I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world.

Chapter 613 Comprehend and Crazy Thanos

Obsidian Friday will bring the news of 28 extinctions, and it will spread to the civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way in just half a day.

Thanos, the guy who makes troubles and destroys planets everywhere, can be deflated. For many people, that must be happy to see.

The news spread all the way beyond the Andromeda galaxy.

Inside Titan.

The anger in Thanos' heart could no longer be suppressed at this time, his fists kept pounding, the ground trembled from the beating, and there was a huge vibration.

It was like a wild beast going berserk.

"Void God taught you how many good things you want to ruin me!"

"They're all a bunch of trash, they can't even bring back a gem."

Thanos yelled while going crazy, his eyes were bloodshot.

This is the third time the Void God Sect has indirectly destroyed his plan.

One was the battle of New York led by the Chitauri, and the other was the battle of Xandar.

This time, Black Day Five will be defeated by Blue Star, and the loss will be even greater. These are all his cronies and subordinates who have recovered for many years.

The people of Void God Sect don't talk about the principle of three things, and they sabotage his plan time and time again.

He originally expected to get some of these gems, and after learning how to use them, his strength improved greatly.

Waiting for a good opportunity to go to Gao Tianzun for negotiation and cooperation, and now he is still waiting for a hair, he failed to get a single gem, so go to Gao Tianzun.

Gao Tianzun probably didn't even bother to talk to him, and couldn't even meet him face to face, let alone cooperate.

While Thanos was angry at this time, his thoughts were spinning rapidly, thinking about the point of turning the tables so that his plan could be carried out smoothly.

There is no hope for the gems of the Nine Realms, and there is no hope for the power gems in the hands of the Void God Cult.

All he can count on is the legendary soul gem.

It's just that General Obsidian is dead, and the group of waste Chitauri lost a lot last time.

Even when he first sent out to inquire about news, his most beloved daughter Gamora betrayed him along with Nebula.

Thinking of this made Thanos seem to be a thousand years old, he stopped venting and returned to his throne and sat down.

The Void God Sect has only disrupted the situation three times, making him almost equivalent to a bald commander now.

Although he still has a lot of troops under his command, they are all useless.

Thanos is very confident in his mind, combining a lot of intelligence with past documents and knowledge.

Knowing the loneliness of the supreme mage Gu Yi, he calculated that it is inevitable for Gu Yi to take the initiative to seek death in the future.

Knowing the death of Odin's father Bor, it is calculated that Odin's lifespan is within these few years.

Now that Odin has retired, it is basically impossible to make casual moves.

Counting the vast majority of people in the universe, they don't even know the power of gathering infinite gems.

A great and meticulous plan has been planned, and as long as everything in this plan waits for the moment to arrive, the success rate will be very high.

He also calculated that the new supreme mage is useless now, and he will definitely be able to win it by sending General Black Yaowu.

But Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void who has devoted himself to the void religion, protected the new supreme mage who had not yet grown up, and once again blocked his plan. …

Although it was Tony Stark, Herald of the Void, who stopped his plans.

But Thanos knows that the root of all this is from Kassadin, the God of the Void, who suddenly appeared in the world from nowhere.

If it weren't for Kassadin, the God of the Void, who came to this universe, showing his terrifying strength.

This is fine and will not affect his plan.

As long as he collects all six infinite gems, as long as he wants to snap his fingers, he can instantly kill everything.

However, there are so many civilizations in the universe and so many planets, and the place where Kassadin, the God of the Void, established the Cult of the Void was not a good place to choose, but he chose Xandar, as if it had been premeditated.

"It's been premeditated..."

Thanos thought of this, his eyes flickered and he thought quickly.

He has always believed that no one knows his plan, and no one knows the great power brought by collecting all six infinite gems.

Odin didn't know, Zeus didn't know, Gao Tianzun didn't know that the universe's famous peak powerhouse didn't know.

So he took it for granted, but Kassadin, the God of the Void, suddenly appeared, and his strength was beyond comprehension.

Void God Religion can be established in any civilization, and no one can stop it.

