Chapter 616
Next, Sarah directly showed Senior Sonia some of the various clothes she bought during the Blue Star trip.

Let Senior Sonia choose some favorites to take back.

On Harvey's side, he directly overlooked the universe and put his sight on the blue star.

As Sonia guessed, Tony's side has already started to act.

Blue Star America looked a little quiet under the night.

New York is in turmoil, and gunshots rang out from time to time.

For the sake of ability, and to prevent problems.

So Star-Lord and Guardians of the Galaxy are responsible for some politicians in New York.

Star-Lord and the Guardians of the Galaxy were all dressed in strong outfits, with a black robe outside.

Covering the appearance makes people only see the height but not the whole picture.

Such a 1.9-meter Drax seems to have no problem.

Groot can freely grow and shrink his size, making himself only 1.9 meters tall.

This caused the remaining Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy to look extremely conspicuous, because he was too short at only 1.2 meters.

However, as long as Rocket doesn't open his mouth, although it looks a bit strange because he is too short, but with Rocket's sufficient combat experience and quick skills, there is no need to worry about Rocket's troubles.

Several people stood on the top of a building, looking at the target location 2000 meters away.

With the evening wind blowing, it was like a group of men in black accompanying the nightfall.

"We spread out and sneak in. Isn't it more efficient?"

"I'm a professional when it comes to assassination."

Nebula looked at them one by one waiting for the opportunity, and suggested.

"I know you are professionals, but although this mission is an assassination type, it is different from the universe."

"Blue Star has not stepped into the interstellar era, let alone connected with the universe."

"So we definitely can't act casually."

Xingjue comforted Xingyun when he heard the words, instead of indicating the difference in nature.

"Jarvis, have you scanned who can be killed?"

Compared with the impatient Nebula, Gamora is not in a hurry at all.

The reason why they didn't start the invasion and assassination right away was because they were waiting for Jarvis's scanning instructions.

After all, they are here to help deal with some scum, not to cause trouble.

So Gamora is definitely doing what Tony Stark tells him to do.

"The scan has been completed. On the surface, there are a total of four active-duty soldiers escorting the escort. In the dark, there are ten mercenary squads watching the surroundings 1000 meters away."

"Everything can be done, and they charge a lot of money."

"Use people's money to eliminate disasters for others."

Jarvis' voice rang out after a few seconds, and marked their appearance and location.

As soon as this map comes out.

Knowing that it was time to do something, Xingjue, Gamora, Nebula, and Rocket all turned over and went down the four-story building.

Galloping quickly on the road, dressed in black to match the night of New York, it is not so easy to detect.

Moreover, most of Blue Star's raids and killings relied on firearms, so the bodyguards and mercenaries were all looking at places where people were easy to hide.

The four attacked and killed them directly from the outside.

He was wearing a dark camouflage uniform, sitting on a big tree to watch out for any mercenaries approaching by suspicious vehicles.

When I saw a black shadow flashing by, I didn't doubt my eyes, just when I was about to pick up the walkie-talkie to convey the message to others.

A bullet directly pierced the sky and pierced the man's head.

"One has been resolved in the east direction."

The sound of rockets rang through the communication channel.

It wasn't until the mercenary fell from the tree that the gunshot followed, breaking the silence of the night sky.

The ability of the rocket can't be used much in the battlefield.

But for small-scale battles that such a small team can execute.

Let alone a sneak attack and assassination, it is an aboveboard attack.

He alone can take down the target, along with all the guards protecting the target.

It's just to prevent mistakes in the first shot, so we act together as a group.

At the same time, it was also because of the gunshot that the soldiers in the villa and other mercenaries around were immediately alerted.

One by one wanted to transmit information, but after the picked-up radio was pressed, the piercing sound of electricity came through.

This situation made their hearts sink one by one.

This means that the enemy has done a good job of signal interference and is ready.

The soldiers in the villa also wanted to spread the news as soon as possible, which congressman was attacked.

