital, but now he was not lying in the hospital, but alive and well, without the slightest sign of being hit by a car and being injured.

This made Jane's eyes flash, and her brain instantly remembered that this man seemed to be insane last night, and kept calling the names of some characters in the deified legend. She immediately stopped the car and walked over quickly.

"Are you OK?"

Jane stopped Saul, who was wearing a hospital gown.

"I think I've seen you."

Sol saw this young and beautiful woman stop him and seemed to care about him, and some vague impressions appeared in his mind.

"Of course you have seen us, we were the ones who hit you with a car last night."

"What's your name handsome?"

"My name is Daisy Louise"

Daisy said with a nervous smile when she heard Saul's words.

"My name is Thor."

Seeing the other party introduce himself actively, Saul also said his name.

"Are you sure you're not crazy, or role-playing?"

Although they had already seen this man's psychotic appearance last night, Daisy wondered if this man was still suffering from such a self-proclaimed appearance.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, a crazy woman."

Saul felt the woman's eyes and said with a frown.

"My name is Jane Foster, and we bumped into you last night."

"Please let us make it up to you."

Seeing the self-proclaimed name of this handsome blond guy, Jane Foster became more curious and said.

"Jane, look at his lively appearance, he doesn't need to make up for it, is it okay?"

Daisy spoke when she heard these words.

"If you have any problems, maybe we can help you."

Jane rolled her eyes at Daisy, then looked at Sol and said sincerely.

They detected some very special energies last night, and they created a storm.

This man appeared in the center of the storm, and mentioned the names and objects in the myth crazily. Among them, the word Rainbow Bridge made Dr. Eric go directly to the library to check the information.

"Then help me find a suit of clothes."

Sol stretched out his right hand when he heard the words, wanting to directly transform into his own battle armor, but after finding out that he couldn't change the battle armor, he looked at this young and beautiful woman and said.

"Okay, come with us."

Seeing Sol make another weird move before asking for their help, Jane strengthened her mind to help this man.

As long as she helps, she can get the information she wants through this man.

Although Sol really wanted to find his Thor's Hammer, he ran around wearing a hospital gown, fearing that he would be caught directly, so he left with Jane.

 The fourth is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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