Its strength is already as high as the sky, so what is the point of its knowledge?
If Ronan got the Power Gem, he would be so confident that he would use the Power Gem to directly destroy the Xandar Empire. This kind of thing that he couldn't even predict, was discovered by the Void God Kassadin.

Originally, even if the power gem fell into the hands of the Xandar Empire, he still had a way to get the power gem.

Using the superstar's ability, it is easy to know where the power gem is stored.

If he steals it directly at that time, he can directly rule the Xandar Empire and destroy Xandar, a technological civilization at the pinnacle of the universe, with one blow.

He officially started his journey to collect all six infinite gems.

As long as he stays behind the scenes until Ancient One and Odin die.

No one can perceive his great wishes and ideals, even after the fact.

He has also successfully collected six wireless gems, and no one will be able to hinder his plan at that time.

The power provided by the six wireless gems is almost omnipotent, and almost any wish can be granted.

But all of this was imperceptibly stopped by Kassadin, the God of the Void, who established the Cult of the Void in the Xandar Empire.

Thinking of this Thanos, I feel a little trembling in my soul.

He thought he was already hiding very deep, but he never thought that there was a deeper shadow behind him, and he didn't realize it until now.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, always knew what he was thinking, and could come and kill him at any time.

But Kassadin didn't do that, he just cut off his plan invisibly.

It is clear that the Void Religion was established in the Xandar Empire, but it gave blessings to Tony Stark, the pioneer of the Void, who was born in the Blue Star of the Nine Realms.

Let the little trash of Blue Star grow up in just a few years.

It was as if he felt that he didn't need to directly attack him, just agitating the situation casually would be able to stop all his thoughts.

Let him wait here to die like a bereaved dog.

After realizing all this, Thanos stood up suddenly and let out a roar. …

"Kassadin, God of the Void, you!"

Thanos' mood at this time can be described as shocking and angry.

He is behind the scenes, planning everything without fail.

But Kassadin, the God of the Void, is the one who hides behind the scenes and dominates everything.

And the Void God Kassadin can be said to have succeeded.

He has become a bare-bones commander, no matter whether he wants to or not, he can only wait for the members of the Void God Sect to continue to grow and become stronger, and come to hunt him down.

And he can't take the initiative to attack, because he can't shake the power of the Void God Cult.

Now for him, there is no room for resistance, only the difference between dying early and dying later.

If he didn't know how to reflect on all the details and figure out other people's thoughts, he might be kept in the dark until his death.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, is not like Odin, the dying old man, nor Zeus, the licentious guy, nor is he like the arrogant and supercilious Gao Tianzun.

There is also an ancient god who is hidden from the world and feels that everything can be handled, so there is no need to control the situation.

Instead, it hides behind the scenes, using the insight brought by the power over others, quietly dominates everything, and erases all threats to it.

It's like Kassadin, the void god, keeps recovering his powers.

Thanos has now fully understood that the void god Kassadin just appeared in the universe at that time.

The strength may not have returned to its peak, so it is still very low-key.

Many people have noticed it, but because of the displayed strength, they don't take it too seriously.

He was one of them at the beginning, and Kassadin, the God of the Void, showed very strong strength at the beginning, but he certainly did not reach the peak powerhouse of the universe.

After the Void God Kassadin established the Void Cult, he stayed in the Void Island of the Xandar Empire in a low-key manner.

Hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity, while making your own power stronger, the most important thing is to restore your own power.

If it was at the beginning of the establishment of the Void God Religion, if someone had noticed it long ago.

Maybe the top powerhouse in the universe may be able to confront Kassadin, the God of the Void, and maybe even destroy Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Not to mention the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the universe came to the door, Kassadin, the god of the void, might not be able to resist at that time.

But because Kassadin, the God of the Void, is too low-key, it is justifiable to establish a power, and the location chosen is a place like the headquarters of the Xandar Empire.

He himself can't directly go to trouble with the Xandar Empire, let alone use starburst weapons to confront the Xandar Empire, and he will only die in that way.

If the Captain Marvel who is also stirring up the situation in the universe has any ideas, if he killed the Void God Kassadin in the past, then it should be the best time.