It's just that their news can't be spread.

"Enemy attack!"

A mercenary immediately put on his night vision goggles and saw a black figure running towards him at a high speed.

This speed is beyond the range of normal people, reaching tens of meters per second.

This speed and explosive power made the mercenary's eyes shrink.

He didn't know what the enemy was, but he knew that there was only one way to fight against this kind of enemy.

He directly raised the rifle in his hand, aimed at the direction that the black should be heading forward and fired the advance gun, and the bullets converged into a line of fire and shot out obliquely.

It's just that the black shadow's quick running showed him a wave of agility, and the bullet emptied out.

The dozens of bullets in the magazine tilted to the last one, successfully hitting the shadow.

But before the mercenary was happy, he saw that when the bullet hit the shadow, sparks visible to the naked eye were created.

The speed did not decrease at all, as if it was picked up on purpose.

"An unknown monster is coming! Get out!"

When the mercenary saw the spark at this moment, he was in despair, and shouted directly at the top of his voice.

Even if he knows that he is far from his companions, his voice may not be able to convey the past.

But he knew he couldn't survive, and could only hope to get the message across to others, to see if he could get away with one or two alive.

In less than ten seconds, Xingyun crossed more than 500 meters, stepped on the trunk nimbly, and shuttled between the branches.

He didn't have so many fancy skills, and he didn't need to use any weapons. He just simply approached, grabbed and twisted, and killed the mercenary directly.

Her physical body is a machine, although it is not the hardest machine body.

However, with ordinary bullets, it is obviously impossible to break through her defense, unless you use special armor-piercing bullets and a big sniper, then there is still a little chance.

"I've already killed one."

When Nebula conveyed the message.

The voices of Gamora and Star-Lord rang out one after another.

"I killed two here."

"I've killed six of them."

"Keep an eye on the surroundings, don't let people get close, or you will kill in vain."

"I'll go inside and kill the target."

Xingjue's current strength is used to do this kind of sneaky assassination mission, it is really a sledgehammer.

But Xingjue also hopes to do his part.

As a native of the United States, I know that these cancers are secretly harming the entire United States.

If he didn't feel angry and want to help, then he would be sorry for his parentage.

Nebula knew that he was deliberately playing for fun, so the efficiency was not that high, and he didn't mind that his sister Gamora was faster than him.

It's just that Xingyun said with some admiration after discovering Xingjue's terrifying efficiency.

"Xingjue, your current strength is really reliable."

"I don't mind if you can boast more in another time."

"But now is the mission period, so be optimistic about your direction."

Xingjue's words of admiration for Xingyun are very useful in his heart, but he is not directly complacent, but tells Xingyun.


Seeing Xingjue's serious appearance, Xingyun didn't want to joke anymore.

The door was unlocked, so Xingjue went straight into the villa, and as soon as he entered the door, four dark guns were aimed at Xingjue.

It's just that before they could shoot, Xingjue's figure passed directly through them and appeared behind them.

Then the four soldiers fell down neatly, and their necks were directly twisted.

The bald councilor in the villa looked at the person in the black robe in the surveillance video with a look of fear on his face, and was so anxious that the big man kept making phone calls.

But no matter how he pressed, he still couldn't dial.

Until the middle-aged bald councilor saw the black shadow disappear from the monitor.

A pair of hands had grabbed his head, and a voice came from behind him.

"Hello, my dear Congressman who supports the black refugee fortune."

"Are you happy to spend the money you earned all these years?"

Xingjue's address to this congressman sounded extremely friendly, but his voice was extremely cold.

On the surface, they support the recruitment of refugees and earn a good reputation, making the underlying environment in New York more and more chaotic.

Secretly, they made a lot of money in their own pockets from the funds allocated by the government to resettle refugees.

This kind of person makes Xingjue feel disgusted when he sees it.

"I'm not the only one doing this."

"I just followed suit."

