Chapter 598

"You can only advocate balance but not equality?"

Steve was thoughtful when he heard Miss Sarah's words.


"Everyone has different identities, different situations, different ideals, different positions, and different expectations."

"The same is to get 100 million universe coins, and different people will have different feelings."

"Some feel that they have made a fortune and can work less for many years, while others are just happy but not too excited."

"Some people think that 100 million universe coins are just a drop in the bucket, and they don't pay attention at all."

"This will further talk about the ability and vision, the different desires they bring, and even various things such as satisfaction, accomplishment, and joy. It will be more complicated to elaborate."

"There are many similarities in the desires between people, but they are only similar. Unless they are completely integrated into an individual, they will never be equal."

"After realizing this, you know that no matter what civilization you are in, there is no such thing as equality."

"So how to balance the desires of various people, maintain overall stability, and seek more development has always been the foundation of the Xandar Empire's research for countless years."

Sarah nodded slightly when she heard the words, and said slowly.

"Then if someone advocates equality, that is to say..."

When Pietro heard this, he felt his outlook on life was greatly shocked.

His cultural level is not high, but because Ms. Sarah's words are easy to understand, he can understand some meanings.

Seeing that Mr. Pietro understood everything, Sarah continued to explain.

"That's right, if there is, it is to use false equality slogans and rhetoric to deceive people's hearts for their own interests."

"America uses equality rhetoric."

"For example, advocating Yiming, granting more human rights and rights, etc., so as to gain power and let a minority of people seek votes for themselves."

"Totally disregarding what consequences this will bring to the future of a force."

"I don't know if you've heard of it. I should enjoy myself in time while I'm alive, so don't care about the saying that the flood will be overwhelming after his death."

"This sentence applies to people who only need to be responsible for themselves, living in the present, and doing what they want while they are young."

"I won't regret it when I'm old, I came to this world for nothing."

"However, this sentence is not applicable to those in power of a force.

"Because the actions of those in power not only affect themselves, but also the countless subordinates under them, or the people."

"One decision affects the future of the entire force, the lives and even lives of countless people."

"Of course, this is something that those in power who are aware of their responsibilities and truly care about the future of power will think about it."

"It's all too common for those in power to use their power for personal gain."

"The main reason for the destruction of a civilization or a force is often not from the outside, but from internal turmoil."

In order to let the guests talk about various things, Sarah has studied the historical and cultural background of many civilizations. She knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom, and knows all kinds of cultures from ancient to modern times.

So Sarah is naturally very transparent about the essence of these things.

There are many factors that affect the success and failure of some powerful civilizations.

But basically the biggest reason often comes from an unstable or even turbulent interior.

It is the truth summed up by the prosperity and decline of countless forces to first settle the inside and then fight the outside.

"Are you saying that emigration is a mistake?"

After hearing the words, Steve thought about what Miss Sarah said, and asked.

The seer also told him that the Xandar Empire had a dark age.

Although there is no detailed explanation, it seems to be caused by the reception of outsiders.

"It cannot be said that it is absolutely wrong."

"The Xandar Empire allows outsiders to come to learn all kinds of knowledge and technology, and it also allows them to bring the knowledge back to build their own civilization."

"But outsiders want to obtain the status symbol of Xandar Stars, and the method is not without but very strict."

"And because of the lessons of history, it will only become more stringent and impossible to relax the conditions."

"So strict screening is okay, but excessively loose immigration is a mistake."

"The United States now has a large number of immigrants entering because of the transition of those in power for their own interests."

"It's led to a point where it's starting to affect the situation in what would have been an innocuous amount."

"As far as I can see, America has been roasted by black people."

Sarah shook her head slightly when she heard the words, and said slowly.

"Why do you say that?"

Steve's eyes were shocked when he heard this, and he spoke.

"That's the false equality slogan that creates the problem."

"Since the slogan has been shouted, some actions must be taken for it to be able to deceive people's hearts."

"But people's desires will never be satisfied. Once you get one thing, you will want more things."

"Therefore, the equality advocated by the United States has gradually favored blacks or minorities in the United States."

"Excessive favoritism makes black people do all kinds of evil things, such as burning, killing and looting, but while saying that they are pitiful, they continue to use morality to kidnap others.

"There's also the tendency to say sexism, racism, appearance discrimination and then file lawsuits against other people."

"Because of the partiality caused by American politicians for their own interests, so long as these things are crowned."

"Then as long as things are not too outrageous, they will deviate from the original track and stand on the commanding heights of morality to wash away their stigma and even guilt, and even get what they want."

"This kind of thing has actually formed a ZZZQ, which is where I feel sympathy and disappointment."

"Shouting the slogan of equality for their own interests, and constantly favoritism."

"What those in power do is to be generous to others, to benefit themselves at the expense of others,"

"Those in power don't belong to the bottom at all, so when they are alive, they can't bear these sufferings at all."

"And the real sufferers are the original people of the United States."

"Even some countries in Europe have followed suit, boasting about the so-called equality and human rights, and some countries are not far from falling completely."

"I have read and studied the history of many cosmic civilizations."

"I never thought that I could see the wheel of history and the wrong path, and reproduce the day in front of me."

"And ordinary people can't change this situation at all. It's really pitiful and sad."

When Sarah talked about equality, she also talked about why she showed sympathy and disappointment in her eyes. There was no ridicule in her words, but she felt a little pitiful.

She is not sympathetic or disappointed that this kind of thing happened in the United States.

Even if it is placed in any civilization and force, Sarah will feel sad for it.

Because it is the tragedy of a power or a civilization to let people who are generous with the generosity of others to benefit themselves always occupy high positions.