Later, Kassadin didn't come forward even in the battle of the Xandar Empire caused by Ronan, but just let his men go to get it done.

The power gem fell into the hands of Kassadin, the god of the void, and speculation about Kassadin's strength also rose rapidly.

When Kassadin, the God of the Void, has not yet returned to its peak strength, the mystery and the unknown are the best protection for Kassadin, the God of the Void. …

Until the battle of the void after several years of silence, that shot directly confronted Gao Tianzun.

The strength of Kassadin, the God of the Void, has returned to the peak powerhouse of the universe, directly repelling Gao Tianzun, and the land of nothingness fell into the hands of the Void God Cult.

That battle shook the universe and deeply shocked the countless creatures and powerhouses in the universe.

But no one realized, and no god realized that he had missed the opportunity to prevent the Void God Kassadin from recovering his power and rising again.

The terrifying vision brought by the huge dark star last year represented that the power of Kassadin, the God of the Void, had been greatly restored.

Although it has not yet returned to its peak, it is enough.

Since daring to show off has already been foreshadowed, no matter who wants to stop it, it is useless.

That's why Kassadin, the God of the Void, felt that there was no need to keep a low profile, and that's why he had a recent manifestation.

Combining all the collected information from the past and the present allows Thanos to truly understand everything.

When he was planning the Infinity Stones, Kassadin, the God of the Void, was also planning.

And under everyone's gaze, planning everything and it has already succeeded.

Thinking of being targeted by this one person, a random layout disrupted and made all his plans disappear.

"Everyone has missed it, the best time to prevent it."

"Hahaha~ It turns out that this is the real irreversible trend."

Thanos understood everything and understood what the future of this universe would be like, so he laughed at himself.

Kassadin probably didn't take him seriously, and didn't even intend to kill him directly, but solved him when he regained his strength.

Just like how he dealt with an insignificant ant casually in the past, with a casual sentence, the other party's life and death could not be controlled.

If he had figured it out earlier, he would have been able to live by giving up his ideals.

Now even if he wants to live, his life is no longer up to him.

Because he has really met the Void Cult, and he doesn't need Kassadin, the Void God, to come forward.

Those top powerhouses of the Void God Sect attack together, it is enough for him to eat a pot
Now his life has entered the countdown.

As for when to die, it depends on when the pioneers of the void Tony Stark and Bruce Banner think it is the right time.

For the first time since Thanos was born, he experienced the feeling of being involuntary.

This feeling makes people unwilling to accept, but it cannot change the situation that is forced to accept.

Thanos' monstrous ambition cannot be released at all, but can only be suppressed.

His plan for the sustainable development of the universe has completely failed.

No matter how he destroys, the planets he can destroy will not be able to shake the Void Sect, let alone hurt the Void Sect.

Because Kassadin, the God of the Void, has set off a trend that cannot be stopped.

Thanos really understood what is called an unstoppable general trend.

This general trend is bound to sweep the entire universe and even the multiverse.

He understands all of this now, but he can't change it.

Because everyone missed the opportunity and failed to notice this before Kassadin, the Void God, fully recovered his strength.

Not to mention that he couldn't persuade the pinnacle of the universe, even if he could, it would be useless.

Kassadin's strength must have returned to the peak level of the multiverse.

Even if the gods unite all the strong men in this universe, it is useless to summon eternity.

At most, it can only obliterate the Cult of the Void, and cannot threaten Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Thanos still doesn't know where the void where Kassadin is located comes from. I'm afraid no one in the universe knows.

But knowing it or not is useless now.

The low-key all the time is just to set off a trend that endless creatures can't stop.

Thanos' subordinates, the Chitauri, saw their boss, first went mad and smashed, then scolded the Void God Cult, and then talked to himself, as if he was crazy.

None of them dared to make a sound, because the black 28th general still had [-] troops wiped out, and the blow it brought was indeed too great.

The power of the Void God Sect has cast a shadow over everyone.

They also felt that the plan of their boss, Thanos, seemed to have really failed at this moment.

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