"As long as you let me go, how much do you want?"

"As long as I have it, I can give it to you."

The bald councilor was so frightened when he heard what the other party said about what he had done these years, he said hastily.

"All the people you said who did this will go down to accompany you."

"And I don't need you to take the initiative to give it to me. As long as I kill you, your money will be mine."

Seeing the bald-headed congressman, Xingjue felt more and more contemptuous in his heart when he saw the way other people did this, but he was just learning how to do it, so he couldn't blame him.

After finishing speaking, Xingjue directly broke the neck of the bald congressman.

Gamora had also come in at this time, and found a large amount of hidden cash directly according to the location specified by Jarvis, and directly packed it away.

A lot of bribe money cannot be directly credited, so cash is often used.

After Gamora packed the money, he and Star-Lord left with the money and the body of the congressman.

After several people left, all surveillance footage was replaced.

And apart from the monitoring being able to know their existence, no other traces were left behind.

The monitoring has been modified so that no one can trace their traces.

After several people joined Drax and Groot.

Groot sealed the body with a branch, and Drax picked it up and left in a blink of an eye.

Ready to hunt or capture the next target.

The target of hunting is different from the identity of capture. Some people can be killed directly, while others need to be captured and brought back first.


After Harvey saw that the strength of Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy has greatly improved, and the cooperation efficiency has become more efficient, he knows that there is nothing to worry about.

So Harvey looked in the direction of Pietro and Wanda, who were in different cities.

Because he hadn't watched Blue Star before.

So Harvey didn't know what the scattered teams were doing.

It's just that there is no doubt that Pietro and Wanda's action efficiency is faster.

Wanda's constant teleportation and Pietro's speed easily shuttled between buildings, and no one could catch their traces.

Wanda twisted and broke the door with magic, and Pietro entered and the two quickly entered a single-family villa.

It took less than three seconds for the soldier to die, and the congressman to be knocked out and taken away.

At present, more than a dozen people have been tied up on the fighter planes of Pietro and Wanda, all of them were blindfolded, their hands and feet were bound, and they were located in the sky.

These congressmen basically live in high-end communities and don't need to worry about black attacks.

So it was only equipped with four soldiers as guards, taking care of the sentry and the driver and bodyguard.

This is normal enough.

It's just that they never thought that one day they would be targeted by threats far beyond human beings.

Harvey stared at Wanda, the current Wanda magic is really good.

Not only in terms of destruction, but also in terms of flying, teleportation, hallucinations, and mind rewriting.

Because she has not been insane yet and has not been able to touch the dark divine book, Wanda's strength must be far from the peak.

However, it was also because he hadn't touched the dark divine book, and hadn't experienced Pietro's death one after another, and fell in love with her husband, Vision, and had to die seeing Vision.

There is no family broken up, and no witch Agatha punctures Wanda's longing fantasy.

Wanda's mental state is still relatively good.

Knowing that there was no problem with the abilities of the two, Harvey looked at Banner.

It's faster for Banner to act alone, although turning into Hulk is Banner's full strength.

But now, even if he doesn't need to transform, Banner's physical strength is very strong. Wearing the black cloak directly turns him into a god of death.

False assassins sneak in silently to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed and finally kill or take away the target to complete the task.

A real assassin just needs to kill everyone in sight.

Of course, Banner was not that tyrannical, but everyone was killed before seeing Banner's figure.

Various MPs were killed or taken away in terror.

It seems that the target of Steve and Paige is not a congressman.

And went to Virginia, one of the [-] founding states of the United States, which is a place with a long history for the United States.

Harvey noticed that Steve's eyes were extremely cold and indifferent at this time.

It looked more angry than when Sarah mentioned those phenomena and essences.

Obviously after Sarah left, after investigation by Tony and others.

All the nasty things that are being done by the people behind these serious events make it hard for Steve to be Captain America.

 The first is [-] characters higher
(End of this chapter)

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