I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 281 The situation has changed

Chapter 281 The situation has changed
"The spiritual scepter is the spiritual gem?"

"That thing was taken away by S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Should I bring it back?"

Tony heard Harvey's confirmation. Although he didn't know the specific ability of the Mind Stone, he said with some concern.

"If you want to get it back, you can do it at any time, and if you have a single infinite gem."

"The power gem and the time gem will be more powerful."

"Other soul gems, space gems, reality gems, and mind gems all represent different abilities, but they will be more tasteless."

Harvey didn't care at all.

Only when the Mind Stone is in the hands of Vision, will it be more powerful, because the Mind Stone is completely under the control of Vision.

However, even if other people get the Soul Gem, because it is difficult to use it thoroughly, the ability is quite tasteless.

At most, it is to make people enter nightmares or hypnosis to change people's minds.

Moreover, this kind of hypnotic change can only take effect on ordinary people. For the real strong, as long as they are not defenseless but deliberately resist, it will not have much effect at all.

So even if the Mind Stone was there, Harvey didn't bother to get it.

"Since Mr. Harvey, you know the specific source and provenance of these infinite gems, don't you want to collect infinite gems?"

"After all, you also said that as long as you collect them all, you can achieve almost omnipotence."

Hearing what Harvey said, Banner asked thoughtfully.

"Although the infinity gem has the ability to be almost omnipotent."

"But if you want to use this kind of foreign object to achieve your goals, you must pay some price."

"And if you have time, the void will bring all you want"

"Obtaining infinite gems just speeds up the process, and will not bring more changes."

Harvey said calmly.

If he wants to rely on Kassadin's ability, he can travel directly to other parallel universes at any time.

With an eternal lifespan and the ability to travel between parallel universes, it can be said that as long as he is given time, there is nothing he cannot get.

So Harvey just didn't want Thanos to get it, just snapped his fingers somehow and knocked himself out.

As for the purpose of relying on the infinite gems, there is no need at all. The time gems can travel through time and gain insights into the past and the future.

This can be done as long as he obtains the ability of the Void Prophet. The power he can possess does not need to use too much external force at all.


Seeing the confidence shown by Lord Harvey's words, Banner was also shocked and nodded.

"Not many people know the true details of the Infinity Stones, so don't pass them on."

"Okay, I'll hang up if there's nothing else to do."

Harvey glanced at Tony, and found that Tony didn't continue to ask, so he said something casually and hung up the communication.

After Harvey hung up the communication.

"Master Harvey is really confident in his own strength."

Banner was silent for a while and spoke.

"Of course, he is the one who has never had a single regret after all."

"When the strength reaches a certain level, you just have to do what you want to do."

Tony nodded when he heard Banner's words.

I originally thought that the power of ether was just a special kind of energy and treasures, but I never thought that it would involve infinite gems.

Although Harvey didn't say many things, the things revealed were not small at all.

And Harvey said that not many people know about infinite gems, so those who know will definitely have ideas about infinite gems.

The main purpose of the previous Chitauri army attacking Blue Star, Tony remembered that Loki said it was for the Rubik's Cube.

Because neither he nor Loki or Sol and others know the details of the Rubik's Cube.

So he didn't take it seriously, but simply thought that the other party came for the ability of the Rubik's Cube to travel through space at will.

But now it seems that the person behind the Chitauri should know the details of the infinite gems.

As long as space gems can be obtained and can descend to any place in the universe at any time, it will be easier to collect all infinite gems.

But there are actually four infinite gems on the blue star. Normally speaking, this is fine, because they are kept by two famous figures, the Supreme Mage and the God King Odin.

As long as these two people are still there, the people behind the Chitauri will not dare to act rashly.

But Tony knew that the lives of the supreme mage Gu Yi and the god king Odin were not long.

God King Odin can be sure that his lifespan has come to an end, but what is the reason for the Supreme Mage to die?

Once these two people are dead, it is reasonable to say that the big man behind the Chitauri will come to Blue Star in person after knowing that Blue Star has no powerful guardian.

And that time will not be too far away, just in 2017.

Thinking of this, Tony frowned unconsciously.

"Tony, what's wrong with you?"

Banner saw Tony frowning, looking preoccupied.

"In fact..."

Tony also explained his thoughts when he heard the words, as well as the information Harvey told him before.

Because Banner's potential is very high, as long as Banner is given some time to grow, it is inevitable to surpass himself.

So letting Banner know about these things is also beneficial for the arrival of the enemy later.

"In 2017, there will be a big enemy coming?"

"And is it still a big man whose strength may not be lower than that of God King Odin?"

"No wonder I feel that you are so strong and have no worries about food and clothing, but there is always an inexplicable pressure on your body."

"I didn't expect you to still have such a thing on your mind."

Banner heard what Tony said was shocking, not only God King Odin would die, but also the supreme mage Gu Yi would die, and someone would want to snatch the Infinity Stone.

"You don't know how much pressure these secrets have brought to me..."

After Tony said it, he didn't know if it was because of an extra insider, which made him feel relieved.

"Normal people know that these things can be really stressful."

"But your worries seem a little too much."

"Even if someone really wants to come to Blue Star to snatch the infinite gems."

"But the Reality Gem, one of the Infinity Gems, was only given to us by Master Harvey to study and keep."

"But the Reality Gem is actually a gift from God King Odin to Mr. Harvey."

"Even if the other party grabs the other five infinity gems, if they want to collect them all, they have to pass Lord Harvey first, right?"

When Banner heard Tony's words, he also agreed with Tony's pressure, and at the same time said it directly.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this..."

When Tony heard Banner's words, he suddenly realized.

He was worried before because Harvey wouldn't help, but now the Reality Gem belongs to Harvey.

If that enemy wants to snatch it, then it will definitely be snatched by Harvey in the end.

According to Harvey, as long as the six infinite gems are not collected, the power brought by the infinite gems is not invincible, and there is still a chance to deal with it.

Thinking of the pressure accumulated in Tony's heart, he was instantly relieved.

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(End of this chapter)

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