As long as the status quo remains unchanged, latecomers will surely imitate the former, continue to be generous with others, and even think that this is right.

Because of this kind of correctness in Europe, some countries are already on the verge of falling.

It won't take too long for the United States, at most within a hundred years. Even if you don't want to support this crooked ZZZQ, it will be because you can no longer ignore the influence of black people.

Change is difficult, like the gun bill that wants to do something but can't do it.

At that time, if you want to brake, then war will break out.

The Xandar Empire finally won the victory in the past and survived successfully, but it also paid a bloody price, which can even be said to be the shame of the Xandar Empire.

Because I don’t want other civilizations to repeat the same mistakes, even knowing that this may not necessarily allow the latecomers to step into the interstellar age, and the weak civilizations that came into contact with the Xandar Empire will discover and brake in time.

But as long as the possibility still exists, even the shameful Xandar civilization has clearly recorded these in history.


Steve, Peggy, Tony, Stephen, Banner, Star-Lord, Pietro, and Wanda were shocked when they saw the pity in Sarah's eyes.

They originally thought that Ms. Sarah might be a little dissatisfied with this trip to Blue Star, but they wouldn't be too disappointed.

But now I know that this is what Ms. Sarah really thinks. This is no longer a matter of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, but a matter of great disappointment.

Xingjue regards Lanxing as his hometown, and will not live in Lanxing permanently in the future, but he also feels anger in his heart at this time.

This is not something you can use as an excuse to get rid of the fact that the history of the United States is too short.

It's that the United States is really dying, and Ms. Sarah didn't say what the consequences of this are.

But they already know that if they don't intervene, they will let this trend continue.

Then it is only a matter of time before the United States starts a civil war and even destroys it.

"Tony, you understand this."

Steve clenched his fists, his veins bulged, and said in a cold voice.

The mention of near fall made Steve immediately think of a country in Europe.

When he traveled with Peggy before, he didn't feel anything.

But now it is only a matter of time before they come to the United States to follow in their footsteps.

"Of course, it seems that I was too kind before."

"The cleanup that should be cleaned up, the expulsion that should be evicted."

When Tony heard Steve's words, his face was extremely gloomy, and he spoke.

Kassadin had mentioned to him before, asking him to rectify the increasingly lawless blacks.

However, Tony felt that there was no need to be so anxious about this matter, so he put it on hold for the time being, and planned to wait until the interstellar era to find a way to deal with it.

But now Tony knows that he must seize the time to appease the interior, otherwise it is impossible to promote a community of shared future for mankind in such a situation.

Sol and Loki felt comprehended after hearing this
The two of them are now the king of Asgard and the other is the second in command of Asgard.

Because they knew the heavy responsibility on their bodies, the two also felt that they had to consider too many things every time they made some decisions.

After listening to these now, the two of them also gained something.

"Thank you Miss Sarah, we have been educated."

So Saul thanked Miss Sarah.

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. Thank you Miss Sarah for your guidance."

Loki also felt that his thinking and determination had become more clear, and said with a smile.

Miss Sarah is worthy of being the embodiment of the treasure house of knowledge, having a large enough knowledge reserve to directly understand the essence of certain things.

No wonder the queen always wanted the two of them to find a way to abduct Miss Sarah home.

My mother must have known for a long time that with Miss Sarah's character and insight, she can definitely become the support behind a man's success, not just a vase with ostentatious appearance.

"Miss Sarah, I also want to thank you for letting me truly understand where the evil comes from."

Banner was also very angry at this time, even his eyes had turned green, and he said gratefully.

"I'm just telling my feelings and some opinions, it's not that exaggerated."

"Okay, the essence of equality has also been said."

When Sarah heard these thanks, the disappointment in her eyes dissipated, she waved her hand lightly, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Miss Sarah, let me first say sorry for embarrassing you this time."

"But what you see, hear and feel is very useful to us."

Tony looked at Sarah and thanked Sarah seriously.

"Since you know that you are embarrassing me this time, don't embarrass me again in the future, otherwise I will be angry."

Sarah heard that with a smile on her face, her voice was also extremely sweet.

With that sexy appearance and sweet voice, it doesn't look scary at all.

But Tony and the others also knew that they couldn't deliberately embarrass Sarah.

"Black Day Friday will officially arrive at Blue Star in 10 minutes."

"I'm going to the battlefield first, and then I will directly open the portal to find you."

Stephen desperately wanted to vent the anger in his heart at this time, but he couldn't yell or shoot at these people.

The only ones who could bear his anger were General Obsidian and his subordinates who were going to attack Blue Star to snatch the Time Stone.

So Stephen said something and directly opened the portal and left.

According to the future he watched, no matter where he is, Black Day will arrive at Blue Star, and he will be followed closely.

"No matter how you feel now, put it aside for a while."

"After solving the five generals of Obsidian, let's work together to find a way to solve it step by step."

Tony realized that time had passed so quickly, and he also knew what the most important thing at the moment was.

So I didn't bother to thank Miss Sarah carefully and make amends.

"I can't wait to vent my anger now..."

Banner's eyes are already green at this time, which is the result of extreme anger in his heart but still suppressed.

As long as he let go, he can immediately transform into Hulk and burst out his strongest strength.

"Although I was angry after knowing the truth, it also made me feel at ease."

"Otherwise, you will always be kept in the dark, and all your efforts will only make wedding dresses for others."

"Only when it is truly resolved, can I truly go to the universe with peace of mind."

Steve clenched his fists and said with a cold look in his eyes.

 The first update of [-] characters in Japan is sent
(End of this chapter)

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