I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 21 You Are Harassment

Chapter 21 You Are Harassment

"Tony, what did you and Mr. Coulson talk about?"

After Pepper saw Coulson leave on the first floor, he saw Tony walking directly to the basement, and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just talked about the current situation and future of Blue Star."

When Tony Stark heard the words, he also casually perfunctory, and went straight down in the elevator.

Regarding the matter discussed with Coulson, even a genius like him was able to accept it so quickly after seeing the Grim Reaper with his own eyes, and had some mental preparations.

If Pepper, an ordinary person, understands and believes it, he doesn't know how many words he would have to waste.

Maybe after convincing Pepper, he will say that he doesn't want him to go to the battlefield and so on.

Although Tony Stark's words were perfunctory, they were undoubtedly the truth. The content of the conversation between the two of them was summed up to revolve around the future of Blue Star.

It's just that Pepper couldn't be satisfied seeing Tony Stark's perfunctory attitude, so he also took the initiative to follow up, wanting to ask Tony Stark a good question.

Tony Stark already had a way of dealing with Pepper, so the two started bickering with each other.


the other side

Last night, Harvey Amberaka reached out to him from Tony Stark.

He already knew Tony Stark and had already solved Obadiah Stane, and the Iron Bully obviously couldn't get out.

Because there is no Obadiah Stanis to snatch it, it is impossible for others to make the Ark reactor in a short time.

So the next period of time will be a time of calm.

Of course, the calm is only relative to Harvey. For others, New York has never been peaceful.

Tony Stark couldn't settle down for a short time.

With Tony Stark's character, as long as he knows that he can ask him to meet through the dark net, he will definitely contact him later.

Now all he has to do is wait.

As for why Harvey didn't answer Tony Stark's call last night, there was no significant reason and he wasn't busy.

It's simply that Harvey doesn't want to see Tony Stark showing off to himself.

After all, although Tony Stark's temperament has changed a lot, he has become kind-hearted and willing to help the weak.

But the words and actions of Tony Stark's ego and disregard for others' feelings have not changed much.

Harvey was wearing short-sleeved shorts and was playing games in front of the luxurious big screen in the lobby.

He knew that he would soon usher in his No.20 second year in the Marvel universe.

In this world, Harvey doesn't have many friends to talk to.

Because Asians were still orphans in the past, he was bullied and ignored because he was born in poverty.

He doesn't think too much about things like friends, just don't bother him, just block his sight.

This idea has awakened the system to have powerful power. After Harvey's superficial identity is already the diamond king in the eyes of countless people, Harvey doesn't want to make any friends anymore.

If you need to deliberately cater to others to make friends with others, then he might as well not make friends.

If we talk about Harvey's hobby of relaxing during the rare two days of rest in addition to the five days he must exercise in a week.

Then it is to find more delicious food or play games at home.

All kinds of games, Harvey initially liked to play competitive games, such as racing, MOBA, FPS and so on.

However, with Harvey's physical fitness and senses, playing competitive games, he is always regarded as a cheating player every time, and is often reported and banned.

Harvey was too lazy to call to argue with the official, so gradually Harvey stopped playing competitive games and turned to casual games.

For example, those who keep pets and farm, this kind of game will be fine even if it is not online for a long time.

Just in line with the way he rests from playing about a few hours a week.

Feel free to spend some money, and from time to time, you can exchange ideas with people online, which is also a good way to relax.

Harvey spent more than an hour after finishing some of the daily tasks in several games.

After that, Harvey went out to find something to eat when he had nothing to do.

With five meals a day, he would have more than [-] evolution points a day.

If he specifically eats food made by some more powerful animals, he can get more evolution points.

As for the wine, it won't bring him too many evolution points, it's just a drink.

However, Harvey generally does not look for it specifically. After all, if he wants to evolve points, he has many ways to obtain a large number of evolution points, so he always comes in whatever mood he likes.

If he is willing to be tough on himself, it is not impossible to evolve a hundred times a week.

Harvey drove the Maserati out this time, and while driving, he was thinking about when Tony Stark was holding some big dinner parties or exhibitions, so that he could go over and eat.

Just like that, the days passed by.


A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Tony Stark drove the Iron Armor and went to Afghanistan many times in a row to find the Ten Rings.

It took some time, and Tony Stark finally wiped out the Ten Commandments, freeing Gumira from the purgatory on earth.

All the Confederate States and the United States are rumored to be rumored to be Iron Man.

The people of Gumera regard Iron Man as a hero, but many people in the United States have begun to doubt whether it is the technology produced by Stark Industries.

Because at present, only Stark Industries in the United States has the possibility of producing such advanced technology.

Faced with many doubts from the outside world, Tony Stark finally held a press conference and said that sentence directly in front of countless people in the world, I am Iron Man.

The confirmation of Iron Man's identity has made countless people in the United States crazy about it.

Then came the summoning of the National Council.

I want Tony Stark to hand over the core of this technology and contribute to the country.

The average person might be intimidated by the Council of States, but who is Tony Stark.

Before he changed his face, he was a well-known super genius and weapons dealer in the world, and he was also an honorable taxpayer. It was not so easy to suppress him with power.

So Tony Stark refused in public and left directly.

This move has made countless people in the United States admire Iron Man even more, and his reputation is even better than when he was a playboy.

And that is on this day a month later.

After Tony Stark rejected the question from the Council of Nations, he returned to the manor to have dinner, then went downstairs to his laboratory and ordered casually.

"Jarvis, contact Harvey Amberaka."

"Okay, sir."

Jarvis has long been used to this, since Tony Stark was rejected the previous time.

Every day Mr. Tony Stark would put him in touch with Mr. Harvey Amberaka.

I thought this time it would be the same as usual, and I would be rejected in an instant, but this time it was connected.

"Tony Stark, you have been calling every day for a month, do you know that this is already harassment."

"My mobile phone and tablet, there are many other uses, rather than shutting down every day in order not to receive your call."

And the first sentence greeted by the connection was Harvey's disdainful words.

"Jarvis, am I harassment?"

When Tony Stark heard this sentence, he stopped when he was planning to work, and asked belatedly.

"In a sense yes, sir."

Jarvis paused for a moment, thinking about whether to answer truthfully, but in the end he chose a tactful answer.

 The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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